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Everything posted by Geoff

  1. It's not uncommon for a boat to move around especially if the wind is from one direction & the current is from another. The only way to stop the boat from swinging is to have an anchor both at the front & out the back. Generaslly speaking , a bit of swing does not make any difference to the fishing Geoff
  2. Certinally looks like a Kingfish. Just for reference , the legal size for Kings is 65cm Geoff
  3. Geoff

    Dream Boat

    I hear Reg Grundy's boat ( ship) is for sale at the bargin price of $120 mil. Thought about it but the wage bill for the 25 full time staff is a bit of a drain on finances. Guess I will just have to stay with my tinnie for a while Geoff
  4. Ian I fish this area each Easter so now 8 months since my last visit. My experience in the Bermi river over the years has not been productive so no longer bother. Off the break wall is worth a try , droped a huge Flathead last year when the line got caught in the rocks. If fishing the river side of the breakwall , best about 30 / 45min each side of the low / high tide. There is a large water tower just on the south side of town. Land base rock fishing is reasonably accessable from this area A little further south there is Cuttagee Beach. Access is very easy walk from the main road. Fish late in the arvo on a rising tide There is no bar at Bermi so OK to head outside on a reasonable day in a small tinnie. Wallaga. Only fished it once. Sad result , unlikely to go back. I think it fishes better if the entrance has a good flow of water passing through. Half hour drive south along the coast road brings you to Tathra. The Bega river empties in at the Northern end of the beach. If you want to fish a river by boat this is a much better option than Bermi. Check the Boat Ramp section in "Boating" to see the ramps at Bermi & Tathra. Geoff
  5. Geoff

    Wheel Bearings

    Here is a web site you may find helpful http://www.reygarza.net/Bearing_maintenance.html Geoff
  6. I was there last week , mainly to help a mate with a few jobs around his house. Did manage to get in a fish on Thursday arvo. Like the others rather quiet. We fished from Tomaree accross to Fingle headland & up to Boondelbah Is. Pulled a dozen or so fish over the side & managed 2 just keepers. There was a strong current running North , especially around Boondelbah Is. so I suspect this did not help Geoff
  7. Jim Tks for the info on the luers. One further thought that has come to mind. As previously mentiond it has been a lot of years since I jiged for Kings at the Peak or in fact any where else but as I recall if fishing with live bait the hook goes a long way into the mouth when the king swallows the bait therfore providing a solid hook up . With jigs the hook up tends to be more around the lip area hence the greater chance of the hook pulling. Also , & this may have been my imagation , but kings caught on jigs appeared to be more agressive than those on baits. Add this to the non stretch braid , a lip hook up & tight drag , increases the chances of the hook pulling. Would be interested to see if other Raiders have had a similar experience Geoff
  8. Jim Firstly it is great to see a report on the Peak , I think it is the first I have seen in years. Browns Mt. seems to be the current flavor of the month or perhaps I should say years. Maybe the Peak is not as productive these days but back in the 70's / 80's it was the place to be for Kings , YFT & a lot of other good quality fish. From your report it sounds as though it is still a good spot & a lot closer than Browns. In respect to your hook pulling , the braid may not assisted with it's low stretch but I suspect locking the drag was the main problem. Back it off a bit , let the fish have a few runs & tire it's selfout. Playing the fish is part of the challenge. It is just a matter of getting the balance correct Would be interested to see a photo of the jigs you were using Geoff
  9. As far as I am aware there is no shuch place as "The Canyons" off Cronulla. The only 2 places out wide is the Plonk hole 34.00.975S 151.26.054E & Browns Mountain 34.02.200S 151.39.500E. Both are a long way out , P.H. 9nm from Botany Bay & B.M 22nm from Botany Bay. As for bait fish , Shark Island just off Nth Cronulla can be productive. We were there on Wednesday not a touch. Suspect the water was too clear. The other spot is just inside the Southern headland of P.H. but it too has it good & bad days Geoff
  10. Unfortunatly not , basically no space left to extend so if planing an outing on the weekend suggest an early start. Mid week is generally OK. We arrived around 8.00 & there were plenty of spaces available Roy Actually the ramp is wider than previous . I think the wire fence is creating an appearence it is narrow. Once the fence is removed it will look a lot different. We fished Cronulla wide & managed 6 keeper Flaties. Wave chop was up to a one mt but the biggest problem was holding bottom. We had on a heap of lead & still struggled.. Gave it away around midday Geoff
  11. Launched from Gray's point today. Finishing touches , mainly the concrete walk ramp up to the jetty was poured this morning. Checked it out when we got back , they have done a great job. Steel fencing should be removed in the next few days & it will be fully operational Speaking with the contractors aparently the new ramp extends into the river approx 30' beyond the low water mark however the sand has already moved in the cover the bottom part of the ramp. This should not cause any problems as it is unlikely to be very thick Attached are some pic's. Admin , I note the boat ramp section is locked. Suggest the origional photo's I posted be removed & the new ones installed , perhaps not all maybe the first two. Will leave it up to you Tks Geoff
  12. After a week or so of crappy weather this week is looking pretty good Will be heading out of Pt Hacking on Wednesday morning with a couple of mates. Hopefully there will be some action around & I can post a reasonable report later in the day Geoff
  13. Geoff

