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Everything posted by Red

  1. Mike, i have a few gaffing tips for you. Firstly and most importantly, you need to be patient. Make sure your gaff is razor sharp, especially if you plan on gaffing jews in the head. Avoid chasing fish with the gaff......lead them to your gaff Only gaff fish that are on the surface, not a metre or so below it. Did i mention patience? Follow these tips and you will never lose a fish again Regards Red
  2. Good work Mike. Great bag there Cheers Red
  3. Red

    Jew On A Diet

    Cheers guys, it sure was an awesome session. That skinny jew looked like a huge (Laurie style) tailor. Be good if it was Giving them a break for a while as i've too many cutlets in the freezer. Cheers Red
  4. Loomy, that's unreal fishing. especially on that sort of gear. Nice work Regards Red
  5. Red

    Jew On A Diet

    It was all arse mate. A bit of drama just adds to the memories Hope my brother can repay the favour some day. Feeling kinda lucky to have a brother that loves fishing Happy days Red
  6. Red

    Jew On A Diet

    So true. Much like myself and the missus Cheers guys, its nice to get lucky every once in a while. I'm just happy for my brother who's had no opportunities to have a fish of late. I reckon this trip has made up for it. Cheers Red
  7. G'day Raiders, Was planning a night of bait gathering until my brother called. He's been on high alert in recent times with the birth of a new baby and this has meant zero fishing......greatest method of torture for a fishnut ever. My brother and i rarely fish together for jew these days but when we do, the trips are usually memorable. Got to the Rose Bay ramp at 9:30 and fished the top of the tide for zip. Changed pozzie for the run out, pegged the lines out and kicked back with a cuppa and coffin nail when my heavy spin stick buckles hard and starts losing line.....woohoo....feels like a nice fish so a decision was made and all lines were pulled in. Tried to pass the rod over to Pete but he didn't want a bar of that. After a solid fight in comes an 18kg croaker. Welcome aboard buddy After a few high fives Pete decides to peg out one rod while i dehooked this fish and i swear his rod was in the water for less than two minutes before it was Petes turn for some arm stretching......woohooo This fish was a real mongrel and had run Pete around the anchor in no time. I still don't know how Pete managed to pull this off but he somehow jumped over the windscreen with the rod in his hand. The look of determination on his face was special. After an eventfull fight, the now weakened line snaps With the fish in range, it was now all up to me to pull off the gaffshot of my life in the dark Anxiety had now hit the roof, until the gaff found its mark just under the pectoral fin......What drama! These two fish were very similar in length but totally different in build. They measured 122cm and 120cm.........18kg and 13kg respectively. The 122cm- 18kg fish was fatter than normal and the 120cm - 13kg fish was the skinniest jew i have seen. It had half a dozen whitebait in its gut. Whats with females and diets Good to see the male of the species isn't self concious and enjoys its tucker Cheers Red
  8. Hi matey, i was of the opinion they were exactly the same size? The spool i used in that little mod came off a Chronarch 50Mg as did all the other parts. You essentially end up with a reel that casts as good as a 50Mg, minus the potential corrosion issues Cheers Red
  9. Sounds like a clean deal mate. Keep me in mind if you ever decide to sell or swap it Regards Red
  10. Great reel in their day. Streets ahead of anything else. The 4/0 is basically a TLD 30 in a metal body and were fantastic reels. I still have a Beastmaster 20/50 which is the same sized reel just in a graphite frame and it's still going great. Was working just the other day on a mate's 50/80 and it's nothing short of a nightmare. They can have serious drag issues and the parts required are no longer available through Shimano. Not sure if the 4/0 uses the same drag system but i hope for your sake it doesn't. For $250 i would buy it, if only to re-ignite old memories. Cheers Red
  11. You are on fire! Won't be long before we have another jew nut on the boards Hope the long, sleep deprived nights don't wear you mate Cheers Red
  12. Well done mate Its mumma will be next Red
  13. I'm with Bashir on this one. 125lb Ande is great material for live baiting and has done the job for us. Biggest fish so far on the stuff was a 123kg striped and the trace was fine. Other softer brands might not have done the job on that fish. Trace strength really depends on what line class you are running. In my opinion your trace strength should be around 4 times the strength of your main line. No good running 125lb leaders on 37kg outfits. The trace wouldn't last two minutes but on 15kg tackle it will last for hours. Try it and you will be suprised Cheers Red
