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Posts posted by fishythings

  1. Hi thanks for the replies. I have another follow up question (I am new to fishing so know very little), how do I know what reel to get, as in what size.

    I like fishing off the each so would like a reel for that, but one that can be used from the rocks if need be. I have come across this family (orra sx) which are supposed to be well suited, but what size. I suppose the larger the more "high strength" line it can hold, but the heavier it will be?

    Size 4000 should be alright for beach and light rock fishing using 12 lbs main line and 10 lbs leader.



  2. Hi guys

    I went to Swansea last night and saw heaps of garfish plus tailors jumping jumping. I got hooked some tailors but gave up with gar. It was low tight and the fish was just on the surface. No float no sinker no bite but... can anyone give me some hints?



    Hi Krist,

    Use small float, small hook #10, small (4lbs) and short leader about 30cm, tinny sinker with small piece of white bread on the hook. Don't forget to burley/chum with crushed bread

    Hope it works, let me know how it goes.



  3. Hey all

    Headed down to Narrabeen beach looking for some flattys and salmon. was down there with some mates and stared 2 hours before low tide.

    Found a nice gutter and rigged up. 4 rods went out with different rigs and baits - Pillies (ganged and fillets), squid, sandworms. Berlied up. low tide came and went. tried a different gutter a bit further up the beach. Spent 4 hours out there without a single bite. I guess it was just one of those days.

    least it was warm and sunny and the wind kept down.

    Got home just in time to watch the wallabies win. Go Aussies !

    It seems it is due to the low air pressure has been currently.


  4. The success of sharpening a knife depends on:

    • The quality of metal the knife is made of
    • The quality of the water stone/sharpening stone used
    • The way we do sharpening the knife

    I bought and used this attached water stone and I am impressed with the result.


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  5. The sea was flat, no wave at all. Sun shone brightly with a little wind.

    The water was clear as I could see the bottom with my polarized sunglasses.

    It looked as if no good for fishing, but I got 4 breams and one trevally on white bread in two hours from 7.30am to 9.30 am.

    I gave away one bream and one trevally

    The other guys fishing at the same spot got sweeps and wrasses with bottom fishing.

    Good for exercise

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  6. Happy Birthday fishraider and thanks a lot to all the moderators who have been working so hard and all members who have been participating to make this website the best fishing website. :thumbup:

    I have to acknowledge that I have made a lot of friends through fishraider and I learnt a lot about fishing through fishraider. As fishing is one of my hobbies I like most that makes my life in retirement beautiful.

    Good luck and keep being the best.


  7. Let us know how they went.

    When I was making my own I used the cork from a champagne bottle.

    I put a hole through the cork, put a piece of dowl through, put it into a drill, turned the drill on and shapped it with some sandpaper.

    I got to the stage where I needed to paint them and make eyelets for the line, I just never found suitable stainless wire to make them from and I gave up.

    If you can’t find stainless steel wire then you can use copper wire/ electrical wire which is a bit thick and stiff. It won't get rusty.

  8. Wow that pie recipe sounds great, never smoked a fish before so i'll have to try it soon!

    But I did go blackfishing with success today, kept 3 of the bigger ones. Though I dont have a steamer, I cleaned the fish, added onion, spring onion, ginger, coriander, sesame oil, fish sauce, soy sauce, sugar and curry paste. LOL whatever I had! and wrapped it in foil, put it in a baking dish with some water in it. The steam effect!

    Tasted great! thanks for the recipes. Look forward to fish pie

    Wow, by doing that you have created a new recipe.

    But actually you didn't need to add sugar and curry paste as it becomes Chinese and Indian fusion fish recipe.

    They are competing each other at the moment.

  9. I've been Blackfishing for a month or so need some good Blackfish recipes.

    So far I've cooked them filleted and skinned, fried with flour in a Burger and also as Thai Fish cakes which were really nice even though I didn't really use a recipe and they fell apart whilst cooking.

    So does any one have some good recipes for blackfish? I'd also like to try them whole!

    Thanks :)

    Hi mate,

    Have you ever made it steamed with ginger and spring onion or shallot?

    It is a Chinese recipe.

    Just scale, gut and clean it including the black line inside.

    Make 2 diagonal slices on each side and rub the fish with lemon juice and salt, then leave it 20 minutes in the fridge.

    Cut 2 spring onions or shallots into 2 cm length and julienne 3cm ginger into tooth pick size.

    Chop 2 cloves of garlic into small pieces.

    Boil water on a steamer.

    Put the fish on a round Pyrex glass plate with some of the ginger and spring onion at the bottom and some covering the fish. Put 2 tablespoons of fish sauce and cover it with aluminum foil and steam it for 10 minutes.

    While steaming the fish, fry the chopped garlic with 3 tablespoons of sesame oil until golden brown and pour it on top of the steamed fish and keep steaming it for another 4 minutes without the aluminum foil cover.

    You can have it with steamed rice.

    Have a nice try and let me know how it goes.


  10. I am lucky enough to be on 2 weeks holidays and want to get the boat out into Botany Bay (mainly the stretch between Captain Cook bridge and the entrance to Botany Bay.) Usually pick up a feed here in Summer/Autumn with live nippers, basically at this time of year is it worth it? Also, are nippers catchable all year - have a spot I regularly get them in Summer and not sure whether they are a 'Summer species.' Any advice greatly appreciated!!!


    Yes, it's getting harder to collect nippers in Winter time, as they are in hibernation.



  11. Hi Kevin,

    I do not mind taking you and your 4yo son to some safe fishing spots in Sydney eastern suburb.

    I'd suggest fishing with bait.

    I think fishing from the wharf is safe but still we need to keep our eyes at the kid.

    Unfortunately I do not have little kid as my youngest son is 26yo. You are lucky as the memory will last forever.



  12. Hi James,

    If I am not mistaken people call it Mistral Point.

    You can catch calamari from that point at night.

    Of course there are also bream, trevally and tailor.

    But you will get a problem to lift big fish up from the cliff.

    I have got one if you like just PM me.



  13. Hi Guys,

    I was recently out on the harbour in very clear water and had real trouble getting some yakkas. I wonder if anyone can give some advise?

    Essentially, I was doing what i normally do, berly up just off shark island, with bread and some fish flake soaked in a litle water and some tuna oil, and drop in a sabiki rig with a 6" shininy metal lure and a berly coil full of bread attached. Normally works a treat, but on this day, a clear day in terms of water and cloud we couldnt get the fish to bite. We thought the fact we could see so many of them around the hooks might be an issue, so we tried in deeper water. No great change, so we moved back. We tried at different depths. After hooking two (on seperate lines), and leaving them down there to motivate the others i thought we'd be in luck, but after 5 minutes still no action. Turns out one of these was foul hooked. We tried little bits of bonito and a little prawn, nada. So we eneded up with only two yakkas.

    Luckily one caught us a Kingy, off North Head, only 60cm though, so went back.

    Any ideas / advice?


    Is there anything to do with the current low air pressure ( check seabreeze)



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