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Posts posted by trev

  1. Thanks Bash - didn't think it would be that easy! Thought resins and epoxies would be involved. Might go and see Rudi....



    Bash is spot on. mini blowtorch/soldering iron type about 5 -6 seconds then pull off tip with pliers(it will be hot) resize a new tip mix small amount of 5 minute araldite or similar epoxy use a tooth pick to put some inside the tip or on the rod and slide the new tip on make sure it is all alligned up and wait till it sets.

    Cheers and beers


  2. Great Fish,

    I note that although it is 5cm shorter than fishraider record it is some 2Kg heavier. It really is a croc isn't it.

    Great fish and congrats on the photo and release good to see.


    Cheers and Beers


  3. Hopefully get out for a fish early Sat morning just from shore somewhere, Rest of Sat is gardening and house duties..

    Sunday Church in am then cricket training in afternoon ... pub on way home then complain and whinge about how unfit I am maybe score a back massage from her loveliness :wife::thumbup:

    Oh and also watch the Tahs whip those crusaders buts

    Cheers and beers


  4. I saw a guy fly fishun from a yak in Sydney Harbour. He was into a school of sambos and picked up a Kingy under neath, two boats came screamin in to where the water was boiling one then trolled over the top of the school and the fly guys line nearly swamped him then abused him for being on the water....

    Some people.

    Some one once suggested to me the best boat accessary for Sydney Harbour is a front mounted 30mm cannon



  5. Most of my lure fishing is for bass and I am a bit like Narralakes,

    40% fly

    30% hard body

    and 20% soft plastic

    I know you think I can't add up

    Its just that I fish atleast 10% less than I should.



  6. That's interesting Dave. I spoke to Otto about it yesterday and he said he couldn't confirm that they've been discontinued, but they'd told him that his next order will be filled. Just in case, maybe I should head over there now and buy what he has...



    I spoke to my mate who owns a tackle store he said he got a big order of the 1" and 2" hawgs in. He said that the current shipment came in from Japan warehouse and they definitely are NOT making them anymore.



  7. Dress the fish out tonight, whacked it on the BBQ, serve it up to the missus who halfway through the meal proclaims " I don't like this fish, I'd rather a bream"  :1badmood:


    I've had that lure for about fifteen years and caught more fish on it than any other lure in my tackle box and now its worn out!  :biggrin2: Now I can go and buy some more  :05:  :074:


    Great read bluecod :074: At least you got to go fishing. My day consisted of taking she who must be obeyed :wife: and my 2 daughters shopping. My wife doesn't drive :ranting2: Then had to pick up my son from a school camp. four days without washing mate was he on the nose :fart:

    Then I had off season cricket training session with one of the guys from Blacktown grade :cricketuk: shit he bowls quick...

    Hopefully get out tomorrow arvo for spin some where.



  8. Thats a very good looking EP there lizard, looks healthy and fat.  Well done on the choppers there as well.  I havnt been there for about 5 weeks at least, but will probably head there tomorrow and target tailor on fly.  As for the spinners, cant say I can help you there with jig spinners as my EPs have been bycatch.



    Do you go in your tinnie to fly :whip: for tailor at Narrabeen or shore/wade?



  9. Sleep in Saturday Morning as no kids sports this winter.

    Perhaps :wife: may get me breakfast in bed!!

    Got to go shopping then pick up eldest from school camp. Then find somewhere to toss lures from shore :1fishing1:

    Sunday Church in am then gardening in afternoon followed by a few :beersmile:

    Good luck everyone and :1happybday: to all those celebrating this weekend

    Cheers and Beers


  10. Hi all

    Im a country boy just moved to the big smoke.  After I got here I bought a 5.5m quinny, and have been out heaps of times, without much success. :(  See I'm only used to 4 species in the water, not 4000.

    Any way a couple of mates of mine are coming out with me, probably on Botany.  I have been buying fisho's world etc to give me some tips, and a couple of books from local 'legends', but I know I just have to get out there and do it. 

    Any way, if ever you see a 5m tinny with 'TASSIE N' rego any where on the water say g'day.

    See ya's



    Welcome to the sight Denno :1welcomeani:

    As Jo said do a search for botany and you should find a heap of stuff.



  11. You can still buy the Sea Martin, just not the wooden one. They are an interesting reel, never met anyone that actually owned one though.



    Some where in collection of old mags I have an article on the seamartin... but you think I can find it now :ranting2:

    Anyway Matt you are right they still make them the same as before but not timber.




  12. Good work Trev, sounds like you worked real hard for the big bream but at 40cm you must have been damned pleased, with an audience as well :yahoo:


    Cheers Darryl I was like a kid with a new toy. The look on this old blokes face was amazing even more amazed when I let it go :1yikes:

  13. Had a meeting at Drummoyne at 9.00am so thought I would get down to Iron Cove at about six and spen a few hours spinning for flathead and bream. Nice morning hardly any wind but tides were shocking low at about 5:30am.

