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Posts posted by damariboyz

  1. I was hoping to get a few hours :1fishing1: in this morning with my boy's. But :wife: reckoned they were to sick with the cold. Had to do the responsible thing :ranting2::risata: there's always next week :yahoo:.

    Well done Appoooh :thumbup: hope the fish taste great :beersmile:


  2. Hi Damari,

    Did you get my PM?? I checked in my "Sent Items" in the PM area, and couldn't locate it at all, was not sure that you got all the info??



    Yes I did mate and thank you.


  3. Ah yes the old to good to be true deal :074: As usual the info wasn't quite fitting to the reality of things. :05: Seems the 470 turned into a 460 :1yikes: overnight.

    The price tag also suffered a blowout and it appears that due to a wall street crash has jumped to $10.000. :hitsfan::05: Lesson learned, experienced gained. But gees after getting a close :1yikes: at the boat Im jealous as hell of you Lightweight . :ranting2: A very nice little boat, to be honest, I may have paid the money no probs but if there is one thing I cant stand is somebody who agrrees on a deal only to change it at the last minute. Ive waited years to buy my first boat I wont let some P**** take the enjoyment out of it for me. A few more years aint gonna hurt.

    :thumbup: Thanks to all who passed on their info on my earlier topic on this matter it all helped.

    Lightweight, thank you for the run down on your beast.

    :1naughty: The search continues


  4. You can still write a letter mate. It doesn't have to be prefect, just do your best and say what you mean without being rude (which is hard sometimes I know).

    In your other posts you mention you are voting age now. Why not write an email and let them know that the party which looks after fishermen the best will get your first vote.

    Don't be nervous, it's your democratic right to correspond with the Government. After all, we pay for them.


    Spot on Iain there is only one way to hurt these mongrels and that is at the polls. No need for fancy words just a tick on the ballet paper at the appropriate time.

    BUT YES please if we can take 5 mins to send this P*_*K an email it will all add up.

    Before we all turn our computers off today ask yourself, did I end up sending the minister that email 2day.


  5. G'Day Boof. Exactly Mate, but to put it up here and run a 'central' version I need to web enable it and I don't have the knowledge to do that.

    I'll have to convince work to send me on some courses, despite it being completely unrelated to what I do!!


    Iain I spend most of my day on Fishraider site. :1clap: And Im a Transport supervisor :badair: . I know it's completely unrelated to wat I do :074: but like you guy's Im hooked. :1fishing1::1fishing1::1fishing1:

    Regards Russ

  6. If you look just in front of the dorsal you should see my fisheries tag. :1naughty: Yep that was one great fight let me tell ya. :074:

    Hope to get back to thailand real soon.

    :risata::tease: Yeah I know, im goin im goin

  7. Hey Russ, I recall some time ago Iain was creating his own fishing database using access and at the time there was some discussion by the then members about keeping logs etc and being able to draw on this information for future reference.

    This was a while ago and since then the forum has moved/changed format a couple of times, that said I'm sure if you sent Iain a PM he would be more than happy to assist you with what he'd done. That said, I guess fishing is made up of a series of variables and it's a matter of getting those sorted and to what level of detail you go to e.g. tide, moon, air pressure, water temp, time of day, date, location etc etc. Figure a way of recording these in a log and you're done. Maybe use a excel sheet for starters with columns containing validation where you can set your values????

    Let us know how you get on.


    :1naughty: Great advice JD :thumbup: I should start with the basics and add on to that as req. I think thats the best bet. Different info for different situation. Ill get on to Iain as well.

    Thanks mate :thumbup::yahoo:


  8. :wacko: Hi all

    I sat down last weekend determined to create a new fishing log. As there is always something new coming along to add to your equation I new what was relevant but I found that I could not decide what was, irrelevant :1badmood: . Every time I print off wat I think is the finished version I second guess it.

    So I decided to ask those who would know :1clap: . If anybody would like to share their ideas of the perfect :1fishing1: log please do so. Most of my :1fishing1: is done from a boat around sydney. so if you have anything that might help I'll throw it into the mixing pot.


    Regards Russ

  9. Sitting here on Queenscliff headland with the house about to get blown over I wouldn't be going out there today. 7 metre seas!  :1yikes:

    The Black Pig has been in dry dock at Bobbin Head and is now ready to be picked up. But there is NO way on God's earth I am bringing it back to Sydney harbour in this weather!  :1badmood:

    And I am off to sunny Brisvegas for the weekend to watch the Wallabies give it to the Frenchmen! This will be three weeks in a row without fishing.  :ranting2:

    Lets just hope the seas are calmer next weekend!




