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Posts posted by damariboyz

  1. :1badmood:

    Unreal, I went out yesterday lookin for Sambo's and headed up the coast with a few lures out the back. After no action we headed back inside the bay. Should have kept on keepin on we must have missed em by a kilomeltre or so.

    Got some nice Trev's around Watt's reef so we did get a feed. Had to be off the water by 9.30am so didn't get to the social. Hope everyone had a good day.


  2. I am on my way to achieving one of my goals this season with the Marine Radio Operators Certificate on offer for all Raiders at the Kingsgrove RSL. :thumbup:

    You can have all the safety gear in the world on your boat but if you cant use it competently whats the point.

    My other goal for this season is to have as much fun enjoying my fishing with my family.

    :074::074: Ahh who am I kidding I want to catch Kingies and Dollies and Bonito and anything that swims flatout and takes drag :yahoo:

    Oh yeh and get better at catching bloody Squid :tease:


  3. Hi all

    I want to get some Nippers at Maianbar and keep them overnight at home for use the next morning. I have an aerator so they should keep not to bad. I expect quite a few casualties though. My question is if my following day's fishing is ruined for any reason :1badmood: what should I do with them Freeze them or place them in the fridge. Keeping in mind that it may be a week before I get out fishing again.

    PS..I really dont want to have to throw them out that would upset me :thumbdown: and I would rather just spend the money and get them fresh at the tackle shop on the morning.


  4. Due to the crappy weather today.and :wife: being in one of those moods :1badmood: I loaded the boy's in the car and headed to Bellambi ramp for a look. I might head to The Hump from down there it must be half the distance from Bellambi. Only thing is we wont get to take in that wonderful scenery that Ross is talkin about. Come on October

    That boat sure looks nice Ross might get one myself next year :074:

    I dont think you need any vitamins Jewgaffer I'm still trying to decipher your post on Barometric pressure :tease:


  5. Well done again Ross

    I was planning a trip in my boat :yahoo: I still love sayin that after waitin 25 years to get it :thumbup:

    MY BOAT MY BOAT MY BOAT :thumbup:

    to the Humps on or around the 27th of this month but you mentioned in one of your reports last week the Snapper had slowed due to the full moon. I was going to use the full moon to give me some light for an early start out of Botany Heads. I will leave it till a week after the next full and give it a bash then.

    Will be doing some drifting with SP's when I'm down there as well.


  6. Good on ya mate.

    A fun and rewarding day. I hope to get down the humps over the next month. My little Quinnie should get me down there no worries just pick a nice day for comfort sakes. Your right the forum is full of great folks and with the Swordies in charge were going in the right direction. I spent a day on Broady with Ross early in this Snapper season and your right he is a great bloke and knows his stuff. He is a very contented man up there on the flybridge and he gives you the best possible options to put a smile on ya dial.

    Well done

    Hope your dad recovers 100% and enjoys his fishing for many years to come.


  7. I was out on sunday aswell, I fished the oilwarf for about an hour but had to come back in as my crew got sick, but it was good fun jumping the boat. Well done on the snapper, I think I met you around 10ish on kyeemagh ramp? as I was launching the boat.

    Nice to have met you mate even if we didn't know it at the time. The only thing we had in common on Sunday is we were both :1prop::074: now we know we were 2 mad Raiders and that makes it a o kay.


  8. Hi Ross

    After passing you and Glenn on our way back into the bay at Kurnell I was glad to be heading in our direction not yours. My 4.6 mtr Quintrex was shown no mercy from the swell out there and while we could have stayed out there it just didn't seem worth it. I looked back out to sea 5 mins later and you were gobbled up by a big wet patch. To bad things went to sh*t but thats the way it goes. If it's any concilation you boy's look damn good trudging out to sea side by side. Like 2 old warriors ready to do battle again.

    No doubt you will brain em next trip.


  9. Hi all

    Out of bed at 3.15am pull up at bait shop 4.00am closed :074: just as I suspected me and the bro in law were the only 2 dopes up that early. Lucky I bought a Squid along :yahoo: No-one at Cooks ramp so launched and shot off into the bay. Wet and windy and dark :074: loved it. Went for some Squiddies around Yarra bay for an hour zilch. Our plan for the day was to troll lures up and down the coast line for some speedsters but after half hour of gettin pounded we come back inside. Saw Broady and billfisher disappear of the coast in a rain storm and wished the boys good fishin. We picked up a nice Snapper at 46cm just off the Bare Island Bommie but that was all. Had a fish around the drums for a while nothing happening there.

    Had a zoom around for half hour in the wind rain and chop :tease::074: what a lot of fun that was. I thought what the hell, not to many boats around no one to bother so had a blast got soaked to the bone :074::074: felt ten years younger. We saw a Seal hanging around the Red marker. The one near the Yellow marker at the Western end of Mol point.

    I notice the green marker pole near Trevally alley has been replaced by a floating green buoy. Anyway early start cold wet windy day and loved every minute of it. Gee it's good to be an idiot every now and then.

    Water temp on my sounder read 16 degrees throughout the bay.


  10. Russ

    What type of squid do you normally get from the wharf? :biggrin2:

    Ceph I have only caught 2 Squid, :biggrin2: in the pool they were Southern squid and big as well. Around 40cm both of them in a space of 10 minutes. When I got the second one it was followed by his girlfriend but I let her go to make more Squid :yahoo: Jus jokin I cant tell one from the other. There's a thought, should we start throwing the lady Squid back and if so how do we tell the difference.

    :1yikes: Do we look under her mantles or peek up her hood :074:

    Good fishing to you all


  11. Hi Penguin

    A good day by the sounds of it mate. Ya didn't mean it when ya said, "getting bored catchin fish" I'd hate to think you have gone :wacko: or something like that. The Harbour just had that look about it today. Can't wait for silly season to get here. Good on ya mate.


  12. Hi Raiders

    4.00am start and straight to Clifton Gardens wharf. Arrived at 5.15 to a lonely wharf not a soul, or Squid. Oh well, it was great just being at the salty stuff. The Squid would have been a bonus, but at 6.45 it was time to get to work.

    Geez it was hard to drag myself away. Might be a blessing to not get a Squiddie otherwise I may have had to ring in a sickie.

    That old fella had me shivering in my beanie though, I dont think I could swim in that winter water like him. Good on the old digger for keepin fit.

    His old mate the Kelpie keeps an eye out for him.

    PS... Used #3.0 and #2.5 Lumo Squid jigs.


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