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Everything posted by Geoff

  1. Jon Looks great with all the bits reinstalled, it was a bit barron just after we completed the painting. I see the bilge pump has been added & is that a 6 switch pannel on the dash. Is the depth sounder installed or is that still to come Geoff
  2. Craig Mine is similiar to Heath's set up. Am I correct in saying the "duckboards" are mainly used as a step to provide access into the boat from the rear , if so , when I did mine the bucket is retained using wing nuts. This allowed for the bucket to be easily removed for cleaning but also could be removed compleaty & the hole covered with a piece of plywood so on those family occusions the duckboards could still be used as a step. Geoff
  3. Many years ago we used to use a dough mixture , flour & water mixed into a thick paste then add cotton wool to give the dough some substance. Any one used this method recently or is it just easier to use bread Geoff
  4. Stewy Yes , provided there is sufficient to cover the boat ramp. On this occusion the dam was at 100%. Last year the water was very low with several meters of sand between the end of the ramp & the water. Would have been OK for launching / retreiving little tinnies but a struggle for anything larger. Main problem , the sand is very soft also , there is a drop off from the end of the ramp to the sand If your ever planning to head down that way let me know & will be able to advise the latest situation Regards Geoff
  5. Made our annual trip south to my cousins place at Brogo ( 16km north of Bega ) last week. For fishing , Brogo is approx 30 -40min drive to either Bermagui or Tathra , a further 10 min onto Eden or 15min to Brogo dam. Friday , 6th. Weather a bit sad so decided on Eden as Twofold Bay is reasonably protected.. Picked up a few livies around the trawler mornings so headed across the bay to the wood chip mill wharf. Heaps of yakka but very reluctant to take a bait. Moved around the bay for a mixed bag of reef fish & a few Flatties Saturday afternoon, land based at Brogo dam for one keeper Bass Sunday afternoon , Cuttagee Beach . Pick up a 2.5kg Salmon & 2 Tailor Monday. Back to Brogo Dam with the boat . Scenery was great but no fish. See below post for pic's Tuesday There is always 1 day in a week that is perfect & Tuesday was the day. Calm water & fish every where & the action was non stop. This is what we kept Wednesday Bega River , it flows into the ocean at the northern end of Tathra beach. Not much action but young Simon was very excited when he caught this small Trevor Thursday , Back to Cuttagee beach. Very slow , only 1 small throw back Salmon Friday Weather forecast , 1 - 1.5mt swell & 5/10 knots from the N/E. Arrived at the headland over looking the Tathra ramp to be greeted by 2 - 3.5mt swell & a 15/20 knot southerly. So much for an accurate forecast. With the ocean looking very unpleasant we decided to head back to the house. Overall , a great week & plans under way for a return next Easter Geoff Here are some pic's of the scenery taken on Brogo Dam when we were Bass fishing Geoff
  6. Hewey Correct , until you get to the price then there is a big difference Laredo. I went through a similiar exercise several years ago & decided on a 2s as it was the least expensive over a 5 -7 year period for what suited my situation. There are many aspects when deciding on a motor which include frequency of use , distance to travel , long or shot time trolling etc , etc. To give you a few examples , If traveling long distances off shore frequently then 4s or E TEC should be considered as the additional cost for the motor & servicing are offset by the fuel economy If planning to do extensive low speed trolling , ie < 6 knots then again 4s should be considered If occusional use with short to medium distances & perhaps a bit of trolling then 2s The bottom line is , determine what you plan to use the boat / motor for , the frequency then do the mathamatics on which is the most cost efficient. Geoff
  7. Off to Bega on Thursday for a week or so. Plan to fish Eden , Tathra & Bermiguie . Which ones in which sequence will depend on the weather on the day. Reports filtering in indicate there is plenty of action so hopefully a reasonable report when I return & some snaps Geoff
  8. Heading down to Bega on Thursday for a week or so , taking the boat & plan to fish Bermigue & Tathra. Mainly interested in bottom bashing but will give the Kings & Salmon a go along the coast. Anyone had any reports from the area. We will be armed with all the local fishing maps & so called fishing spots but there are lot options & would like to narrow it down a bit. Any info welcome Tks Geoff
  9. If you scale them , then fillit they make reasonably good bait when fresh Geoff
  10. Watto's sell maps from Australian Fishing Network ( AFN ). If that is a bit out of your way check a few stores in your area. They should cost around $7.00 each AFN have a good range & cover most of the NSW coast , rivers & bays Geoff
  11. Geoff