    GDay Captain, :biggrin2: What was the end result with the transducer.


  10. I hope to get out early on Saturday for a :1fishing1: around the wharfs of Walsh Bay. I think the rain that will keep you at home this weekend Ken, may have just arrived in Syd. It's been raining here all night, very welcome though. The wharfs have shelter so only the :wife: will prevent me and the boy's from gettin out. Is it still rainin up there and what other :1fishing1: options are available to you if you get that uncontrollable urge.

    Regards Russ

  11. bluecod! shhhh i know where that rock is too...

    there are some monsters at manly wharf...seen 3lbers there at night in the lights. they graze over the weedbeds during hte day on either side of hte wharf. me and a mate had a good go at them 2 weeks ago using tackle that wasn't particularly finesse...i think the 6lb fluoro trace helps but. late arvo, after 3pm, high tide was when they turned on.


    Hey Bung, Wat the hell is that in ya foto. :1yikes: Russ

  12. :thumbup: Thanks heaps guy's for the different info on this type of rig. I was a little worried about it's capabilities on the syd but you have given me the good oil. I will let you know if the sale goes ahead and get some pics up.

    Russ :biggrin2:

  13. The other post had already been moved thats why there is an arrow (redirect) alongside it. Whover moved your may have missed checking the redirect box. I can't see why it is a drama.

    Do you have a problem with my moving your boating question to the appropriate forum?


    I dont have a problem at all with anything you do on your site. If I do I will simply not visit again. My question was that I did not know what happened to my post. Once before I had one moved and I had a notification of it being shifted to another area. I did not see that same message this time. Please feel free to enlighten me if it is or was there this time so I know what it is I should be looking for.

    Regards Russ

  14. It was moved to the boating section along with other boating questions  :1naughty:


    If this be the case, should the post by Kevvie from June 27th, relating to V-nose boat not be moved also?

    Regards Russ

  15. Have been offered a good deal :074: on a stacer 470 pro tournament. As my prefered :1fishing1: location is Sydney harbour I could do with any feedback on this type of boat.

    :1yikes: It is an offer to good to refuse. :yahoo:


  16. If a boat has a maximum of 4 persons sticker. Does this mean 4 adult size or does it mean 4 persons no matter what.

    Three children between 5 and 10 years of age and 2 adults still would not have the same gross weight of 4 grown men.

    If you do overload the boat what are the penalties.

    Regards Russ

  17. Give it a go with the N/W,s blowing. Very quiet for 2 hours with only 2 throw backs. :thumbdown:Drifted for a while and come up with a 42 cm flatty :1clap: Headed towards the weed beds hopeing for a few squid for bait later on in the week.The bloody things were following the jig but would,t latch on, they were small but ideal bait size. :1badmood:Not to worry , got a feed for tonight,thats fishing. :yahoo:Good luck all. :beersmile:


    I wonder if you had sweetend the jig with some other bit of flesh bait maybe would have enticed them to latch on. :ranting2: It can be frustrating but as you said, got a feed so that"s the main thing.

    Regards Russ

  18. We always comment about the one that got away and how big it was. The smallest fish I ever caught was a snapper about the size of a match box.

    Has anybody ever seen the likes of Kingfish or Jewfish this small.


  19. 17Degrees is a fairly deep V for a tinny.

    Make sure you take a test run and take a buddy.

    get the sales guy to drive it to ten knots.

    Then both of you move to one side of the boat.

    You will soon find out if it is stable or not.  The up side is, As mentioned is a much softer ride.

    For a five metre boat, with a 17deg hull , Id have at least a 2.2m beam


    Thanks for that livie. The beam on this particular boat is 2.35mtr's.

    Regards Russell

  20. Hi Russell,

    Deadrise is basically the measurement of the angle between the bottom of a boat and its widest beam. A vessel with a 0º deadrise has a flat bottom, high numbers indicate deep V shaped hulls. I am not sure how they measure a twin hull or cat style boat??

    Hope this helps.



    Thanks for the info LW


  21. In general the deeper the v, the better the ride and the less stable they are.  You have to generally make a compromise.  Or you could just buy a Signature with a variable deadrise hull and have the best of both. :1clap:


    Thanks for the info bashir.


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