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Posts posted by trev

  1. Walked out of Church this morning and said to myself This too good a day to waist on domestic duties. So I went home cooked lunch for the family packed some lures and spin rod and then headed off to Iron Cove for an evening session.

    Got there at about 4:30pm and the water was really clear. I thought I would start with HB and chucked a gold/crome producers minnow arround......nothing. I eventually lost the lure to a snag :ranting2: I tied on a 2" hawg in watermelon and had a couple of really hard hits but no hook up. I then went to a different area suggested by Matrix :1clap::1clap: good advice I picked up a nice little flathead to 37.5cm on the hawg(released) I then almost straight away caught a smaller flathead 28cm. I decided to see if any other SP would do good. I tried a little bloodworm colour single tail nothing not one hit. I then tried another of these that I had put some rubber legs on with fly tying legs and needle instant success two more casts and a small tailor next cast another tailor. tried three other SP including squidies with no luck tied on another pwr hawg in watermelon and landed a nice 48cm dusky(dinner) He busted off as I lifted him onto shore (must take net !!) I tied the now chewed Hawg back on and cast in almost the same spot and again drag sings this time a much bigger flathead unfortunately I could not lift him up and was busted off trying :ranting2::ranting2: In all seriousness she would have gone over 70cm easy. Man I was p&%%ed off. I know I would have let it go at that size but I really wanted to land it and take a snap on the phone camera. After that I was shaking. Walked back along bank and caught three more small tailor.

    An excellent little evening relax. Got home at about 7:45pm and was greeted with a nice hot dinner and "would you like a beer darling" Some days are just perfect..


    :beersmile: Trev

  2. BATMAN,

    Was doing a net search on boats and this came up!


    should be good for getting to spots quick. May need to remove the rear fin toopen up rear casting deck ....

    Realistically it doesn't look that different to some of the extreme boats I've seen.



  3. Ken's post made me think :wacko: . How long should a line last?

    So how often do Raiders change their line?

    I use mono mostly. The last line I bought was pioneer Flexline .20mm 3.0kg. This has had about 8 trips out in the salt and two on fresh. So far has performed well.

    I also have fireline on my small baitcaster. This has been on for about 8 mnths but only been used about 6 times.



  4. Have been off sick 4 days outa 5 this week :frozen::badair::puke:

    Dropping my two beautiful daughters off at a camp tonight.

    Saturday daytime take it easy maybe tie some flies for fun and relax.

    Saturday Evening drop :wife: off at camp so she can be the "responsible adult"

    Watch cricket and sport on tele :beersmile::beersmile: if no longer :puke:

    Sunday: good boy go to church then maybe toss a few lures arround shore based somewhere??? Then oick up :wife: and girls

    Try not to annoy 14 yr old son rest of weekend.

    Good luck to all wetting a line look forward to reading the reports



  5. Too bad mate. :ranting2: What type of car is it? I have a close mate that is a wrecker...Mates rates and all that jazz....


    The Car is a Mazda 626 manual. I bought it new in 94 it has been really good up until this last 6 months. CV joints done, new radiator and hoses, and new clutch a month ago. It has done over 230,000 kms and the clutch lasted 225,000 of those (I guess my driving habbits have changed since a teenager!! :1naughty: )

    I'll take it back to the guy who did the clutch and CV joints. I think as one thing gets replaced for new it shows the ware and tear on the others....

    Thanks for the offer of help Joe.

    Well done Mat on the Breambo, I flogged the water solid for 2 hours without a fish I used 2" hawgs watermellon squidgies and HB minows..... But still had fun though.

    Oh well can't let it get ya down



  6. Dropped the kids at Wesley College to see some sheakespear and then headed to Iron Cove for a couple hours between 2 -4pm. Had two hits early lost five hawgs to rocks and did not catch a single fish but it was just great to be fishun. As I was finishing up I met Matrix from this site. Apparently he got at least one decent bream.

    But my day just got worse picked the kids up and as I turned onto Lyons rd there was a big clunk under the car followed by a real really bad grinding knocking sound and no power to the wheels)&)^ :1badmood::1badmood:

    NRMA bloke said the CV joints were all where they should be so it sounds like it is gear box$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

    Oh well further into debt we go.........



