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Posts posted by Geoff

  1. Thought I was the only one who could not catch fish in P.H. Normally get down that way every month or so , mainly as an access to places south of the Port.

    On most occusions , when heading in , we try various spots & were luckey to loose a bait :thumbdown:

    There are occusional good reports but compare the number of posts on P.H to other areas like B.B. & the Harbor.

    I have a theory which may be way off base but I have tendered to find over the years that systems with shallow entrances that extend for some distance tend to be less productive than those with deep entrances.

    Perhaps it has something to do with migration & breading


  2. Guys Tks for your comments. Received a call from Neil this morning he is planning on heading back to P.S next week & inquired if I was available.

    I guess that is one of the advantages of being retired :thumbup:

    Unfortunatly I have to work :thumbdown::thumbdown:

    There will be another day


  3. Headed off to Pt Stephens last week for a few days fishing with 3 friends.

    Arrived Wednesday arvo to be greated with clear blue skys & Shoal Bay a mass of white water pushed along by a 25 knot N/E :thumbdown:

    Neil had arrived a day earlier & after unpacking & considering the weather conditions decided the next best thing was :beersmile::beersmile:

    Thursday had a similiar forecast including a strong N/E so launched at Soldiers Point & headed towards Karuah. Had not fished this are before so tried a few different spots & hooked into a dozen or so Whiting.

    Unfortunatly all undersize so were released.

    The wind blue up as predicted so decided to do the 7km run back to S.P. Fished the quite water for a few more Whiting & small Reddies , again , all being returned. Decided we had enough sun by 2.30 so retreived the boat & headed back to the house.

    Mick & Peter arrive late in the afternoon so into :beersmile::beersmile:

    Perhaps at this point I should mention I have been fishing with these guys 2 - 3 times each year for the past 25 + years. In days gone by Friday was "serious" day with lines in the water by sun up. Times have changed to more gentlemen hours. Some may suggest degenerated as by late morning sitting around the back veranda only a few line were rigged. A 6 pack was produced shortly thereafter & Friday declared a R & R day.

    No one complained , we had an interesting day dicussing , but not solving , the problems of the world .

    The weather changed over night to a 10/15 knott Southerly & occusional showers. Launched at Shoal Bay & did a few drifts off Tomaree Head. Drift was fast & the back wash made it uncomfortable so looking for quiter water motered over to the northern headland of Fingle Bay .

    Anchored in 14mt & over the next few hours caught a variety of reef fish including a 1.2mt Wobby Shark & a 40cm Reddie. Ther was no shortage of action.


    Sunday was a rerun of Saturday but with fewer fish , still a good morning on the water. :thumbup:

    Back at the ramp by 11.30 , Lunch , packed up , pencilled in our next trip for early 2006 :yahoo::thumbup: & headed off around 2.30pm



  4. Heading up to Pt Stevens next Wednesday for a few days.

    If the weather is OK , normally fish just South of the entrance or around the islands due East.

    Anyone fished the area recently , river or out side & would like to share their hotspot information



  5. Hey guys...I'm planning on gettting up to Newcastle for TFP AGM. If anyone is interested, and would like a ride, send me a PM.

    Normally it would be a yes for me but next Sunday 23rd is also my Fishing Club AGM so unfortunatly will pass on this occusion.

    Did anyone listen to Minister McDonald on the radio this morning. Interesting , but not what I would call challenging.

    This is the first time I have heard him speak , the general theme appeared to consoltation between Pro's, Rec & the greens ( marine parks). Sounded good but ...............................we will see.


  6. Geoff,

    Unfortunately the buyouts were largely a waste of money as the pro's were able to re-purchase latent licenses and resume their destructive practice. Maybe 'misappropriation' is not strictly speaking the most accurate term. 'Diabolical waste of money due to lack of attention to detail on the part of DPI' would probably be closer to the mark.

    Buyouts should be the number one priority as long as there's no loophole allowing these mongrels to buy back into the trade.

    Iain I don't think too many would agree it was waste of money when an additional 11 sites were converted to Rec only , in particular , for those in Sydney , Botany Bay. :thumbup:

    The latent license issue has left a bad taste with Rec fisho's which I include my self . The situation occured several years ago , what happened , happened & we can't change the past. so suggest it's time to move on

    From what I understand the loophole has been pluged.

    If we want to bang the drum to a new tune then I will throw 2 items on the table.

    ** The fund currently supports 9 coastal & 6 inland Fishing officers costing approx $2.0 mill PA. On the surface this is good , the problem is , the revenue generated from fines goes to the State Goverement. This revenue should come back to the fund.