  14. I was under the impression that leaders are a tougher, abrasion resistant monofilament and often less supple? Red
  15. Netic, i've owned an SLT50 and i do not recommend it, especially if you plan to run 15kg line. I bought mine as a 15kg reel only to find out that the lowest strike drag setting was an astonishing 8kg Had a word to Daiwa about it and they basically said it's designed as a 24kg reel and nothing could be done about reducing the strike drag to 5kg. Also the drag cam is absolute crap! At sunset you will snap even 24kg line. The drag becomes fully locked up It was a real shame as this reel is pretty impressive otherwise. Also, the 2 speed shift system was nowhere near as easy to operate as the Tiagra. Needless to say, i no longer own the SLT50. Regards Red
  16. Great report mate. Sorry to hear you got caught with your pants down. Hopefully you will be armed with 20lb braid the next time you try and mess with this beasty. Cheers Red
  17. I think Chris is on the money. Definately a Striped and around the 100kg mark. A great fish regardless, especially in August. I'm suprised a game club member called it for a blue. Blues are quite easy to pick and very different to Stripes When you get one you will know what i mean. Congrats again Red
  18. Looks like a nice big "Striped Marlin" from where i'm sitting??? Trust me boys, this is not a Blue Marlin! Congratulations to all involved Cheers Red
  19. Thanks Pitty. Went back down to the bridge and fired the first cast.........nothing! About 100 casts later i get a solid BUMP...BUMP, but failed to hook him up. Looks like the lucky run is over for now I was greatful to have an opportunity but couldn't handle the freezing cold any longer, so gave up early due to frozen hands and feet It was bitterly cold! Looking forward to having another session very soon. Cheers Red
  20. Cheers Flattie. I somehow think you are right. Personally, i do believe in good luck charms and JJ is easily the best one i've had. He has been there to witness it all and without him this lucky streak would not be possible. Jewnut and all, thanks for your words. I've been walking around with this stupid grin on my face all day....some of you will understand. Just so over the moon with this particular fish. Usually i do very little fishing in the winter but this winter has been unforgettable. I certainly will be doing lots more winter fishing in the years ahead Cheers Red
  21. Cheers guys, Thanks heaps for the photo tips and the touch up. Much appreciated. wakd, the lure was a big Bomber in bananafish colours. I will try a popper next time. I'm sure they will work too. I don't know what i have done to deserve this insane luck but when my dry spell comes, i can assure you it will be the drought of all droughts Pure arse can only get you so far JJ is adamant that this is my season and that this incredible run will continue......hope he's right. I'm just enjoying my fishing and have taken lots of good fish in my day but none more memorable than my first jew on HB. Someone please pinch me! I didn't want it to happen this way because it is soooo not deserved but what the heck........i will take it. Best regards and good luck to all Red
  22. Raiders, here is Gabe holding the fish. The photo's turned out quite dark. Hope you can view them. Gabe again.
  23. Hello FF, Firstly, I am no expert. Lets get that straight. This was indeed my first time doing Hardbody jewfishing. It was dark and the tide was running out. Mid tide infact which JJ reckons was even more bizzare. The bridge was lit and the casts were aimed at the edge of the shadow. All that aside, the only real advise i can give you is to "fish with confidence". It plays a major role. I always try to take a confident approach to all my fishing and it pays. When i feel crap i catch bugger all. JJ reckons its the positive vibrations you emitt that makes things happen. I know first hand that his theory has its merits. Keep at it Red
  24. Stewy, i can arrange pics. I never take a camera fishing but JJ did, so the excitement was captured on the spot. I took pics with a digi cam when we got home. A pic will be posted when i can find someone to reduce it. CFD, i have truly lost my mind over last nights events! It's so unbelievable and i expect lots of doubters. Those who know me, know that i don't tell BS over fish. Luckily i have 3 witnesses, namely JJ, Gabe and a 115cm jewie It sure feels like a dream but. I had so much trouble sleeping last night and my mind has been absent all day. JJ now hates me with a passion and does not want to fish with me for a while. There goes my good luck charm Regards Red
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