    Any way parked the car at the UTS rowing club and started to flick Squidgie Wrigglers bloodworm colour out walked up to the foot bridge with only two hits and no fish. Decided to walk up under the bridges and cast at the pylons instant success thre small bream average at 18cm. then quiet. Changed to a nipper pattern but no hits then changed to hard body producer lure lightning minnow was chrome and blue but I had scraped the blue off and used Orange permanant marker to make it look gold on top. This was the lure of the day took another 5 little bream from this area but no flathead which is what I normally get here.

    Walked over the bridge and looked down and yes the water was rally dirty. Walked along the bank past the old Apia club without a single fish and only one hit. Walked out on the little jetty and muckked arround jigging the nipper pattern up and down the timber pillars there must have been leatheries there cuase I had a few hard downward hits but no hookups. Changed back to the producer minnow and continued to fan casts out from the bank as I walked along the edge. An old bloke comes up to me and say "mate your doing it tough" he said he saw me catch the ones under the bridge and was interested but things looked grim now. Right on cue my next cast was hammered and line peeled of the result a 40cm bream man they are nice. This guy was just amazed I had about 3 joggers stop and say "Are there fish in there?" mate I love it. fish was released and I walked back over the bridges to do a few more casts before I had to leave for the meeting.

    A great way to destress and relax. I was just surprised at the lack of flathead as I have always caught them there.



  14. I haven't tried the Juros out but I haven't seen too many copies of other HB's that work as well as the original either.

    The SX-40 is tough competition for any imitation to beat. I'll be sticking with the SX-40's.

    Aero do you have trouble with the size 14 Owners straightening? I use size 12's & still straighten / bend a few.



    for me the jury is out on whether copies are as good as originals in lures. Having done most if not nearly all my HB lure fishing for bass I'd say the copies work pretty well but then Bass are a completely different species to Bream.

    Anyway this achieved what I wanted the missus has said I should buy a couple of each and test them out....... :1naughty:



  15. This is a pic of the ecogear sx-40 beside a juro lure.

    A mate said they came from the same factory but I wasn't sure??

    But the shape certainly looks the same. Cost comparison and fish test would be interesting.

    Might be a good excuse to go breaming




  16. Not much to report like Joe,

    late start as I flew back from Brisvegas this am.

    Out on the pig, over to Balmoral. Couldn't raise a yakka for love nor money.

    Over to the wreck, heaps of bigger yakkas and slimeys and a tonne of undersize squire. The swell was annoying even in the Black Pig so over to Reef Beach to get out of the wind. That worked but the fish didn't. Most unusual for this spot, couldn't raise a bite!

    So pack up and head for Dobroyd. At least things improved here! A legal squire, 2 nice bream of 30cm, the heaviest squid/cuttlefish I have ever dragged up but got off before I got a look at him and then an almighty bustoff on very light gear using slimey strips for bait. I heard a whisper that there are some Sampson fish there and maybe this was one of them?

    At least it's fish for dinner tonight. No fishing tomorrow  :05: out to Camden for Mum's day.

    Tight lines fellas




    Shame about the Squid but feed of bream is good.



  17. I fly fish mainly for bass and nearly always in the Nepean system. I started using tapered leaders I bought then used knotted ones that I made myself frompatterns found on web An american site Flyanglers on line was good. I then made my own furled leaders from thin nylon and then white tying silk. But this seamed like overkill for someone like me who is far from delicate when presenting flies to bass in fact quite the opposite usually works best. So now use straight through soft mono. Will often see what the most supple/soft line I can find in about 6 - 8lb and use this. As someone mentioned above most larger flies have enough enertia to straighten out the leader.

    A furled or tapered leader certainly seames to enable roll casts better though.


    Trev :whip:

  18. Isnt it tough fishing with the old man Jo, pain in the ass mostly

    I am hoping to get up the coast to fish with a mate, try my hand at rock fishing


    No fishun for me.

    Friday Night: Wife and eldest daughter going to a womens dinner?? Son is going to a Pizza and Playstation night with mates So I am taking the youngest daughter(8) to dinner and then 2C the pacifier.

    Saturday buying gear as present, one of the receptionists at work is leaving She is leaving to become an Ambo' and she loves beach fishing so going to my mates tackle shop to buy her a rod and reel combo 12 foot silstar power tip and ? gbx800 reel(need to check reel again). Lucky girl!

    Rest of Saturday will be mowing lawns and cleaning yard up for big mums day do on Sunday. Busy but should be a good weekend. 2nd wekend no fishun cantmke it 3..



  19. Jewel,

    Thanks your a gem..pardon the pun This might also be the reason why the action has changes so much. The rod seems to have become much stiffer in action.

    This rod has sentimental value so I would not rebind it but if you are careful you can remove the guides and rebind?



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