    ** As mentioned in my origional post the Trust Fund has just over $4.0 mill available for further buy outs


    The plan appears to be to do buyouts on a volenter basis. To me this seem a waste of time as it will simply leave the "cake" in any given area to be split into larger portions & will do nothing to improve rec fishing.

    The alternative , I think an area should be selected & all the licences be purchased.

    Once that area has been converted then move onto the next.

    TFP These sorts of items should be HIGH on your agenda not where the funds are comming from


  7. "" Quote "


    Why the fundamental opposition to the fishing tax? The real issue is the misappropriation of this revenue which is criminal. Again TFP has completely missed the point and show a fundamental lack of understanding in that most fisho’s don’t mind paying a modest fee IF it’s spent on initiatives that demonstrably improve the fishing

    True expenditure from License trusts is hidden. Please show some facts to disprove this and show us how the RFL has improved fishing compared to having the same funds allocated from say the GST.

    The system now is jobs for the boys. The RFL has done bugger all to enhance fishing, it is the small percentage of funds collected and the rorted expenditure that has been promoted as enhancing the fishery, all in all the angler has been hoodwinked and so called representatives are letting it happen to boost egos.[/color]

    Having a look around the Fisheries Web site came accross the Trust Fund Report 2003 / 2004. Would be interested to have pointed out where the "Misappropriation of this revenue" has occured. Perhaps there is an argument for misdirection but misappropriation ??? ..


    "True expenditure from License trusts is hidden." Where is it hidden , the list & accounting appears quite comprehensive.

    "The RFL has done bugger all to enhance fishing" So what are you saying the buy out have been a waste of money???

    "it is the small percentage of funds collected" . I would not call $10,000,000 PA a small percentage.

    "same funds allocated from say the GST." Perhaps your correct but unlikely we would have the same expenditure visibility or perhaps the same ammount of income available annually

    Why dose the Fishing Party have policies on tax and education? TFP are a SINGLE ISSUE PARTY asking for my primary vote and as such they should ONLY become involved in issues specifically relating to fishing and stay the hell out of everything else.

    Iain I agree


  8. Iain In principial you may well be correct but would suggest , be via the Fishing Party whom I was not aware of until a week or so back or the representivies of the Rec Fishing Trust it is better than having nothing.

    If we can put it in perspective , the pro association has been active since the early 1900's , the Greens , at a guess 20 - 30 years & Rec Fishing less than 5 so there is a lot of catching up to do.

    For me , I'm just one of many fisho's out there trying to remain positive & encouraged that whilst the steps may be small they appear to be moving forward all be it a bit slower than we may like.



  9. Tell us how that can be achieved, and I will be the first to put my hand up! :wacko:

    Historically, rec fishos are a very apathetic bunch. Like you said, if it doesnt affect us directly, we don't give a stuff!

    You mention that the idealogy behind MP's is good...I agree...But where it all falls down is the positioning of these MP's and how they want to manage them. Whats the point of having a MP in a particular area, but you allow tracts of it to still be exploited by the pro sector? :thumbdown:


    I get the impression that action is occuring slowly but surley. Over the past 5 years or so there has been a lot more activity via fishing mag's , web site forums & in particular the Rec Anglers Committe who control our $10 million PA from the licence fees.

    One of the side benifits of the licence is that we now have an active group emerging with an increasing voice in the right places :thumbup:

    There are regular meetings with goverment & other interested parties on topics effecting rec fishing.

    The problem is , unless we are tuned into 2KY at 5.00 am on a Saturday most , perhaps all of the weeks activities are missed. :thumbdown

    For example , representivies of the committe met this week at Parliment House with pro fisherman to discuss further buy outs. :thumbup:

    Also , those pushing the Marine Park wagon are coming under increased pressure from local communities .

    Bluecod hit the nail on the head when he wrote ,

    "A properly researched and informed MP doesn't exist - they are only as good as the information fed to them by the beauraucracy who are guided by policy and there own personal interpretation of it "

    In addition to the local comunity , this situation is now being activelly challenged , again by the rec anglers committe.

    In referenc to your question, "

    Tell us how that can be achieved, and I will be the first to put my hand up! :wacko:"

    I don't have a good answer other than to say, as more & more fisho's become aware of the events then the wave tends to increase in size & those who make the descissions will (should) take more notice.

    It will be interesting to listen to the Minister next week on 2SM when he is questioned about these & other rec fishing issues.


