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Posts posted by craigtempo

  1. Hi Craig

    mate not seriously haveing a go at you and I know where your comments are coming from but teh councils are usually a reasonable judge of teh community in that if it is just a whinging resident they have ways to seem like they are doing something but not really do anythig. In other cases they take action as there is regular disturbance and so on and it looks like that is what is happening.

    I many years ago specifically gave up fishing wharves as they were easy picking for the sorts of knobs who leave rubbish ,threaten peopel, drink piss ,make unneccessary noise and I didn't want to be associated with them or there fishing.

    To think of all the enjoyable nights I had as a kid and tenager out late having a fish on a wharf or just going for a walk along the foreshore and the quiet canny local old blokes who showed me a few tricks and made it safe by just being there. All that will be lost as the Police fisheries and Rangers are not prepared to enforce the law against offenders and instead we have a Council who sees it as a easier ( cheaper , less time consuming , less resident anger , more votes) to ban the decent peopel and never catch and fine teh scum who are not being part of a community.

    It's a community and crap behavious should be banned / enforced and people respect places a bit more and respect others rights as well. Guess that education starts at school and home and if not there should be enough Police and Rangers to protect the rest of the community not restrice everyone just because of a few.

    Lodged a email to the council as teh survey is a bit lame and doesn't carry a lot of weight. Hope fishing retailers and clubs do teh same

    Maybe the banning of alcohol on the foreshore is more appropriate after dark as the first step?

    i agree with this above but sorry i do not agree with your comments down below .ie sydney pubs that use to have live music licences but now dont because NEW purchases bought very close to the pubs and then complained about the noise .........

    being a musician i have seen the decline in this industry over the last few decades . it sux

    in queensland when these people did this [ complained to council about noise ] they were rightly told , well what do you expect you bought near a pub .melbourne the same .


  2. well ive put in my 2cents worth.

    look i relise there are bad apples out there but really ,if you buy property next to a wharf what do u expect .

    its like when these idiots buy cheap property next to a pub and then complain about the noise .or those resedents that bought units next to luna park and now they dont like the noise .

    if there are yahoos making to much noise call the police ........

    is there appropriate signage up ????????

    I live on wiloughby road and there is alot of traffic noise so what should i do complain to council to stop traffic between the hrs of 6pm and 8 am .......

    i keep quiet when i fish such areas and i respect the privacy of these people but REALLY havnt these people got better things to do .

    someone twisted there ankle on some rubbish well LOOK WHERE YOU ARE WALKING .


  3. i put all my gulps into a water proof container so i dont get any leakage .

    i get a bit of smell on my hands so ive been using those wet one type fishing wipes , and they seem to help .


  4. Hi wammo

    Try fishing around the bridge ie outgoing tide coast side ,incoming tide west side .

    litle bay right hand side ,west side bridge is productive .

    flick around mud island [ out of wimbldon park ]

    also try the shallow flats on the edge ie broken sand and weed .

    i use 3inch gulp minnows in pumkinseed .to great affect.

    oh and dont tell anyone :biggrin2:

    good luck


  5. Im thinking of heading up to fraser island for 3 or 4 weeks [ 2 weeks on the island ] anyone been up there that time of year , any advice ,camping - the fish that are around that time of year .

    might even buy a light sidecast outfit to celibrate .



  6. there are some hair raising reports on the main kayak fishing site under ther trip report forem.

    1 guy got knocked in and another 2 were chased down when they were heading back to shore.

    one of the tinnes was rubbed and it was breeching [ is that what its called ]to have a good look inside the boat .

    oh they also kept a nice kingie a good snapper and a good travelly :1prop:

    apparently kingfish are every were [ hence the shark ]boxing day at one stage the were 15hook ups at the one time :thumbup:



  7. take the rego numbers, photos,take notes on whats they are doing and tell the authourities !!!!!! :mad3:

    these pri$$@ are 90% of the reason greenies want to stop our sport !!!

    as they think we all fish this way .

    when i see this stuff happening i get quite irrate.and for some reason there cars seem to suffer from flat tyres syndrome :05:


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