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Posts posted by Dreamtime

  1. Hey Guys,

    Its warming up and would like to go on a fishing week end with the boys.

    I was wondering if any one can sugest a destination arround 2 hrs drive where we could take our boat. Im looking for some accomodation for 3 but more importantly that can accomodate my boat.

    Has any one been to any coastal resorts that they can recomend with some gr8 accomodation and waterways for fishing? Preferably with inshore and offshore waters incase of bad weather.

    Sugestions would be very appreciated.

    Cheers :thumbup:

    What about the Shoalhaven?

    Nice caravan park, next door to the wildlife sanctuary.

    Used to frequent that area regularly - albeit for water skiing, but looked the goods for freshwater in the upper reaches, saltwater estuary, however I never ventured towards the sea. Maybe other Raiders could elaborate on the accessability of the ocean from this tributary.

    Alternatively, Sussex Inlet was also a beautiful destination - nice Caravan Park, plenty of prawns to be had, access to the sea is via a pretty mild bar crossing, but the inlet itself is full of lizards just waiting to take the poddy mullet you catch close by the boat ramp in the caravan park. A little further I know - but worth it.

    Good Luck

  2. What happened to SeaWorld????

    In the 10 years from 1997 to 2006 Australian commercial tuna catches totalled nearly 60,000 tons.

    Worldwide for the same period, the total was almost 20,000,000 tons (Yes 20 million tons)

    Who are we kidding??? Is this sustainable??

    PM me with your email address if you would like the comprehensive catch figures, and values for Albacore, Bigeye, Skipjack and Yellowfin Tuna for the 10 years 1997 to 2006. (Released in March this year)



  3. They are beautiful - a little resemblance to some of the Bucks I've seen.

    Now that's talent!!! :thumbup:

    What does your dad use for the blanks???

    Are any for sale??

  4. A lot of league rules are pretty crap which makes it hard for the refs but they still aren't as dumb as soccer refs and don't blow penalties for things that have no effect on the game or are obviously being milked.

    You dont see any milking or diving in union because it has good rules that you can hardly gain any advantage by cheating. Thats why union is the superior game.

    League rules...Hmmmm..a try used to be 3 points - they changed the rules to make it 4 points

    40 - 20 kick...that's a new one also

    put the ball in the second row...new rule too I think

    goal line drop-out goes into touch after bouncing in the field of play - kicking team gets the put in...new one too?

    ball goes dead in goal - attacking team to get the ball on the defending 22 mtr line....new rule to come

    sin bin...new rule

    blood bin....new rule

    ball stealing...new rule

    change-over on 6th tackle...new rule

    12 replacements....new rule

    spear tackle....new rule

    on report......new rule

    video referee......new rule

    tackle a player mid air.....new rule

    I'm sure there are more???? :wacko:


    take the ball back into the 22 mtr, kick out on the full.....different rule for different parts of the world

    amateur to proffessional.....new rule

    I love watching union but not familiar with all the rule changes - help me out Raiders, I'm sure there are more.

    So, union and league over the decades, and still in the present era continue to change the rules - why???? Because they never got it right in the first place and still can't decide how to make the game workable and appealing to the public.

    Their ball isn't even a ball - it's a ovoid!!!

    How many rules have they changed in soccer???? :tease:

  5. :1happybday: Happy Birthday Ceph, :1happybday:

    Trust you have had an enjoyable day, and have a pleasant evening. :yahoo:

    Always enjoy your posts. :thumbup:



    P.S. What did the Birthday Fairy bring you, another :1fishing1: by any chance?

  6. Come one Mariner.. where are your clever responses?

    I must say, I agree with Ray R. They do carry on when there is an imaginary injury! :1prop:

    Hi Ceph,

    I was waiting to see a cross section of responses so as to be fair, however I do recall when Craig Johnson (ex Liverpool) lined up 5 rugby balls side by side, and proceeded to kick everyone between the rugby posts from the intersection of the 22 mtr and the sideline. Find a rugby player that could come close to emulate that talent - I think you would be hard pressed!!!

    Now, for the stars:- Pele, Maradonna, Ronaldino, Beckam, Johnny Warren - I'm certain other Raiders could multiply this list by 10 fold. Many more local names I could mention and the games I enjoyed watching both in the St George and Sutherland Shires. I had the pleasure of meeting the St George players when I worked at St George Budapest Soccer Club, also have a book that was signed for me by the Late Great Johnny Warren.

    Where are the stand out names of the world from other codes??? Sure we know our local heros, and enjoy watching them go round every week.

    Apples and oranges - I don't agree - we are talking ball sports and the skills involved, and aquired to achieve world levels. Other codes it is mostly strength that achieves dominance, undoubtably there are some skills involved - take the scrum for instance - grown men sticking their heads next to others rear ends - I guess that's pretty skillful, oh and then there's Hopowate, took a lot of years and practice to get that finger just right - and his aim was like a dart - always hit the bullseye!!!

    Carry on a bit - I must agree, but it is pretty well evident in most sports since the advent of television and World Championship Wrestling (something that league has adopted also)

    Gaelic football - say no more, fun to watch but must question the skill levels there also.