  7. I am dropping the eldest two kids at Drummoyne at 2pm to see a play with their grandparents. So whilst they are watching midsummer nights dream I will be tossing lures arround Iron cove to see what I can get. I have no idea of the tides and I don't really care It will be time fishun and not workin.

    Good luck to all raiders wettin a line



  8. I have used them before a couple of times with only moderate success. That might have more to do with me, the angler. I have a mate with a tackle shop and he gave them to me to try. I had more success with alcohol preserved worms but again that could have more to do with me being alcohol preserved......

    Seriously though the product looked quite good and was easy to use but I prefered the alcohol preserved they were a little tougher and ahve been able to refreeze unused worms and use again without hassle.



  9. Guy's Iains post and his message on his special berley method reminded me of an old cartoon from a fisho mag. Sure enough page 68 in the September 1999 fishing world Magazine....


    Ok I admit that I changed a name in the pic but what a laugh eh



  10. I fish from a mates boat that has been lent to me indefinitely it is an old trimcraft 10ft dingy it has a 4hp 2st johnstone on the back which motors along about twice as fast as I could row.......

    The last couple of times I have gone out I have been real worried about rod storage during travel and when not in use so I had a look at members boats to see what other raiders did for rod storage. There are some great systems in use I like the holders on the side of boats but unfortunately being only 3m long can't use this method. I also am reluctant to drill holes in someone elses boat even though I am sure he wouldn't mind. In the end I improvised and cut up an old plastic cricket stump for tubing attached two tubes each to two pieces of ply and held each piece of wood either side of the centre thwart using two occy straps. Worked an absolute treat rods were stored vertically out of the way of clumsy feet and swivel seats and easily removed to fish.

    I can't wait to get my own boat next financial year and then fit it out how I want.

    So get ready guys cause I will be picking your brains for what you like and don't like about your boats what you wished you had what has worked and what has not.

    This sight provides so much excellent honest info for fishos I think thats what makes it so good.



  11. Evan,

    Fishing for tailor with skirts is an expensive way of catching a few tailor - their teeth would chop the skirts up in no time.

    When tailor are on the chew, they will strike at almost anything. I remember my father casting from the rocks with an Alvey, a large barrel sinker and a strip of white cloth on the hook, nothing more, and coming away with a good bag of tailor.


    Bluecod I have similar memorable occasion. When I was 11 I was fishing in Smiths Lake with my dad and two brothers we were catching a heap of tailer that chasing a small scholl of fish. My Dad says he could catch one one chewy wrapper he did the same thing small channel sinker wraped in chewy wrapper with 2 hooks at the back and he absolutely cleaned up and he caught the most. I still have the real he was using it was an old wooden alvey with a built in stripper guide. He used it for everything from light beach work to estuary fishing.

    I should hassle him to come out again with me soon.

    thanks for prompting the memory.



  12. Good report Trev,

    A big haul!

    I fish down at Clarks Pt, Woolich.

    Some bream hang around the sailing club caught using running sinker with pilchard or fresh prawn.  Have used bread on a no. 10 hook with small float and split shot, only little bream.

    Got a trevally couple of weeks ago on slimy fillet.

    Did you fish around the marina trev?


    Whilst my mate was rigging up I was chucking soft plastics towrds the boats at the Margaret St Marina had a couple of solid hits one hook up but none to the boat. Which is strange I don't often drop a fish once hooked on a soft plastic but???



  13. I am hoping to buy a near new second hand alum Cuddy Cabin shortly. I was thinking about either the 5.3m Qunitrex Spirit (post 2000 with millenium hull) or 5.25 Savage Osprey Cuddy Cab. Has anyone got any advice on major differences in these two options. I plan to island hop in Morton Bay or got out a bit wider reef fishing on a good day.



    I do not know about the Quinnie but a mate of mine hase a 525 Osprey. It is an awsome boat. Have fished out of it several times. Has a nice ride and plenty of fishing space for a cuddy cabin.

    Try and look up some reports on boating sites for extra views.



