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Posts posted by damariboyz

  1. Sorry for the news Pete we will save you a couple of kings for your return :074:

    Least the rest of us will have more of a chance now. :biggrin2:

    PS You still da Captain even if da pig got sick, Have a pleasant hols.

    Happy :1fishing1: Russ

  2. With a character like you Pete :wacko: I would think the boys would feel that a Kingy or two would be a bonus. As for Des Toms my two eldest and I actually went out on the harbour with him in Feb 05 great bloke top fisho. I give him the thumbs up just for puttin up with my boys.

    All the best for the weekend

    PS I did tell Jocool about my dreamin of him and his King I was only 7 cm off.......Sadly that is a measuerment that I am all to familiar with :wank:

    Happy :1fishing1: Russ

  3. very easy, tip the crab over and if she is carrying eggs you will see them under her tail. Just like a big clump of salmon roe. If you ever pump nippers you will also notice the females carry their roe under their tail - bright orange clumps.

    Thanks T,Broker I know exactly wat to look for now :thumbup:

    Happy :1fishing1: Russ

    Hmmm... a bit sceptical about eating muddies from the georges, but hey for all i know those sold in the fish market could come from there. I've caught a few muddies in Dee why lagoon also, normally whilst prawning. Tears the cr@p out of your scoop net. Never eaten any though. just catch them, look at them for a while, let them go and wonder why i just wasted a 15 dollar scoop net.


    Russ...all that orange colouring under the tail is its eggs! This is a good sized one I scored in Rose Bay couple of weeks ago. Took a squid bait.

    :thumbup: Your a good man Joe, by the way, I had a dream the other nite that I read on this forum you bagged a 84cm King so get ready my friend.

    :1yikes: Sh*t im 40 and dreamin about other blokes more :beersmile::tease::074:

    Happy :1fishing1: to you all. Russ

  4. :1yikes:

    Holy sh*t Mudcrabbin you could use that as a forklift. Let me know what that crab tastes like I believe there is a great Muddy population in the Georges. I aint got a boat yet but if someone would drop a pot down where the Woronora meets the main water Id sure be interested in the results.

    Great Crab man :thumbup::thumbup:

    Happy :1fishing1: Russ

  5. Shane - how long do you want to wait - they're old enough at 18 months even though they don't understand until the rod starts to get pulled from him by a fish - teach him to wind the reel at home and tie a toy to the line so he gets the idea of winding the toy in to him - be surprised at how quick they pick it up. :thumbup:

    :074::074: Hey Bluecod my dad taught me to cast at home, he sat me near the fridge showed me how to tie a knot and id cast stubbies to him on the lounge all night. :thumbup:


  6. How long does it usually take for fish to congregate around a new structure like that. Obviously you get strays coming and going. But do you tend to get a resident congregation of fish quickly.


  7. :yahoo: I love fishing under Tom Ugly's Bridge and Captain Cook's Bridge with my Dad and brother Matthew. We mostly get small bream but it is good experience for Matthew and I with our basic fishing skills. It will get us ready for the Sydney Harbour KINGIES! :074::thumbup:

    Reply under supervision from Dad.

    :yahoo: From Daniel aged ten years, from the Damari Fishing Team

    Happy :1fishing1:

  8. :1yikes: Nice haul guy's sounds like a great day on the water.

    Jeez im burstin for a fish. Monday aint lookin to flash, the :wife: sais you aint taken the boys out in the rain :ranting2: maybe I can take her and use her as an anchor :074::biggrin2: only joking dear.

    Great report boys :thumbup: keep it comin


  9. Sorry Joe been off for a few days. Im the Transport supervisor, all of our trucks are company owned. That big unit in the photo aint me, he is a great bloke though and he was given that truck to how should I say, care for.


  10. Hope all is going well with the new baby and he is home soon. I’m sure it will not be long before he starts packing on the weight and he’s a healthy 7kg before you will know it. Hope mum is ok also.

    Take care and

    Congratulations on the new baby Lucas :thumbup:


    Well said Martin that goes ditto for me.


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