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Everything posted by Dreamtime

  1. Dreamtime


    Furuno GP7000 - Chart Plotter / Sounder 7" screen. Bought them last year for my work boats - excellent NZ$2750 with chartcard - have them networked with the Nav Net radar. Super quality
  2. Wild queenies. Added bonus to have caught them in Gods country.
  3. I think I know what your talking about?
  4. Here's a few more. Best Human Landscape Best Dog Best Street Painting Best Urban Landscape Best Wildlife Best Outdoor Sports Best Natural Scenery Hope you like them.
  5. I think I would have had to change my undies after that experience. Crikey, imagine if they decided to target your boat?
  6. I thought you weren't allowed to swear on this forum?
  7. Why waste money on furniture when you can adorn your loungeroom with useful knick knacks. I think the wall unit needs to go.
  8. I just ordered these Duel Pliers for $80.00. Should be here next week. Tired of buying the shitty cheap ones. They keep going off centre and are useless. These Penn ones sell for about $10.00 Also these Diawa ones. Sell for $60.00 When your trying to re-rig trebles or the like, the last thing you want is to have pliers that fail you. Last cheapies I bought I threw in the creek - can be frustrating?
  9. Don't know what the rules are there with regards to using undersize fish for live bait. I used to use whiting and mullet that were not "keepers" and the lizards hammered them.
  10. G'day Huey, I used to buy Comprox from BP service stations to wash my car and boat - never flushed the engine with it though. They had it in a 200 litre drum and you paid for it by the litre. Was very "soft" and left no residue on either boat or car. I bought some here last month in a 5 litre container but it was of a consistency similar to water. The original was thick like a heavy oil and gave excellent results.
  11. I lived on the Georges River at Illawong for 20 years, up to 1984. Then Illawong had very few houses and a small population. From Illawong to the Woronora Bridge there was not more than 20 houses and a few farms in between. My god - look at it now. The old ferry at Lugarno ceased operation in 1972, it carried 15 cars. Anyway, back then (god that makes me feel old) you could catch pretty well any species, in large quantity any time of the day or night - that was when you could catch a good Jewie at Jewfish Point. Bream, Flatties, Flounder, Whiting, Tailor, Soul, Jackets, Whiting, Jewies, Trumpeters, Good size muddies, squid, prawns, oysters, cockles, small snapper, mullet, gar - just to name a few. My folks moved to Central Coast and the daily fishing jaunts ended. Years later I had a weekend session on the Georges, fished every spot that I had come to know so well in my early days there. Can you believe it - over a two day period I caught 1 Fortesque (in my favourite Blackie spot) and nothing else. The reports I read on this forum indicate that there has been a reversal of that situation. I guess that Fishing limits and pollution control has had a factor in this. What are your thoughts on this?
  12. Never tried one, in fact never seen one used. Each to his own!
  13. Try BP Comprox - great for washing the car and boat also
  14. Excellent reward for a hard earned effort. Dan the man - obviously now that you've "Popped the Cherry" Reads like a forensic investigator - clues, facts - then catch the culprit Well done
  15. You will be required to concentrate… also turn your volume up a little… Hold down the “CTRL” (bottom left hand side)…, then click on the link… http://www.jokesduniya.com/wp-content/uplo...2007/04/lab.swf
  16. Best Global Best Natural Scenery Best Fake Best Honour Best Pet Cat Best "on the fly" shot Best Mens Special Mention Best womens
  17. Is this what your talking about? Some more pics for you Pel
  18. Never a truer word spoken. Excellent lizards The whiting would have been good for live bait - nothing like a flattie smacking a livie!
  19. I think I would like to hire Jeremy as my fishing guide - Step aside Rex Hunt! Fantastic effort, great result and fine looking specimens. Fit for you to take them to school for "Show & Tell"
  20. Just thought you might like to see how some of the poorer countries unload container vessels. No, it's not like that here - well nearly!
  21. Hope it's not toooo cold for you guys this winter. Cheers from the tropics
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