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Everything posted by Dreamtime

  1. Hi Guys, Thanks for your support. The National Fisheries Department here deploys rafts to enhance the fishing for their commercial fleet. A raft is basically that - an inexpensive FAD. Unfortunately here, anything that looks remotly expensive will be stolen. Solar panels from Marker Bouys is the worst. On a positive note though, the longliners here get their lines chopped up, signal beacons and bouys stolen. Doesn't seem to deter them though. Yes the Rainbows are runners - same species. The bonito - I'm not sure really, they look the same as your stripey's or skipjack. I'll post a photo of some later today for comparison. The photo depicts less of half of what we caught - I couldn't fit any more on the BBQ plate for the photo. Some of you might think that I keep more than is necessary, however, here the unemployment is above 50%, and those who are lucky enough to have employment earn around 1 or 2 Australian dollars per day. I generally keep 2 or 3 for Sashimi, and give the rest away to the locals. 1 of these small yellowfin or Bonito will feed a family of 10 to 15 persons. They boil it up, complete with head, throw in a few sweet potatoes, add some Maggi 2 minute noodles,soy sauce, coconut milk and Hey Presto - everyone gets a feed tonight.
  2. Caught these at the Fisheries raft South West of Guadalcanal Island on Sunday. Abu 7000 on GB 1706 Ugly tossing 2-3" Xmas trees. Lots of fun on 6kg but no chance to land the larger specimens on light line. Previous weekend had similar numbers with a few rainbow and bonito also. Just purchased new camera so hope to supply regular shots. Tight lines!
  3. You have obviously completed the task by now, however I mostly use "Epifill" an International product. As Fishfinder Tony says, the kayak is flexible and Epifill sets hard. Places where movement is prevalent I use the HT 9000 resin with a slow hardener (speed of hardener depends on your climate) and mix in the micro balloons. This always remains flexible, but very strong and waterproof.
  4. Dreamtime