  14. Had heard reports from a friend who owns a tackle shop (not a sponser so wont be mentioned) that there were quite a few decent lether jackets in the harbour so decided to change tactics for today. Instead of casting hwags at bream we would fish for leatheries and take the spinning gear in case??

    Loaded all the gear into the boat and car last night so all would be ready for an early start. My fishing mate Dennis was at my place at about 5:45am We had a cappacino (man I love that espresso machine) and quick look at the raider site to show Dennis what people had been catching then hit the road.

    We arrived at the Margaret St ramp Woolwich just on 7am. We choose this ramp as it is not popular and I still have not the funds for new boat so am using old tinnie and launch by hand off the box trailer get too much grief at busy ramps (people are so impatient if it upsets them that much they could always donate to my boat trailer fund :1naughty: ) Whilst Dennis rigs up his rods I motor arround to the boats at the little mariner and cast 2" watermelon hawgs at boats had two hits one decent fish hook up but dropped and then nothin.

    Well after that we head to leather jacket grounds arround wharfs. Using rig with sinker on bottom and two #10 long shang hooks tied on at 1 and 2 foot from sinker. Tiny bit of peeled prawn and toss in at structure. We absolutley cleaned up. We kept enough decent leather jackets to feed both families and then tossed em back. We easily caught in excess of 70 decent jackets in total for the day countless little red bream, small silver bream, 1 x 25cm groper. yakkas, small tailer, and 2 tarwhine. We decided to head towards Kelly's Bush (no it's a reserve nothin naughty :1boff:) Drifting prawn and white bait Dennis lands a 45 cm dusky flathead but that was it for drifting no other fish to the boat. By then the wind had picked up and the rain was falling lightly so we decided to head back clean the fish. 8 big leatherjackets each and Den's flathead, what a day.

    Cheers and beers


  15. No fishing again I am going nuts...:wacko:

    was sanding and varnishing windows and all I could think about was how good the day looked and I shoulda gone fishing then I thought about casting grass flies at the pet rabbit at least it would put a bend in the fly rod....

    Any way I have a four day weekend next weekend with RDO and Public Holiday. I intend to try some new areas perhaps the hacking after reading reports.:1fishing1: Unfortunately Saturday night is booked though.



  16. I have to agree with Adrian he is right on Target (sorry bad pun)

    Rod and Line are most important. I bought a reasonably cheap (in cost) rod and reel combo it is a Gillies 5/6. I tried the feel of very expensive rods outside my price range and then went for the closest to those that I could afford. I have used it to catch countless bass as well as bream, flathead, Estuary perch, tailor and herring. You really do notice the difference between a good and an average rod and line. I wish I had a better rod and 3/4wt for the bass. I recomend you look on-line and in books at casting guides and techniques then head to the stream or park and practice casting, without a fly on. A must is sunglasses or glasses of some sort to protect against stray casts.

    If you are going to tie your own flies then again the best vice you can afford is good.

    I got interested in it all when my brother gave me a readers digest book on fly tying that came with an elcheapo vice thread and a few tools and tying material to tie the patterns in the book. I now have hundreds and hundreds of flies boxes and boxes of tying materials. You start to look at everything from a different perspective. My wife sees chrismas decorations and I see crystal flash the kids think they got a pet rabit I got an endless supply of dubbing fur from the comb, You go to wildlife parks and collect feathers. It begins to posses your every thought then you think I wonder if I could make a fly to catch this and that fish..........NNNNNOooooooo

    I think I need to go to the garage and tie a shrimp pattern that might work as well as a Hawg... mmmm let me think black rubber thread from busted occy strap for legs, some chenile thread, some of that glitter hair from my daughters new barbie doll... ...



  17. G'day raiders,

    Need to pick some brains - the guide on the tip of my little bream rod snapped off recently. As you can see, it's just the guide - the tip is unscathed. 

    Was wondering if anyone knows of a place near West Pennant Hills that can fix this. I know there's Anglers World at North Rocks, but do they fix these things? Any other places you can think of nearby?

    Thanx in advance  :thumbup:



    Out of interest what is the rod? looks like a traverse X??



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