    Boat Show Rosehill

    Chris , Totally agree with your comment. For those into trailer boats checking out the latest gadgets is always interesting. The No. decreased this year to make way for additional boat displays. But did see a 12V underwater colour camera with 30mt cable to the screen for $499.00. Looked like good quality gear , also a 12V to 240V converter , it was about the size of a beer can. Think it was around $60.00 Having said that , anyone looking for a power boat under 6.0mt , there was heaps to look at. I enjoyed the walk around , bumped into the Swordies & had a bit of a chat. Geoff
  12. Geoff

    Bbq Plate

    Tks Ross , will give it a go Geoff
  13. Geoff

    Bbq Plate

    Not sure ir this is quite the right place for this post , but hear goes , I frequently read in the fishing reports lines like , threw the fish on the Barby , it was great The question is , straight onto the plate or wrapped in foil , perhaps something else My BBQ is the average type , cast iron plate on one side & grill on the other. Steak , sausages are the main meals & over the years the plate has become impregnated with meat flavour. I try heating the plate until very hot then on with the water to steam clean. This removes a lot of the fat & the plate looks clean but the meat taste stills seems to migrate into the fish. How do you clean your plate or perhaps use a seperate one for fish Was thinking of getting a S/S plate as they do not absorb the food flavor . Your advice would be appreicated Tks Geoff
  14. Geoff

    Rosehill Boat Show

    Yep , planning on heading down on Friday around 1.00pm Geoff
  15. Raiders , came accross this recently , decided to post for a bit or a giggle. My thoughts are in blue Geoff "Stewardesses" is the longest word typed with only the left hand and "lollipop" with your right. Not if your a 2 finger typest No word in the English language rhymes with month, orange, silver, or purple. I can live with that "Dreamt" is the only English word that ends in the letters "mt". Terrific Our eyes are always the same size from birth, but our nose and ears never stop growing. That could be a worry The words 'racecar,' 'kayak' and 'level' are the same whether they are read left to right or right to left (palindromes). Yep, I knew this one would pop up There are only four words in the English language which end in "dous": tremendous, horrendous, stupendous, and hazardous. Now there is a challenge for some additions There are two words in the English language that have all five vowels in order: "abstemious" and "facetious." I cannot even pronunce those words TYPEWRITER is the longest word that can be made using the letters only on one row of the keyboard. OK , give it a test A cat has 32 muscles in each ear. And zero in it's brain A goldfish has a memory span of three seconds. Until it is feed time A "jiffy" is an actual unit of time for 1/100th of a second. For my wife , when shopping , back in a jiffy ,it is about 3 hours A shark is the only fish that can blink with both eyes. Don't plan to get that close A snail can sleep for three years. Not the snails in my yard Almonds are a member of the peach family. So why do they not have fury skins An ostrich's eye is bigger than its brain. After a few drinks , I can relate to that Babies are born without kneecaps. They don't appear until the child reaches 2 to 6 years of age. February 1865 is the only month in recorded history not to have a full moon. That must have been dissapointing In the last 4,000 years, no new animals have been domesticated. Thought we had enough any way If the population of China walked past you, 8 abreast, the line would never end because of the rate of reproduction. Leonardo Da Vinci invented the scissors. God , I needed to know that Peanuts are one of the ingredients of dynamite! That explains the interjestion Rubber bands last longer when refrigerated. The average person's left hand does 56% of the typing. Not planning on testing that The cruise liner, QE2, moves only six inches for each gallon of diesel that it burns. Sounds like my boat The winter of 1932 was so cold that Niagara Falls froze completely solid. Makes going over in a barrel more challenging There are more chickens than people in the world. I bet KFC are pleased Winston Churchill was born in a ladies' room during a dance. Did that make him a better P.M. Women blink nearly twice as much as men. Now there is a piece of useless information to end on Now you know everything! Geoff
  16. Geoff

