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Posts posted by Welster

  1. This morning I had a chance to get out and was hopeful it would be quiet on the water with most people having family commitments. .   What was I thinking.

    Anyway I struggled to get some Yakkas again so changed plan and targeted flatties.  Boat back on the trailer and heading home by 11.00. 




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  2. 28 minutes ago, Berleyguts said:

    I tested it with the hose on full flow. The outlet seemed to handle it OK.

    If you still run the nozzle that squirts water into the top of the tank it is pretty restrictive even when fully open so yeah most likely wouldn’t overflow.  

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  3. 7 hours ago, Berleyguts said:

    I know mine now fills OK underway since I modified the pickup but I can’t really tell how much the flow is while I’m driving solo.

    Overflowing gave it away for me until I put some flow control in 🤣

  4. 5 hours ago, Koalaboi said:


    I gave up SPs and now use live poddies pretty much exclusively for flathead...they also catch a lot of other fish too. Fishing for flatties using live poddies, I have picked up some absolute stonker bream and yesterday a 40+cm tailor.

    I have tried a number of different traps but find the cylindrical perspex ones you can buy from tackle stores easily the best. You need to be careful when opening the trap as the little plastic knobs that the plastic tabs clip over, can break easily. To remedy this, place a finger or thumb over the top of the knob as you ease the plastic tab over and off the knob.

    For bait, I use a half a slice of white bread torn into two or three pieces, and a handful of breadcrumbs. I was told a little of the dried parmesan cheese that you get from the supermarket in sprinkle containers helps, but having tried it, don't particularly rate it as an improvement. The breadcrumbs are definitely a worthwhile addition as they help burley the fish. When I buy a loaf of white bread for trap bait, I dry out leftover slices in the sun so they store well.

    Where I chase poddies, I find it best if there is not too much water movement and wind. A bit of sun on the water also seems to help. I place a couple of pieces of styrofoam in the trap too, to keep it near the surface. I place mine in water too deep to wade so attach them to some builders string which I wind onto a small handcast reel. Be careful throwing them in, they can slip apart if they hit the water too hard. Try to be careful winding the line back on the reel as it twists quickly, and you get tangles.

    I also will leave a live poddy in the trap when I reset it as it seems to draw other fish into trap more quickly.

    A live bait bucket is worth the expense, as is a good battery powered aerator. The cheap models are not worth getting as they corrode and stop working very quickly. Look for an aerator that is sealed well all around, including the on/off switch. If keeping them overnight, a 240 volt aquarium aerator will help save money on batteries.

    Have also found that they live much longer if you keep them in the water from where you caught them. I have changed murky, estuarine, brackish water for fresher clean looking water from near the sea and they don't seem to like it at all.

    Great bait. I fish the shallowish channels in Tuggerah Lakes and use them under a blackfish float as well as on the bottom. I prefer the float as it allows me to cover more water and find it more interesting (or less boring) than bottom fishing.

    I think you are allowed a limit of 20 which is plenty for a good session.

    Bycatch includes mostly undersize bream, some other tiny thing to small to put on a hook and toadfish. No bait there.

    Good luck!


    Interesting I have never used a trap in any more than a foot of water weighted to the bottom. 

  5. 18 minutes ago, frankS said:

    Not these days, there was a place down the south coast I used to target them out about a mile from shore but don't go out through the heads these days.


    Fair enough.   I haven’t tried much up the river but I do see a few arrows swimming around in the dark though. 

    I have my mind set on fishing Sunday morning thinking it might be the quieter day  on the water.   The full moon isn’t usually good for me but I will probably come up with some plan and see what happens. 

  6. I haven’t used a trap for ages but here goes with my take on it from memory. Live poddies are really good bait though. 

    Crab traps have the licence info on the float.   On bait traps I write the info on the trap itself as it is just under water and I am usually close by. 

    By-catch can be used as bait if it is a fish with no legal size or over the size requirement. 

    If you look at the fisheries size rules you will notice you can keep poddy mullet up to 15cm for live bait.  It doesn’t mention dead or strip bait so freezing the left over is out.   From 15-30cm you are not allowed to keep them either. 

  7. 39 minutes ago, Berleyguts said:

    I bought another Johnson as (a) this one has served me 5 years and I think it’s gone because I’ve been running it non stop, even while underway; I think the last long trip to the FAD really put a strain on it; and (b) it would be a straightforward fit - I can simply pop the new cartridge into the existing housing. I can change the hoses down track - that’s something I think I can manage!

    I don’t think it matters if it’s on underway I don’t turn mine off.  

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