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Posts posted by craigtempo

  1. if i was u i would quickly go to BLAH BLAH BLAH and buy a mojiko 7ft tournament spin stick 2-4 kg or if ur after something heavyer look at the 3-5kg job . they are for sale $40 [usually $99 ] these fish better that some $200 rods i have used, grafite blanks with fuji guides . then while u are there buy some black magic braid [ $14 ] on sale . a 2-3000 reel $40- $60 .they also have berkley soft vibes for $1.99 a packet [ usually $11.99] . and u get 2 to a packet .

    and u will still have plenty of change and an outfit u will be more than happy with .


  2. and the barstads also put up parking meter,s on the side streets of balmoral ......

    hows a man suppose to yak fish there now ...... oh i know il go out on my yak for a few hours then ill come back in at 8am to feed the parking meters and hope no one steals any of my gear while im doing so and then il go out again for another couple of hours .

    in case u dont know im being SARCASTIC .... bloody rsols


  3. hi mate

    congrates on the 8 kg jewie first trip back .

    Now ive been beach fshing for about 30 ish years ive had butterworths ..... daiwa ... and other rods i cant remeber .BUT the best beach rod i have owned is the main one i am using now . it is a silstar [ yes u read corectly] crystal tip 12 ft .its a fibre glass rod with a carbon wrap twisting all the way through it .this blank is used by many different manufacturers

    It is sensative enough to feel whiting and bream bites and yet powerfull enough to handle good size fish . my best is a 6 kg jewie which it handled with ease .

    they sell for around $120 .if u want something to handle bigger fish ie 10kg and up consistently then probably get something else BUT if u want a rod that can handle all beach species with the odd bigger fish then i can recomend the silstar .

    i also run an okuma av 80 and a shimano 4000 on it as well depending on what im chasing .



  4. if it was me i would get hmmmmmmmm....... probably the AI .if ur not into sailing then the outback with turbo fins and the sailing rudder .

    fast ... stable ... go anywere ...do anything .... handle it all .BUT i wouldnt buy a hobie as they have a design fault in that,some of that hulls split in and around the mirage drive area . dont like the idea of going out offshore and then getting a split hull . it happens more often than the reps would like to tell u .a mate has had 3 replaced in 18 months . thats is why they have strengthend the drive area with the stainless clips on the 2010 models BUT it still happens .though they have a GOOD warenty and WILL look after u if this happens .

    if u buy one i expect it would either be the outback - the revo or the pro . the pro is a big yak and at 60kgs is a bit of a handlful out off the water[ something to consider ].the revo is the fastest but the less stable out of the 3 . the outback is like a 4wd ,good platform with a well disigned cockpit area but i expect u will be happy with any of these models .

    good luck


  5. I took my boys down for a fish there today . had a bit of a walk around and decided that the mariner looked like the most likely spot to pull out some fish .

    so we spent all afternoon fishing in and around the boats and pontoons . NO ONE SAID ANYTHING ABOUT NOT BEING ABLE TO FISH THERE there where no signs saying no fishing .the only signs i saw were ones sayin NO UNORTHORISED ENTRY , fair enough ill stay out of those areas i cant fish there so i wont.we mooved on to other areas within the mariner and caught some good flathead , a nice e,p and was busted of by a rampaging e,p as well .

    on the way back as i walked past the cafe i had a flick out and a chef from the cafe came out and said " your not aloud to fish here its a fish sanctuary and u could get a $12000 fine . i told him there are no signs ANYWHERE saying no fishing .and ive never heard of a fish sancuery at bobin head , so sue me ?????

    i later had a talk to a park ranger and asked her were CANT i fish down here and her reply was " not on the bridge its a $100 fine "

    what about in the mariner? her reply " oh they dont like people fishing in there "

    so i to am interested in seeing the legislation on this topic . i think they are just trying to stop people who dont own boats from going on to the mariner as a security issue .i understand where they are comming from as some of the boats are whorth a fortune BUT i am not a thieth ,i do not hit boats when i cast ,i do not leave any rubbish behind in fact if i see any rubbish il pick it up , i hapily talk to various boat owners who are there and DO NOT HAVE A PROBLEM WITH ME so i will continue to fish these places until proven otherweise .


  6. i was with luke when he caught the whiting and he is right when he says that the photo dosnt do it justice .....

    from a distance i thought it was a decent salmon........ i 2 caught 4 decent [ legal just ] bream on that day .

    i reakon this summer is going to be AWSOME . the warm water has stayed around so the summer species are STILL around and there feeding well .

    the game fishos outside will also do well because of the warm currents that never really left us this year .



  7. My 3 main rods at the moment are the berkley dropshots .1-3 kg..... 2-5 kg..... 6-10 kg .

    they are great rods .i espeacally like the 1-3 kg and ironically it was the cheapest at $50 on sale .


  8. Squidgy fish in the pro range colours work well for me around that area for flatties and smaller wrigglers for whiting


    i agree but also 65mm squidgy wriglers with bloodworm being my favourite . also that water is ideal 4 a kayak . have u thought about getting one for up that way .


  9. Yeah it was a fantastic session and unfortunately we left with the fish still biting [ getting to dark ]. there were many double hookups .luke even managed to hook and land a tyre ................ it put up a good fight to :1prop::1prop:

    conditions were perfect and i was in the company of some good blokes .

    i had my first fish on a blade .... 75mm snapper .put up a hell of a fight NOT . :1prop: but then i hooked a very decent whiting on the blades .

    so i guess they do work :1prop:

    anyway it was a great session and i look forward to the next one .


    oh and no matter how hard i tried i coulnd mannage a travely :mad3:

  10. I was down there on sunday and o got 1 hook up on 6lb gear and i had NO CONTROL on the fish it went out then turned and went straight under the wharf .= lost fish

    an hour later on the 20lb gear , the same thing happenned but this time it went straight out .again i had no control i was mearly hanging on . the leader snapped a foot ish up from the hook ........ another daiwa tournament fluro leader snap for me . so i through it all in the rubbish where it belongs .

    this was all on chicken strips.

    so i know how u feel . :mad3::mad3::074:


  11. if they where hanging around they should have gone up river a bit because we where trying to fish near one of the bridges ,in a clearly marked 10 knot zone and 4 boats went past at very hiogh speed ............... they didnt even drop there revs to go under the bridge ..... one was a speed boat with no water skier and another had a water skier attached BOTH were at race speed .

    d###heads as far as im concerned ..............

    anyway was a good day .


  12. I too would like to thank everyone involved .my lecture was conducted by Dan the man :biggrin2: and was very informative.

    i was even lucky enough to go for a fish with dan[ thanks mate ] and his skeeter and while im on the subject that skeeter :1yikes:

    man i would love to have one of those . there is nothing quite like FLYING around on one of these boats while listening to AC/DC full boar.

    quite a diference to my yak fishing world :1prop:

    any way THANKS AGAIN to everyone involved with today . i look forward to the next one .


  13. yes we WILL eventually take over the world :biggrin2::biggrin2::biggrin2:

    id do love this form of fishing though . stick at it and remember the the biggest advantage when fishing from a yak IS ITS STEALTH , do not rush into a spot and expect to see or catch fish . if u take it nice and easy u WILL be suprised what u see and catch .


  14. im staying up at norah head [ central coast ] for a week or so in the july school holidays and plan to do a fare bit of fishing both on the beach and on the lake in my yak .

    can anyone give me some advice as to what fish species would be around that time of year . i imagine salmon and tailor from the beach [ bream ????? ] and not quite sure what would be in the lake .



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