    Gps Marks

    Mike The other aspect is , where I placed the curser to where I actually was located when reading the GPS would have been out a few mt's. If you go to 33.50'43.34 / 151.02'29.87 in Google the actual location is the entry road into McDonalds off St Hillers Rd. Converting the GPS mark 33.50.724 = 33.50.4344. The curser only needs to move a fraction of a mm to change from 33.50.4334 to 33.50.4344. In other words it is not an error or correction of the calculation rather than having the curser on the exact spot I was parked when taking the GPS reading Geoff
  14. Geoff

    Gps Marks

    Went out this morning to run a few errands. Took the GPS & noted 4 spots which were easily located on Google where the last 3 digits were > 600. Using Warnie's suggestion of dividing the last 4 digits on Google by 60 for the spots I recorded , they all came in that close , the difference is negligible. Example Cnr Silverwater Rd (St HillersRd) & Parramatta Rd GPS , 33.50.724 / 151.02.494 Google , 33.50'43.34 / 151.02'29.87 Convert by 60 33.50.722 / 151.02.497. Conversely , if you have GPS map references & want to convert it to Google set to D.M.S. then multiply the last 3 digits by 6.0. Tks Warnie , this is good alternative for those with out Pro Geoff
  15. Geoff

    Gps Marks

    Tks guy's Still trying to get my brain around the conversion aspect. Netic The screen you sent is the same as mine with one exception , "Show Lat/Long" yours has 4 options , mine has 3. DDM is missing. I assume you are working off the Pro version which is a higher version than Google Plus. Not to worry , will just need to live with that. The positon you have in DMM is 34.03.000S by 151.11.23.E Just to clarify , is DMM correct or a typo. From your previous post you mentioned maps as being DDM The correct position in DMS is 34° 2'60.00"S by 151°11'13.80"E Warnie Using your formula of 60 to convert the map reference of 34.03.000 / 151.11.2300 your calculation was 34.03.000 / 151.11.383. The 151 No. is very close to that advised by Netic but the 34 No. was not. Take the last 4 digits , 3000 divide by 60 = 50. 34.03.000 thus becoms , 34.03.50 so not sure where that leavs us. to test the conversion theory i thought it was pick another known example maybe greater than 600. Yes , your correct & I will come back with a few examples Regards Geoff
  16. All interesting comments. Would have been nice to see the weights of the 4 motors inc in the Yamaha test. Perhaps also , the difference in purchase price between the 4 Geoff
  17. Geoff

