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Rich P

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Everything posted by Rich P

  1. Top day once again Greg But I'm not getting used to you smashing me in the fish stakes. Times will change my friend lol. but have to hand it to you going back to get your hat you deserve to smack em. Until NEXT time Rich
  2. I know what's NEXT Gus! And I'm hanging for it. Cya on the weekend. Hope the weather holds up. Greg thanks for another top outing. What are bream again lol Cheers Rich
  3. I dont have a spare. HAve you gone into your sounder to see if it is connected? To do this go to menu / network / bus devices and see if it comes up.If not it might be a faulty one. Cheers Rich
  4. Get stuffed Greg rub it in why dont ya LOL And to top it off Louise blooded the boat first. Bily another mate was out there aswell.I do have a camera in my hands but they dont work when there is no battery in them DOH Rich
  5. Took the new tub out for a spin yesterday arvo. Unreal machine for the size of her. No fish except a couple large bakers. But did see a whale and her calf.And the calf was curious too.Me not so much as its mother was right under me.i was looking on the sidescan. I wish i hit screen shot because the amount of detail was unbelievable. You could see the tail the fins very clearly. Rich
  6. Hi All After years of pure bream and bass fishing from a skeeter and having the chance getting out on Gregs Contender a few times on the snapper. I couldnt resist selling the skeet and buying myself a Edgewater 170CC with a 115 Etec on the back. Its a little beast high sided goes through chop with ease. I can still chase the bream and bass As i have put on a minn kota 80lb terrova . I also installed 2 HDS 8s with sidescan. Cant wait to get into some reds. Rich
  7. This is your captain speaking please sit back in your seats we are about to land
  8. Levs Whne you say changing fishing style what do you mean ? Because for the price of a Hornet you could get a good glass boat for the same money. Rich
  9. LOL and here i was reading this thinking ive never done such a thing.Thanks Greg. 5 years ago fishing a ABT comp at Batemans Bay. Myself and a nonboater were heading up the back of the Clyde in my old 4m hornet.I went to move my tacklebag from the front to the back when i slipped of the seat pulling the deadman switch making the motor die throwing me forward and letting go of the tiller steer.Thus making the boat turn 90deg throwing me to the starboard side gunnel rail snapping 6 high end rods.My nonboater at the time was sponsored by Black diamond rods so all 3 of his rods smashed at gunnel hieght.My rods 2 seagakes and one jerking special.Now if anyone knows these rods they are making good money now second hand. So in a split second i had just spent roughly $4000. Man i was #@####. Lucky i had 2 spare rods in the Hornet rod locker, If that is what you want to call it. One good one that lent to the non boater and the other one had a smashed tip guide.Every second time i would cast it would snap the line. It was a great day NOT. Thanks again Greg Rich
  10. Hi Dave Been busy working mate.And yes have sold the boat waiting on new one.Working tomorrow aswell. I was going to call you and see if you wanted to fish but i have a car to wrap tomorrow. Cheers Rich
  11. Ive caught bream on surface in the lake from 12ft deep and ive even caught bream from 20ft deep in the Clyde.It all depends on bait schools. If you see prawns skipping around have a throw you never know what you might catch. Rich
  12. Rich P

    Skeeter Sx170

    Squid boy The SX170 goes well with the 90 etec.You wont have a problem with it even with all your gear in it with 2 people and live wells full.If you want max speed the 3 blade is the better option. This is coming from BRP themselves as they have tested every skeeter with all their props available to them.You will get a better hole shot with the 4 blade but will lose in max speed. If you wont more info on any skeeter give me a pm or i can give you the dealers number and you can get the right info from him. Speed wise with the 90 etec you would be looking at about 40 to 45mph with the 115 Ho you will see 50 to 55mph I have owned 2 skeeters now and they are a awesome boat. Also one of the shimano guys regulary goes out from the hacking chasing blue water fish and has even hooked a marlin from his SX170 ( photos to prove ). He is also selling a SX170 with a 90 etec atm that he won at the recent bream classic .Myself i have had mine out at longy but you do have to pick your days thats for sure. In the USA where the boats are built their water ways regulary see 5 to 6ft wind waves in their dams and they still fish out of them in the bass tournaments. good luck Rich
  13. How old is the fuel ? If old get some new stuff into her. Check the primer pump is it hard if not pump till hard. Apart from that give Huey a call. Rich
  14. Finally you got out Greg. Is that the new Miller i see ? Rich
  15. Rich P

    Lowrance 525lms

    Rizzo If you do what i have explained it will go away. I have just checked my unit and i was correct.Have the screen on sonar then tap menu once. Go to sonar features then on the far right of your screen you will have the fish id take the 2 ticks from fish symbols and fish depths away and you should then see arches or fish line on your screen. Donna The screen you mentioned is the menu screen where the sensitivity is at the top. Cheers Rich
  16. Rich P

    Lowrance 525lms

    Rizzo From memory and not looking at my lowrance i think you have to push menu while on the sonar screen then sonar set up or features and turn off fish ID. If no one else knows i will check tomorrow for you. Rich
  17. Jewgaffer I would not recommend using a cloth with a PE braid.As the heat generated can cause the material used in the manufacturing process to break down. It would be better to use two old spools on either side of the new spool and push together for tension. Or better still majority of the tackle shops will spool your line for you.If they have a spooling machine its even better. Hope this helps Rich
  18. Roberta Weigh in starts from 2pm each day. Im heading up Thursday arvo so i can get on the water early Friday for a prefish. Dont know whats going on in that river any raiders local up there ? cheers Rich
  19. Hoges that is one sweet ride. Ive been thinking about down sizing the skeeter so i can get back on two wheels. On another note are you the same Hoges that was on a certain dirtbike forum a while ago?? Cheers Rich
  20. Guys and Gals Walking the dog is not that hard.you just have to get the right lift and get in sync with your retrieval of the line. It doesnt matter if you are standing or sitting. Just get your timing right and you will be braining them. The other thing to consider is your rod.If it is to stiff in the tip it is a little harder to work but it can be done. Youy really need a rod with a sensitive tip. A good quality 1-3kg or even the 2- 4 kg will do. i.e, Loomis SR842 or the Shimano T curve or even the Berkley pro tactic. Poppering for Whiting is like fishing in a barrel so take consideration on what you keep.I know there is limits but hey you want to do it next year dont you. Anyway have a good holiday and stay safe. Side note : When chasing anything on the surface dont be scared to throw into 3inches of water its amazing what can be caught there.The same goes for depth ive caught bream and whiting from 10ft of water and even had flatties come to the surface lure from the depths. Rich
  21. Greg I havent forgotten i have some now.I will give them to you after the open LOL Rich
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