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Tony Soprano

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Everything posted by Tony Soprano

  1. I have to agree with Pedro on that one... The articles page at the front of this site is brilliant, I have read all the articles at least twice and I continually refer back to them on quite a regular basis... As for your idea Harold, it sounds good and I'm definitely up for it...
  2. Nice poem Mick... And good report Whitto.... Sounds like a good day out, my Dad lives in another country and he came out on a charter with me a few weeks back when he was in the country and it was great to be able to share a day with him doing something we are both passionate about (other than getting pissed and watching sport)...
  3. Friday night- hanging out with my girly... Saturday- hopefully a decent sleep in to try and recover from whatever sickness/disease it is I'm suffering from at the moment... Saturday night- preparing all my gear for Sunday and try and get to sleep at a reasonable hour... Sunday- SALMON DAY!! I just hope someone remembered to tell the salmon.... Even if the salmon don't show themselves it should be good to get out on the water and meet some fellow raiders...
  4. GW77, great catch mate... As harold said, that's something to motivate strugglers like myself to get out there and give it a go... As for the catch and release thing, I release anything undersized, but with the small amount of fish I catch, I pretty much keep anything thats good eating and legal. There's nothing wrong with keeping fish for the table as long as its within the law...
  5. Nice to hear you had a good day out twinfisher... And as you said, at least you got a feed... Funny you should mention getting excited over catching the anchor rope, one of my mates managed to snap his rod in half whilst having a spirited battle with the anchor rope...
  6. Jeezus 70lb is a damn fine fish...
  7. I have to agree... Harold, you never know if you're gonna catch anything unless you get out there and have a crack at it... I know where I'll be on Friday and I'd much rather be out on the water, fish or no fish...
  8. You should chuck up a full report crazedfisherdude...
  9. Lets see someone try and land one of them from a kayak...
  10. Thanks for that Jethro, exactly what I wanted to know mate!
  11. How do you guys normally rig up your hard body lures? I bought a sx48 to try out last night and it says on the pack it is a floating lure... Does this mean that it is only a surface lure or do you add a sinker to push the lure deeper into the water column? If so what sort of weight would be best to not adversely affect the action of the lure and how long a trace, what swivels etc would I need to get this lure to work well for me? Tony..
  12. Those baby snapper are in plague proportions throughout the Cowan system at the moment... Sure its good that they're breeding but damn I'm sick of all my squid getting munched by these tiny little bastards...
  13. I use a Muelay knife for most things... Cost a fair bit but is apparently useful for 'cutting open a wild pig's neck', which should come in handy one day... Haha but seriously it is a damn good knife, has a nice weight to it and holds its edge quite well...
  14. Looking forward to this... The last few weeks have been very good, I've picked up a lot of good info... Unfortunately every time I go down there I come back with a much lighter wallet...
  15. I agree Narralakes, it probably would have tasted like shit too... Oh well, would have fed a lot of people...
  16. I picked up some Maxima in 6lb and 10lb today at lunch, will have to give it a bash one night this week and see how it goes... Thanks again for your help guys...
  17. Thanks a lot for all your replies guys... Much appreciated...
  18. Hey everyone... Just got a few questions... I've only been fishing regularly for the last few months and I'm trying to learn as much as I can at the moment... The one thing that I've been trying to find out about with little success is which line I should be using... I mostly fish around the Hawkesbury, Cowan Creek, Broken Bay going for Flathead, Bream, Jew and pretty much anything else that I can catch. At the moment I have been using Jarvis Walker monofilament in 6lb and 12lb with inconsistent results... The thing I've been trying to determine is whether the more expensive lines like Fireline, Berkely Vanish etc are worth the extra money? The price difference is ridiculous in some cases but is the more expensive line that much better? I don't mind paying more if it will make a big difference but looking at all the different types of line is totally baffling... Can someone point me in the direction of a general all purpose line that I can use to catch most estuary species? Sorry for the essay, any help much appreciated...
  19. Beautiful fish mate!! As others have said, great catch and looks to be in top condition...
  20. How much are you selling it for? Is it diesel?
  21. Thanks Harold, so basically it won't be worth going out at all? It sucks cause I'm really keen to head out and have a crack but there's very little point if I have no chance of catching anything...
  22. Just seeking a bit of advice... Is it going to be worth heading out to Cowan/ Hawkesbury tomorrow morning with the wind being as strong as it is? How does strong wind affect the fishing in these sort of areas?
  23. For sure I agree with that Haraka... I went out on a charter in May and it was mostly just winches with about 100 pound line on them... Not really much of a sport when you can't even feel the bites cause the line is so damn heavy... Got a nice feed out of it but at the same time I wouldn't go on a similar one again...
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