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Everything posted by Geoff

  1. Nice to read the success some Raider had on Botany Bay yesterday. Our trip was less successful from a fishing aspect but a great day on the water with Paint_Stripper (Jon). Mottyman & I met Jon at the Kingie Social & shortly after arranged a day out. Unfortunately David had to withdraw last week so it was Jon & I Left Cooks just before 7.00 . There was some surface action as we headed for Watts but decided to stay with plan A , trolling the southern cliffs. Dropped the lures in & trolled down to the lighthouse , result , zip. Went out wide for some bottom bashing , no luck. Mid morning & the wind was freshening so motored back to join the masses in the protection of Nth head. A few drifts saw a large Parrot fish on board , released & returned Down with the pick & commenced a berley trail. Generally very slow but managed one jacket. Jon had only been to the Bay once before & with the fishing slow decided to do a cruise around the northern shore line on a bit of a site seeing trip. On the way in stopped at the runway where Jon picked up a nice Whiting. As the fish box was rather barren decided to let it go. Whilst , in our case , the fish were not cooperative , we had a terrific day on the water & look forward to our next outing Geoff
  2. Geoff

    Outboard Flaps

    Before rushing off to purchase a device that may or may not assist the problem let me share with all 2 experiences I have had with boats going into the "hole & bogging down" in recent months A friend in Melb kept complaining of the problem. Late last year I had the opportunity to visit & spend a few days on the water. Our first outing , throttle down slowly , into the hole & that is where it stayed regardless of throttle being pushed down , the engine rev's were not increasing or if so only very slowly . My friend turned to me & said , see what I mean. Suggested the throttle be bought back to around 4 knots then said , now give it some stick. Boat jumped up on the plane in an instant. He could not belive it I had a similiar experience with another friend a few weeks back , new boat , did not want to load the motor up so slowly increased the throttle , into the hole & it seemed like forever before the boat got up . Same suggestion , same result , up on the plane very quickly. At the risk of woffling on , getting aircraft into the sky is a similiar principle. The normal process is a small amount of rev's to get the wheels rolling then down goes the peddle. Once in the air there is a noticable reduction in the engin revs. In essence , getting a boat from start to plane is basically the same process Geoff
  3. Geoff

    Septic Truck Sign

    Well done , perhaps it could be turned into a bumper sticker Geoff
  4. Simon Perhaps have a scroll through the Fishraider what boat do you have section. There is a large range & if you see something you like send a PM to the owner for further information Geoff http://www.fishraider.com.au/Invision/inde...?showtopic=4477
  5. Geoff

    Outboard Flaps

    They are crap. If you want to put something decent on then fit a Permatrim , they cost around $125 - $150 Geoff
  6. Laredo check the Yellow pages for Freight Fowarders , suggest you look for the big companies like DHL , Expeditors , Mainfreight etc. They would also be able to assist you duties , taxes & handeling cost at both ends etc. As a guide, Freight is moved by volume so you need to find the total cubic mt of the boat when packed for shipment. There is inland freight from the factory to the whalf + documation cost Insurance Sea freight , approx US$250.00 / cm Clearence in Sydney. The F.F. can handle this aspect , approx A$100.00 / cm Delivery to your home or where ever. A crane may be required to lift the rig onto the trailor / ground Not sure on the tax but will be at least 5% of the invoice price + the inland freight in the US Add GST , 10% Unless it is a super deal , suggest you purchase locally Regards Geoff
  7. Geoff

    Warm Currents

    Guys , if you plan to use this web site on a regular basis don't forget to change the date in DATE INDEX at the top of the page , it is not automatically rolled over each day Geoff
  8. Geoff

