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Tony Soprano

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Everything posted by Tony Soprano

  1. Man you guys make me so jealous, I've only caught one and that was only 1.5kg... I'd be happy with one double the size, let alone 8kg... And then the 20kg ones, hahaha yeh sure, I'll die a very happy man if I ever land a jewy of that size...
  2. Knock back a few beers on Friday night, going out for a fish on Saturday morning around cowan/ hawkesbury... Then a few more beers on Saturday night, then 4WD/fishing show on Sunday...
  3. I guess singapore noodles in singapore would simply be called noodles...
  4. That's never going to happen as long as money is involved... Its topics like this that make me realise how ruthless and non-caring humans (namely the government in this case) are when it comes to nature... I wonder how much of that 3500kg ends up getting thrown out because it isn't sold... I would be a lot happier to see fish prices rise and the pro's take less fish from our waterways.. If it keeps going the way it is I doubt I'll be able to go fishing with my future kids because there quite simply will not be anything left to catch...
  5. Thats absolute bullshit... I can't believe they're allowed to do it...
  6. Beautiful looking fish there mate... Well done...
  7. That would have to be a bloody big eel to have a mouth capable of a bite like that...
  8. We always manage to get a few decent size ones around the cottage point area... Also quite a few of the harbour wharves seem to produce for a lot of people...
  9. Well done mate, sounds like you had a good day...
  10. Damn straight mate!! I'm already plotting to target them a bit more often... Thanks for the replies guys...
  11. Hello everyone... Me and two mates headed out from Parsley Bay ramp at about 5am on Saturday, went round to Juno Point to watch the sun rise and had a bash whilst there with very little result except a super small gummy shark hooked through his belly... Was well worth it for the sunrise though... Then we turned around and headed back up to the rail bridge for a bit of breakfast... Out with the berley whilst my mate cooked up the bacon and after a short while there the rod in the rod holder bent down and touched the side of the boat, I lifted the rod, felt the weight and set the hook and then held on... I had no idea what I had hooked but it felt pretty heavy and was going like a steam train, after a spirited (but relatively short) fight on 6 pound line I boated my first ever Jewfish... To say I was happy is an understatement, I was pumped on catching not only my first jew but my biggest fish to date... He was only 50cm and 1.5kg clean but was good fun and tasted great, fed 6 of us the next night... Other than that was a pretty quiet day with only a small soapie and a chopper tailor but did I care? Hell no... Another beautiful winter's day out on the water with a few refreshing beverages, some good company and a nice fish, what more could you ask for...
  12. Thats a fat bream you got mate! Well done...
  13. Yeh I've noticed that the weather reports aren't looking great for this weekend but I'm still keen as mustard to go out and have a crack... Putting in at parsley bay and heading up the hawkesbury trying for some decent bream early tomorrow morning...
  14. Very nice looking squid there mate...
  15. Heading out late tonight/ early tomorrow morning to broken bay and around barrenjoey for a solid session... Hopefully can have a bit more luck than I've been having lately... And of course a few
  16. Its inexplicable to a lot of people who aren't into it... I just never seem to get bored when I'm fishing, regardless of whether or not I'm actually catching anything... The thrill of the line tightening up and the rod starting to bend... The 'what if'... And being near the water is relaxing... There's nothing else like it...
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