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Everything posted by SAfisho

  1. Iron Cove is not fly friendly from the shore on the most part due to the close proximity to the jog/cycle path, but if you can wade out it's a different story. However in winter it's not advised. The place has been slow of late, your best bet is in Botany Bay. I have not heard good reports from the harbour as of late. Parramatta River is a good spot in summer, but don't eat anything, especially bream, whiting and mullet and the likes as the fish there are toxic due to the very high levels of pollution. However sporting wise it's fine. You could use bread flies on mullet if you can find them. They go hard on the 4wt! But like I said, don't eat them as they literally eat the shit and scunge on the surface.
  2. It all comes down to common sense and whether the angler's an idiot or not. Species such as kings travel in and out of the harbour all the time, they only spend a relatively short amount of time in the harbour itself and the small amount of dioxins are of no concern. They also eat baitfish only. Species such as bream, whiting and mullet feed in the contaminated silt and some of them may spend their whole lives there! (e.g. bream). I wouldn't eat a bream out of the harbour, and you'd be a fool to eat something even west of Cremorne. You won't get sick from one fish, but I've heard my doctor (who is a keen fisho) say he thinks people who have consistently eaten species such as bream and whiting from polluted areas have damaged their kidneys. Their kidneys couldn't take all the shit in the fish. IMO, only kings and other pelagics are truly safe to eat out of the harbour proper.
  3. When will the show be aired? Good fish.
  4. What wharf is that mate? Just curious. Nice sharky.
  5. I could almost guarantee a beach mullet would taste better, but it varies fish to fish and mullet move in and out of systems frequently unlike bream who can stay in a certain area for a long time, sometimes their whole life. Nonetheless you are correct in saying they are toxic. If a feed is the target, fish in cleaner water near the mouths of waterways.
  6. Don't eat anything from the cooks. It's very polluted and the fish are full of nasty dioxins.
  7. Well done on releasing it. It's good to see more people releasing bream from highly polluted areas like the upper Georges River.
  8. Not having a go but how can you expect people to give up their spots when you won't give up yours?
  9. That fish is no bream, probably a biddy or something.
  10. Mate you have no idea do you? If we are talking about Sawtail Surgeons, they are delicious. Cook them nice and simple much like you would a flatty or similar.
  11. Hey if you want a feed smoke up any unused tailor at the end. Better than shovels.
  12. What model is that? I know you can readily pick up a T-Curve jig stick (Deep Jig 200/400) for around $200-$300 RRP.
  13. It's good to see people releasing big breeders.
  14. But this guy is also asking about tackle, not just lures. I don't have any real experience with jews on SP's, so I'll be watching this space.
  15. It's good to see you releasing bream as everyone that's put back counts. They'll be back bigger and meaner next time you get them, also they'll reproduce and give us more bream to play with.
  16. Where is that you were fishing? 79cm is monumental on 6lb.
  17. Where abouts were you fishing?
  18. Nice trevally. They certainly go hard! What wharf were you fishing at?
  19. So they don't get bigger than 70cm up there? Good on you for releasing the bream. One or two flatties is enough for a feed and I don't like freezing fish, the upside is that you have an excuse to go catch some more! I, as with you, don't like keeping bream at all. They always go back. Also, I'm not sure in Qld but in NSW it is illegal to have undersize fish in your possession, that means that any undersize fish must be returned immediately. If you're caught with undersized fish, dead or alive, fisheries will ping you. As you said two of those flathead are undersize. Just a friendly tip, you may want to invest in a battery powered air pump for your make shift live well, it will ensure that the fish have a higher survival rate. Tape it to the bucket and a decent one will only set you back around $40. (cheaper ones have a nasty habit of not being able to pump the air at a consistent rate)
  20. Where abouts were you getting the bream, flathead and jewfish? Has the area close to the entrance to Botany Bay produced? Around the bridge which trains go over.
  21. How were you fishing the pencil? Fast? Slow? I fish my pencils with a continuous walk-the-dog retrieve so if they were hitting it after a long pause were you doing that with the pencil?
  22. Could you PM me the wharf? Thankyou very very much. I can keep it very hush BTW. Nice tailor.
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