    All ball sports require athletisism, courage, determination and fitness - soccer also has finess and overwhelming talent. Those without these attributes play other codes.

    Round 2 is on!!!!! :wacko:

  7. I can relate to that. Fishing is something that some of us put a very large investment into. The least we should have is a shrine or memento as such. All my gear I keep in the bedroom as that it the one room that I know it will stay safe in.

    Good excuse to play around with it when one can't sleep also.

  8. I used skirt steak for years in the Georges River. Caught plenty of fish, particularly bream.

    If the bait is not touched for a while then you need to rebait as the steak changes to a white colour after prolonged periods in the brine.

  9. Well, we all have our favourite ball sports; however on a skill level it is pretty difficult to go past soccer. Other ball sports have a heavy contact factor, and I don’t dispute the toughness, or courage needed to participate in the likes of league, union, AFL, gridiron or Gaelic codes of football. I personally enjoy watching them all; this topic is about the skill factor involved only.

    When you score in soccer you receive 1 point, other codes it can be anything up to 6 or 7 points (including a conversion), even if you hit the post you get 1 point in some codes. This, in my opinion does not reflect the skill factor; in soccer 1 goal = 1 point, even a score line of 0-0 depicts a good close game. Imagine that score in a game of AFL, that is unheard of. Other codes, after you score you get a second opportunity to have a “free” shot – kick the ball over the posts and you get points? If it’s a penalty and you kick over the posts you score higher than a conversion would score? In soccer, a penalty still only scores 1 point.

    Whilst the ball is in play, only the goalkeeper can touch the ball with his hands in soccer, other codes you can pick it up, throw it to a team member, and throw it into the goal, punch it and so on. Soccer is a game that requires major skill to play the ball with your feet, head and chest only.

    The attire in some codes would be more suited to riding a motorcycle or the like, unlike with soccer where players don’t wear padding or head protection.

    What are your thoughts?


    We have now become the sponsor of Junior Soccer in Honiara - check the link below.


  10. As long as it's a feed then I'm generally happy.

    That said, I wouldn't mind hooking into one of those Opah's as seen on this forum earlier in the year.

    A swordfish has always intrigued me - don't know if they are up in this neck of the woods though.

  11. Unless you are going to fit a reel seat properly, then don't expect the repair to turn out properly.

    The taper, when building a rod, will determine the position of the grips, guides and and hypalon.

    Forget about doing it back to front

    Take off all the guides and do it properly.

    Hard work, but you will be rewarded.

    Remove the guides, fit the ferrules and fit the reel seat as it should be.

    Otherwise you will need to get a much larger diameter reel seet to fit over the butt.

  12. Hi Guys,

    I would love to attend however it would be impracticle for me to bring my boat.

    Up to you CFD and Sammy 0884 if you could accommodate me.

    Would love to catch up with fellow Raiders.

    What do I need to bring?

  13. Strewth Arman ... that thing is bloody amazing! :1yikes:


    Strewth Hodgey,

    Every one of your fishing trips are memorable, for me anyway.

    I can't say, that I have seen another Raider depict their experiences as proffessionally as you do.

    Always, I must say, your reports are most memorable to me.

    Thank you, and please keep up the excellent reports and photos of your back-yard.

    I look forward to your contribution to the hall of fame. Undoubtably, if not the first, you will be a regular winner of this topic.

  14. It's quite ironic that alberto has posted this thread about most memorable catch. I have been considering a "Hall of Fame" that us Raiders should post our most prized memories - whether associated with fishing or not.

    Maybe our Moderators could consider "Pinning" a section that Raiders would post pictures and stories of the highlight in their life.

    I would suggest, and support a prize for the best story/ opportunity / moment in a Raiders life that he or she is willing to post on this Forum, that best depicts his or her achievements in life.

    Mod's, please lets have a "Hall of Fame" that we can look back on, edit and add addittional stories, pics, etc of our life on this world, that we can share with our members weather be success or dismay, for that period in our lives.

    No matter no big opportunities, experiences or the like have presented themselves in your life to date, post a thread and over the next 3 or 6 or 12 months you can edit, add and tantalise all Raiders who are willing to participate in this novel idea.

    Awaiting the next post....................................

  15. this is my most memorable fish,caught from daves (SIDESHOW) boat with only 3 onboard ,grub on the wheel, dave on the trace and myself on the rod

    tiger shark of 490kg on15kg


    cheers arman

    Wholley dooley :1yikes:

    That is one monster.

  16. Ive got this tank that my dad found which i wanna turn into a bait tank.

    its got 2 holes in it for outlet and inlet. they are 2 1/2" each.

    i was just wondering where i could get the pipe from and how i should do it.


    Do you want to manufacture a live bait well to put in your boat?

    Or do you just want to keep your livies alive at the house?

    2 1/2" in and outlets sound to be quite large for a small bait tank.

    Have you got some pictures? 1/2" would be more than adequate for inlet, in fact I used to have a Marlin tank that had 10mm in, with a aluminium pick-up off the stern, and then 2" overflow for returning "stale" water.

    Give us some more ideas as to your application of this bait tank and I would expect that we could provide some more accurate advise.

    What are the dimensions - is it portable or permanently installed?

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