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Everything posted by Geoff

  1. Sailfish now produce a single engine cat , which has a similar set to the Webster. Would have been interesting to see one of those being tested. Geoff
  2. Suggest Google Tectyl 506 , there is a lot of information on the Valvoline web site. If still unsure , ring Valvoline. It's some times best to speak with the company for specific information. I'm sure they will be happy to answer your questions. Geoff
  3. I've fished Cuttagee & found the best time is on a riseing tide late in the afternoon , especially in that last 45 min as the sun is setting. It's been a few years since I've been there but on the way back , just are your comming into Bermi , there is a Pizza shop on the LH side. If the same people are still there & your prepared to wait a bit they make the most fantastic Pizza on the coast. Geoff
  4. At Bermi , drive up to the headland on the Southern side of the entrance , it's where the boaters park their trailers. Looking South , there is a beach then a headland. Just off that is a popular spot for boaters to catch livies , this may be worth a try from the rocks. There is easy access to the rocks from the cliff road , near the water tower but not sure how productive it may be. Tathra , The whalf is very popular but can become over crouded. Driving out of town turn left into the road to the boat ramp & drive to the lookout at the end. There is easy access to good rock ledges on the Northern side. Geoff
  5. Penetrol is available from most paint stores , Tectrol from the larger auto spares shops. Geoff
  6. There are lots of products on the market for for rust trearment. All of the ones I've come across advise to remove the rust & clean the surface as best as possible , which can mean going back to bare metal , then applying a base coat to seal the surface. Next , apply an over coat or top coat not only for appearence but to protect the base coat as base coats are normally not sufficent by them selves to prevent rust re occuring , ie they to need to be sealed. Tectyl 506 is perhaps the exception to this procedure but from what I have read , cannot be overcaoted. Geoff
  7. On new or trailers in good condition your correct. In my case , there were several reasons. The main one being that parts of the trailer were begining to show signs of rust. These needed to be cleaned up which in some areas ment going back to bare metal. Coating the trailer with a clear product may have fixed the rust problem but not the appearence. Also , painting gave additional protection especially when Penetrol can deteriate over time from exposure to ultra violet light. Geoff Geoff
  8. I mentioned Tectyl in my post. It's a good product for the job provided you can accept the colour problem. I'm not sure if overpainting is possible with this produce but if it can be painted then I think it'sa toss up between Tectyl & Penetrol. Geoff
  9. The 2nd & 3rd photo suggest the transducer is too high but in the 1st & 4th it looks OK. I don't think that moving it to another position will help. Try tilting it slightly forward & see if that improves the situation , if not , then as Bentstik suggest move down a few mm. Geoff
  10. Can you post a photo or two of the back of the boat showing the bottom of the transom & the current position of the tranducer. Geoff
  11. Provided the bottom of the transducer is just below the water line when on the plane , is out near the side of the boat to avoid interference from the motor & there is no turbulance coming from under the boat , eg a rib then it should be OK. Have you tried increasing the sensitivity ?? If you Google Hummingbird 787 there are quite a few video' s on the 787 & setting them up , perhaps one of these will assist.Geoff
  12. Geoff

    Bung plugs

    Just a further thought , it may be worth a call to Huey regarding the best position for the bung , the top one appears a bit high but this may due to the internal structure of either or both the transom frame or bottom of the boat. Before progressing too far it would be worth removing the floor so you can see how this area is constructed. Geoff
  13. Geoff

    Bung plugs

    From what I can see , it appears as though the whole housing has come away , that is , if one was there to begein with . Perhaps the housing has fallen out & they have been unable to buy a new one or just been lazy & filled the hole with silicon. Having said that , the hole looks very low to the bottom of the boat & perhaps they tried to fit a bung as low as possible & actually gone into the fiberglass bottom preventing the housing from fitting. Whilst it would be nice to know the reason the important thing is to fix the problem. My suggestion would be to remove the silicon & clean up the hole. Try & fit a new housing & bung. If for some reason this is not possible cut a piece of aluminium to make a plate to fit over the hole , apply a liberal amount of silicon to the plate & around the hole then screw the plate onto the transom. Geoff
  14. Geoff