    Gps Marks

    Netic Tks for your response. I have a paid version of G.E. all be it the base price of US$20.00 PA. Not sure if the cheaper version is different to the more expensive versions for GPS settings. I checked in "Tools" ,"Options" & under the tab , 3D view the Lat/Long is , as you mentioned , set at D.M.S. There are 2 other options. "Degrees" & "Universal Transverse". Tried both of these but neither improved the situation. In respect to the conversion , instead of sending a list which I am still compiling perhaps I could use as an example , a spot called Merries Reef , Southern tip. If your not aware this is near Boat Harbour at the northern end of Bate Bay The map reference I have is 34.03.000 / 151.11.23. Moving the Google curser to this reference & it sits at the Southern tip of Merries reef so in this case they pretty much line up. The Google reading being 34.03'00.00 / 151.11'23.00 The problem commences when the last 3 digits are greater than 600. Eg A map reference of 34.04.590 appear to line up OK with Google with a reading 34.04'59.00 but if the map reference is say , 34.04.610 Google , using 60 sec in a minuite ,rolls over to 34.05'01.00. In other words , Google only appears to jump out of sinc if the last 3 digits on the map reference is > 600. < 600 is OK. Looking foward to your comments Tks Geoff
  18. Geoff

    Gps Marks

    I recently purchased from my local tackle store a map of Botany Bay / Pt Hacking. The map includes a list of GPS marks. To try & get an idea of where these spots are generally located I went into Google Earth to "pin" the spots. This is where it became confusing & perhaps someone can clarify the differences in data. As an example, The map lists a spot called Bate Bay Patches , 34.03.600S 151.11.100E When I go into Google Earth they have extra digits after the 03 , eg 34.03'59.60 The difference that occurs on Google 34.03'00.60 is just S/E of Merries Reef where as 34.03'59.60 is in the middle of Bate Bay. Hope someone can clarify or advise which one to use , 34.03'00.60 or 34.03'59.60 Tks Geoff
  19. Don't wish to add to your misfortune but by the look of the front wheel there appears to be a lot more damage than just pannels. Suspect the suspension is bent & perhaps some of the sub frame and /or the drive shaft. Suggest the wheel be removed for a closer view & assessement of the front end Geoff
  20. Caught the last hour or so of the V8's from Barain. The stand opposite the pits had may be a few hundred people other than that nothing. I think there were more people in pit lane than in the stands. If people from that part of the world are not interested in car racing , why bother going . The V8 's may have got a heap of money for their attendence but projects a negative inpact to the fans back home. Interested in your thoughts , perhaps someone knows the reason for the low attendence Geoff
  21. Geoff

    Hows This!

    A spokesman Cairns City Council last night said the Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service would be called in to remove the croc if it became a threat. Now there is an interesting comment. I wonder what is their definition of a threat , when it swims too close to someone or attempts to attack a person , perhaps even worse. Geoff
  22. KR Your a champion. Tks for the information Regards Geoff
  23. Can anyone identify the name of the tropical sea creature in the below photo Whilst it is a wood carving ,approx 70 years old I have seen photos of these but unable to remember what they are called. From what I can recall the tail is like a stingray & they live on the bottom searching for food Don't take too much notice of the carvings , suspect they are their just for decoration Tks Geoff
  24. Woronora River LOCATION: Off to the side of the old bridge in the reserve at Wonny. Admin / Mod's You may wish to reposition this post to the B.B / Georges River section. Currently listed under Pt. Hacking Regards Geoff
  25. Visited some friends over at Gymea yesterday. Called in at the Grays Point ramp. Work is well under way. They have fenced off the last 10mt of the car park whilst the work is in progress. Work has commenced on the new jetty located on the western side of the ramp. The pylons are in for the pontoon. It will be rather large. The actual ramp is surrounded with a retaining wall but not yet water proof. I guess they do that when ready to did up the old ramp & lay the new one. Supposed to be finished late Oct. On one hand this is all very good but will bring more people so any trips will need to be an early arrival. Sorry , no pic's forgot to take the camera Geoff
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