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Everything posted by Red

  1. Yeah, i heard it was 8ft. The media is known to stretch the truth on occasions Cheers Red
  2. Hi Raiders, just wish to say a quick thank you to Swordie for teaching me how to cast "bow and arrow" style. Spent a good hour at it in the backyard and can't wait to put my newfound skill into practice some day It was nice to meet Donna too, who happens to be one of the calmest and most patient ladies i have met. You done well Stewy Regards Red
  3. Steve, I'd hate to be competing against you at the moment. I'd fake an injury or do anything to get out of it . You are in the zone mate and i hope you make the most of this purple patch as they generally last a fair while. Regards Red
  4. Steve, you are simply on fire! That's the best Botany Bay capture i've heard of in a long while and it couldn't happen to a nicer guy. Talk about doing it the hard way, in broad daylight and relatively light tackle. Outstanding Regards Red
  5. Not overly impressed with my 4500 J. Its a good reel for the money but lacks cranking power under load in my opinion. Regards Red
  6. Nice work Jim Good to see the bay firing. Regards Red
  7. Have i completely lost the plot? Am i the only person who thinks its a Blue??? Regards Red
  8. Congrats on a very fine fish Maybe the pic is tricking me but it looks like it may be a Blue marlin from where i'm sitting. What sort of depth were you in mate? Regards Red
  9. Guys, they never stopped making the Thunnus, its just that Shimano Australia stopped importing it for a little while. As Kevvie has already mentioned, they are superb I once used Baitrunners but moved over to the Thunnus a few seasons back and they are a better reel. Their metal body is the key when using heavy braid. I'm running 65lb braid through my lot and no dramas so far. They even survived 8 days of punishment in Cairns. Baitrunners are fantastic reels for their asking price They are dependable and have stood the test of time. Best value reel by a country mile for those intending to use 50lb braid or less, however i know a couple of guys who run 80lb through theirs and have taken some impressive fish. You won't be disappointed with the trusty BTR for the money. Cheers Red
  10. You can get a Shimano TLD 25 and a decent 15kg rod for that sort of money. Red
  11. Red


    Best finish to a test match i've ever seen Warney, you are an out and out FREAK! Cheers Red
  12. Red

    Spheros 14000

    Do you mind telling us how you got it off? Was it simple in the end? Cheers Red
  13. Kings, Bonnies, Dollies, Sambos, squid, bream etc etc Stewy is selling a quality combo at what i consider to be a bargain price. Check it out! Cheers Red
  14. Cheers Reely. It was just fantastic to see our 11 year old junior angler do so well. Changa and i knew that Jesse had the juniors division in the bag, however beating the seniors and claiming the major prize was something special. I was beyond proud of Jesse's achievement. Can only imagine how his parents feel Regards Red
  15. Red

    Baitrunner 6500 A

    The line roller is a lot larger and it actually rolls Also, the rotor is much better balanced. Not sure of any mods mate. Cheers Red
  16. Mate, does your wife have a sister? The rollered T-Curve is the best factory rod around Cheers Red
  17. Tuffy and Searabbitt have summed it up well. If you want to observe, best head down to a busy ramp on a sunday and watch people do it. It's an excercise made easier with a proper drive on trailer. Having to take socks and shoes off and rolling up your tracky dacks will be a thing of the past when you drum up enough confidence to take the plunge. Cheers Red
  18. Kilp, just teach yourself to drive your boat on and off the trailer There is no future in getting wet, especially in winter. I've been driving my 18 footer on and off for the past 15 years. Its a snack, solo or not. My brother drives his new 4.5m boat on the trailer too. Once mastered, you won't look back Regards Red
  19. Coolamon, firstly you got yourself a great blank. If it was mine, I'd be building the rod with very high grade cork grips (Tony can get them) and Fuji Ti Sic guides. That way you can run mono and braid lines. Something to consider with the current trend towards Fluorocarbon main lines. Unfortunately the best reel seats i have used are some of the Daiwa ones however these are not available as components Tony and his rod builder will put you on the right track there. Cheers Red
  20. G'day Mick, send my congrats to Mr Morely. That's a top effort Red
  21. Hey Costa, keep an eye out on the "Swap and Sell" section. I'm cleaning out my closet and will post up some quality rods at budget prices in the coming days. Some excellent kingy rods will be up for grabs. Cheers Red
  22. My first fish was a bream and that was a looooong time ago Cheers Red
  23. Congratulations Andrew I can feel your excitement from here. Something tells me that this PB won't last long. Maybe a couple of weeks at best. There's no stopping you now. Regards Red
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