    Outboard Flaps

    Balance is a major factor in all small boats be it from back to front or from side to side . When the person moved all was OK then that comes down to experience & unlikely foils are required. One other aspect , where was the trim setting , for starting off & getting out of the "hole" the motor should be trimed in. Your question they may be dangerous , yes , there are stories around from those that have experienced the boat tipping when the wing type are fitted. There are other styles around that extend out the back & do a much better job Geoff
  9. Steve Try Noel Howie Alum at Killdare Rd Doonside Geoff
  10. The spray I think your looking for is Inox Geoff
  11. Nel When licences were first released many tackle stores had them available partly as a service , even though there was no revenue to the store but it did bring in potential customers who may purchase other products. But what many experienced , it takes the same time to write out a 3 year licence as a 5 day. In my view that is a fault of the system . 3 day & perhaps 1 month licences should be available like a train ticket. Pay the money & fill in the issue date. All done in 15 seconds If writing out licences especially if there were a group of 3 or 4 then other customers wishing to purchase gear were being neglected. The other aspect , there were stories of pilfering. Store owner , perhaps by himself whilst writing licences was not able to keep an eye on what others in the shop were doing. At the end of the day most considered it just not worth while so decided to no longer carry licences Geoff
  12. Nel Do it on the internet https://pnpnet.qvalent.com/OnlinePaymentSer...cd_currency=AUD Geoff
  13. Saturday. Mottyman , son Andy & I off to Pt Hacking , Shark Island for some livies then head south to see what we can pick up along the cliffs Sunday , as little as possibe , perhaps sort the boat & gear out for the next outing Geoff
  14. Tom I have an idea that might work but would like to see a few pic's of the boat interior . Would these be available ? In respect to the fabrication there is a guy at Doonside I was aware of some years back , Noel Howie Aluminium Geoff
  15. Vision21 Suggest you stay away from the plastic wing type foils. There are some real horror stories around about them working in reverse & tipping the boat violently , ie , under certin conditions one of the wings digs in putting the boat on it's side Geoff
  16. Jeff you are correct about the Snapper size , my error , got mixed up with Flathead. These guys were just under , 28 - 29 cm. Tks for the pick up , have amended origional post Geoff
  17. Fished Pt Stephens last week. Arrived on Tuesday afternoon to be greeted by the bay full of white caps & a screaming Nor Easter. Wednesday , similar conditions but managed to find some sheltered water around Solders Point. Other than a few small red's nothing exciting Wednesday night the southerly arrived which flattened the ocean & set up , weather wise, 3 terrific days of calm seas Thursday headed east to the islands just off the heads. Not a lot of action but Peter did boat a very nice Mowie Friday , headed south to Fingal Bay northern headland. Plenty of action which started with a Bonnie being picked up off the Tomaree headland. During the day heaps of small red's. If the size limit of redies was reduced to 29cm we would have bagged out Neil boated 2 nice fish & dropped a huge salmon after it made a few specular jumps The sharks had an attraction to Graham with several being caught & released on both Friday & Saturday. Saturday , we returned to Fingal , a bit quieter but Peter picked up a nice flattie & flounder. For me , no keepers but lost count of the number of undersize flatties pulled over the side which kept the interest high. Looking forward to our next get together in April Geoff
  18. Called into NSW Maritime ( Waterways ) during our visit to pick up the latest info. Was advised the new park reg's commence 1/3/07. Will see if that occurs as I had previously heard the introduction would not be until after the election which , if Labor is reelected , is only a few weeks anyway. There have been slight modifications to the sancturay zones since the origional plan. Either way the areas we fish are Habitat Protection Zones which are open to req. fishing but closed to trawling. Geoff
  19. Geoff

    Aluminium Oxide

    Jon Just for comparison , here is the anode on my boat , 3.5 years old & 133 hours on the water & it has taken quite a beating Regards Geoff
  20. Weather , tides , moon phase & water temp all looking good for a few days at P.S. Heading off tomorrow for 6 days of & ....... Plan on trolling around the southern headland towards Fingle then off to the islands just off the heads for more trolling & bottom bashing Hopefuly will have a reasonable report for next week Geoff
  21. Geoff

    Aluminium Oxide

    Jon I think there are two other aspects that you may want to take into consideration. A reoccurance of the problem I have limited knowledge on this aspect but understand it is caused through electrolysis. This is an electrical charge going through the boat & when in contact with salt water it attacts the softest part of the aluminium. On my previous boat it had a self destructing replaceable anode . This being the softest spot the electrolysis attacted this area & left the rest of the boat alone. Also , I always disconnected the battery when the boat was at home Perhaps there are other raiders more knowledgeable than I who can advise Filling in the pitting to provide a smooth surface Prior to painting my boat it had some arears that needed attention. Good quality body filler seem to do the job , I used Plastie Bond. Available from most hardware stores. With all the banging & bouncing over the waves it never came away Regards Geoff
  22. Geoff

    Aluminium Oxide

    Vision 21 PM Swordfisherman or Mrs S. They can advise Regards Geoff
  23. Will need to pass on this one , 25th to the 30th , will be heading up to Mylestom / Nth Beach with friends for a few days of & Geoff
  24. Dave Taking this one step further is the instalation of water tanks an option at your place & using the water collected off a nearby roof. Check around , there are heaps of shapes & sizes to choose from On certain sizes there are rebates back from the goverment Geoff
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