    Lost At Sea

    Hi Carl Here's a copy of an email from a poor chap from Torquay. He left Maravagi Resort at 10am by OBM to catch a 3pm flight from Honiara to Brisbane. He landed on our beach at around 4.30pm after 6+ hours adrift in an open fibreglass boat. Lucky for him we had the BBQ raging and copies quantities of amber liquid on hand. Note how handy the rod tube was as a mast! Hi Carl If your reading this then I must have remembered your e-mail address correctly. I just wanted to drop you a quick e-mail to thank you for your assistance and hospitality on Easter Sunday when we sailed to the beach where you were having your company Easter BBQ party. I was very thirsty and hungry after 5 extra hours in that long boat sailing to dry land after our motor failed. The water, beer and food you gave myself and the boys driving the boat was very much appreciated. I finally managed to get back to Australia (Torquay) after another 3 days of re-arranging flights and unscheduled stopovers in Brisbane. I have attached some photo's that show how you can convert the long boats into first class yachts. Next time I come to the Solomons I'll look you up at the Yacht Club and buy you a beer. Regards, Wayne Roberts Torquay Victoria 3228
  5. Who cares if there are no fish. One of the most picturesque places to wet a line. If their not biting, there are always plenty of nice beaches to have a picnic. On a few ocassions I've sighted some white pointers there though!
  6. That's what I keep telling the missus. I just hope she doesn't see my car parked out front of the pub!
  7. I took the Milligan Nipper to Sussex a few (many) years ago and got great feeds of lizards on live poddies. Prawns were prolific around the van park also. Huge lizards were caught a couple of miles offshore but were tough as leather. Beautiful place to swim just inside the bar but watch out for the rays. Good luck, good fishing and have a great week.
  8. Did someone say "how about a 5 letter word? It could be like a double Jeopardy. Play two games at once. Boon (4 letter) Boron (5 letter) I think I can pre-empt the next answer, starting with M!
  9. Sorry, I know this is an old topic, but as a new member I am still viewing these topics for the first time. When you and I get home from a fishing trip we; Clean the boat, Flush the engine, Spray WD40 or similar inside the engine cover(on an OBM), Wash the rods, Wash the reels, Wash the esky(after we empty it), Wash our body, Wash our neck down at the local, then periodically we; Service the tow vehicle, Grease the "bearing buddies" on the trailer, Service the OBM Service the reel(drag washers,etc), Service the wife,or husband, Surely it's not toooo hard to wash a steel hook then - is it? Personally, I only use steel hooks. When I arrive back at the mooring, (or house when I use the tinnie) I rinse the hooks that have been used on the trip, dry them, then dip them in coconut oil and put them back into the CLEAN tackle box or lure wrap. If I am planning to store them for a while, I put them into a "Tupperware" container immersed in coconut oil. If coconut oil is not available in your neck of the woods, then you could use tuna oil, vegetable oil or similar non petroleum based lubricants. I'm not sure if KY is suitable though! If you are too knackered after your trip to do the above procedure, you could try and get into the habit of rinsing the hook after you have taken it off the line or lure, then toss it into a small (1 or 2 litre) bucket of your favourite lubricant, put the lid on, then attend to it when you next get the time. This works for Rapalas and other minnow type lures as well. Actually, I don't do it personally, that's what deckies are for, aren't they? Maybe "Pure & Simple" non stick spray could work also. After all it is edible. Just don't inhale it. Cheers Carl N.B. Photo of my deckie.
  10. Duck was posted by vipernut. Duct So what's the prize for getting back to foot?
  11. I used to use the kitchen blender. Chop the heads, etc with a hatchet and throw them in the blender. Use a margerine container to freeze them in then throw them into plastic bags for storage. Helps keep the beer cold in the esky on the next outing. Put a block or two in the engine well and as they thaw, the burley continues to run at a steady pace. You can add a few cubes of WA Pillies or a bit of fish guts occassionaly. Keeps one hand free for the strike, the other hand for the cold beer. Cheers
  12. My husband was unhappy with my mood swings so he bought me a mood ring the other day so that he could monitor my moods. We've discovered that when I'm in a good mood, it turns green. When I'm in a bad mood, it leaves a big f*%#ing red mark on his forehead. Maybe next time he'll buy me a diamond. Dumb ass.
  13. My teacher used to say a noun was something you could wrap in brown paper! I'd like to see that! Anyway, let's have a drink from the cask
  14. let's go catch a bass
  15. SUVA (RNZI) - 100,000 tuna have now been tagged in Pacific waters in a programme that began nearly 18 months ago. The Secretariat of the Pacific Community says the number is a significant milestone as efforts are made to obtain new information on tuna movement, mortality and behaviour. The SPC says the Pacific Tuna Tagging Programme will result in more accurate assessments of the status of skipjack, yellowfin and big eye tuna stocks and the impacts of fishing on them. The first phase of the tagging operation initially focussed on Papua New Guinea before being extended to Solomon Islands.
  16. sass - to talk disrespectfully or impudently to somebody, especially somebody who is older or in authority
  17. Punch up Raytheon L365 on Google and you will find plenty of options. Hope this helps
  18. A Zebra dies and arrives at the Pearly Gates. As he enters, he asks St. Peter, “I have a question that’s haunted me all of my days on earth… Am I white with black stripes, or am I black with white stripes?” St. Peter said, “That’s a question only God can answer.” So the zebra went off in search of God. When he found Him, the zebra asked, “God, please - I must know. Am I white with black stripes, or am I black with white stripes?” God simply replied “You are what you are.” The zebra returned to see St. Peter once more, who asked him, “Well, did God straighten out your query for you?” The zebra looked puzzled. “No sir, God simply said ‘You are what you are.’” St. Peter smiled and said to the zebra, “Well then, there you are. You are white with black stripes.” The zebra asked St. Peter, “How do you know that for certain?” “Because,” said St. Peter, “If you were black with white stripes, God would have said, “You is what you is.”
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