    Dumb Things

    There was an artical around some years back titled " The Captain & the Kid". Did something similar but forgot to undo the front safety chain , low tide , wet / slipery ramp , rolled back , hit the brakes , trailer , boat & the complete rear end of the car into the water. The boat ended up at 90 degrees to the trailer , tide now rising , the electronics / motor in the car died. With the help of some on lookers & tow truck they finally got it out. Geoff
  17. Dan Topic currently active in Fishing Chat , Pls see , http://www.fishraider.com.au/Invision/inde...showtopic=18619 Geoff
  18. When I get home from fishing , check what bait remains & if still in good condition give it a good rinse in fresh water, place it in a container , cover with salt water , lid on , rinse the out side of the container with fresh water to remove any salt then into the freezer. The salt water I use is sea water I fill into a 2lt container when out fishing Bait is well preserved for the next outing Geoff
  19. gio On a map I have it shows the GPS for Watts as 34.00.080 151.11.30 , Datum , WGS 84. The hot water outlet is on the Western side of the oil whalf not far off shore , reasonably easy to find as the water swerls up from the outlet. Be aware there is a 100mt exclusion zone around the whalf Geoff
  20. Geoff

    Dumb Things

    Just thought of another , this is really dumb. Planned on fishing BB. Left my place at Berala ( Lidcombe) with Mottyman The trip to BB is normally through Greenacre , Wiley Park & onto the freeway etc. I'm cruising along ,we are chatting , arrive at the ramp , begin to prepare the boat then the penny drops , I look around , turn to David & said , what are we doing here ??????????? In his normal diplomatic manner , thought you had changed the venue We were at the Grays Point Ramp , Pt Hacking Back on with the strap etc & off to BB. It took a while for my face to turn from red back to it's normal colour Geoff
  21. Geoff

    Dumb Things

    There are two that come to mind , the first is the ol' favourite leaving the bungs out. Launched a 12' Quinie in Pt Hacking. Left a friend holding the boat whilst I parked the car , returned to find my friend paying more attention to the scenery than the boat which was now filling rapidly with water. Jumped in , started the motor , off we went , the water drained out , in with the bung & all OK. The other , staying at my Cousins place just Nth of Bega & we decided to fish Bermagui. It is a reasonable distance to Bermi , time wise it is about 40min. Arrived to discover no boat keys & where is the spare set , in the same bag as the main set still siting on the kitchen table OK , we will unhook the trailer so the return trip is faster. Keys for the trailer lock , you guessed it , with the boat keys So we tow the boat all the way back , pick up the keys & 1.5 hours later ready to launch. When loading the boat , keys now go in first Geoff
  22. Dean Not sure on the squid but the 2 spots I know of for Yakka , inside the southern headland or the northern side of Shark Island. If not aware , Shark Island is just South of Nth Cronulla beach Geoff
  23. Jason , that is a classic Well done on the kings , at a nice consolation prize for the long trip out wide. Think how much fuel you can save next time by just going to C.G. & Gilligan will welcome the calmer waters Geoff
  24. Geoff

    New Tinnie

    KW Sounds good , As it was your idea how about kicking it off. I will add a post Geoff
  25. Geoff

    New Tinnie

    Wildfish , nice rig , the 60 should push it along at a good pace. Keys , I know exactly how you feel , been there done that. Round trip to home & back , 1.5 hours. To help speed up the trip , unhook the trailor & leave it at the ramp with one of the guys. Where are the keys for the trailor lock , in a safe place with the boat keys Now , when loading the boat the keys are one of the first things to go on board Geoff
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