  10. I posted this under another topic but thought it may be of interest as a seperate subject

    A few comments were made a few weeks back by the Chairman of the Trust Fund.

    There is currently $4,000,000 now available for further buy outs :thumbup::thumbup:

    Inittally buy outs will be on a volentry basis. Not sure I agree with that. :thumbdown:

    The loop hole where dorment or low value liences appears to have been pluged as all transfers / sales need to be first approved by the goverment :thumbup:

    A bigger threat is not the pro's but the ever increasing number of Marine Parks.

    Those pushing that wagon argue M.P's will only cover 20% of the waterways. The problem is it is 80% of the popular fishing spots.

    The flow on then becomes greater pressure on the remaining 20%. :thumbdown:

    As a side aspect I understand The NSW Minister , Mr McDonald will be on 2SM (1269) for an hour , Sunday 16/10/05 , 6.00 - 7.00 AM


  11. Yammy was doing a pilot program for it a couple of years back - I had the offer of it getting done for nothing but never got around to gettting it done.

    It's offered as an option by quite a few dealers now, no idea about the cost though.

    My opinion - it should be free and compulsory for all manufacturers  :)


    I purchased a new Yammie 2 years ago . It came at no cost as part of the package.

    If we are talking about the sane thing there was approx 500 dots the size of a pin head with a number encoded & a bottle of solution (glue) .

    Painted them over the boat , trailer & motor.

    When the solution dried , impssible to see except under a infrered light


  12. My understanding was the licence money was used to buy out pro's. No one told me I had to fight this battle myself, I thought that was done by the elected officials.

    I dont think im alone either in thinking this. The majority of rec fisho's just assume things are being done for the benifit of rec fishing based on their licence fees being paid.


    Personally I would like to see all NSW waterways + a distance off the coast , say 3km rec only. :thumbup:

    For those interested in where the money goes check out the NSW Fisheries web site then Rec Fishers expenditure

    A comment a few weeks back by the Chairman of the Trust Fund advised there was $4,000,000 now available for further buy outs. :yahoo::yahoo:

    Inittally buy outs will be on a volentry basis. Not sure I agree with that. :thumbdown:

    The biggest threat is not the pro's but the ever increasing number of Marine Parks.

    Those pushing that wagon argue M.P's will only cover 20% of the waterways. The problem is it is 80% of the popular fishing spots.

    The flow on then becomes greater pressure on the remaining 20%. :thumbdown:

    As a side aspect I understand The NSW Minister , Mr McDonald will be on 2SM (1269) for an hour , Sunday 16/10/05 , 6.00 - 7.00 AM


  13. Makes one think , there is more to buying a boat than just selecting the rig that best suits your situation

    I puchased a new boat about 2 years ago , did not give a pre handover water test a second thought until the day I went to pay & collect.

    Arrived at the dealers (Western Sydney) & the boat was hooked onto their ute. When inquired why was informed

    " We planed to go for a run to ensure you are happy with the set up etc."

    As it turned out the motor had been fitted with a 13" prop & was not happy with the performance so they changed it for a 15" & all OK


  14. Only in America . Last year I saw , some where around the web , a photo of a row of boats each with 4 motors , 1100hp. :1yikes::1yikes:

    I think the name of the game is maxium speed to get to the popular spots before the next guy when fishing in a comp.


  15. Weather is looking good for the weekend so plan on fishing Pt Hacking & places South on Saturday with Mottyman :yahoo::yahoo:

    Wife & eldest daughter return home after 3 weeks in the US / UK on Saturday evening , :1welcomeani: so Sunday being a good lad & staying home :1prop:

    Will most likely be reminded the lawn need cutting :1badmood:


  16. Tony There is a tacle store next to the Mobil servo at Salamanda Shopping center , think it is actually called Salamanda Bait & Tackle.

    Call in , they normally have the latest fishing information along with maps

    Hope to be getting up that way myself prior to Xmas :1fishing1::1fishing1:


  17. Is it the 4.3 or 4.6 , looks like a 4.6. I purchased a 4.6 18 months ago , best decission made :yahoo::thumbup:

    Could you explain the silver frame on the front



  18. T-Vinny Flush the motor with fresh water , rabbit ears over the water inlet are the easiest method.

    Chech the gearbox to ensure the oil is in good condition , if white then water is entering through one of the seals , most likely the main drive that operates the water pump.

    If considering a service suggest Hewett Marine at Cowan. They have been dealing with Merc's for many years & will give you a good idea of what , if anything is required to be repaired


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