    Bung plugs

    I don't think re doing the floor has any thing to do with the bungs. If they have pluged up the hole with silicon then sooner or later the silicon could fall out or at least begin to leak. At this time , without seeing the pic's , I would be refitting a new bung housing and bung. Geoff
  15. I heard on the radio this morning that the BAFA club is back in business. No other details advised & unable to find anything on the web . Perhaps others have some information. When passing , will call in & check out the situation. Geoff
  16. Boattart. Frantic has answered the question. In respect to the valve , this is an option but , depending on the drainage set up , it's more a personal choice rather than a must have. For interest , here is a photo without the pump. Whilst we are on the subject , these brackets have an outrageous price , around $50. Playing around in the shead one day I had a piece of aluminium strip cut & bent it into shape then drilled a hole & fitted a cut down of one of those applicators you get when buying tubes of Silicon etc. It's not been fitted to a boat but draging it through the water in the pool there was a good spout of water comming out the top. If wanting to save a few $$$$ this could be an option. Geoff PS for some reason the first photo has been repeated.. I am unable to delete so please ignor
  17. In essence , No. If your using a Rule pump it needs to be mounted as per the photo. If the blue base is below the bottom of the boat without the SS bracket , the pressure of the water passing accross the base will tear the pump off Your only other option is to mount the pump so the blue base is above the bottom of the boat but then it will only work when at rest. Just on the boat , the age is not an aspect that needs to come into the mounting decission Geoff
  18. Geoff

    Elite 5

    I have an Elite5x combo & it's great. There are several versions in the Elite 5 range , the x , DSI etc , then various models with in each range. Which one are you waiting on. Geoff
  19. Bluefin. Tks for the info , will call in tomorrow & spend some $$$. Geoff
  20. I'm heading to Coffs on Saturday. Dose anyone know where I could purchase fresh Beach worms , somewhere between Lidcombe & Coffs. I know there are frozen worms available from tackle stores but would like to use fresh. Rang Mojo in Coffs , they have frozen so that is an alternative Catching them is not an option. I came across this from 2011. there was not much then , perhaps things have changed http://www.fishraider.com.au/Invision/index.php?showtopic=44933 Have surfed around the web but no luck. I have some Gulp worms but not a lot of sucess when used previously. There are dehydrated worms available , just add water. Has anyone tried these with sucess?? So, at this time my order of preference is , Fresh , Frozen , Dehydrated , Gulp Would appreicate any feed back Geoff
  21. Mike , Is it possible there is a loose connection , one of the pins in the plug not always connecting properly or a broken wire in the cable ?? In respect to the transducer height , if the unit is working OK when at rest , ie , when the transducer is completly covered with water but not when on the plane then yes , the height needs to be looked at but if it's not working when at rest then I don't think the height is the issue. Did the unit come with the Operation Manual which shows how & where to install the transducer? Geoff
  22. Has the problem been occuring from day one , ie , as it came out of the box with the factory default settings or only been occuring since adjusting the set up? If the latter , suggest the shallow water function is turned off & the bottom lock off & the depth options set to Auto. Geoff
  23. Luringbream. There are also posts using the search function , "trailer movers". Geoff
  24. You can start by running at the edge of the swells where they are smallest and gradually move into the bigger parts as you gain experience. Learn to use the combination of throttle and wheel to control the direction of the boat at all times. As you gain experience you might find it a lot of fun to run "downhill" under control but never ever take the sea for granted. Interesting post & your last few lines says it all. The main reason for boats to broach is that the swell is traveling faster than the boat & as such pushes it along , generally in an uncontrobal fasion. With hand on the throttle , make frequent changes so the boat is staying just in front or slightly faster than the swell. Geoff
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