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Posts posted by woodch0p

  1. You're talking about lighthouse beach in port macquarie right? Haven't been there for a few years but you can bag a good feed of whiting from where the camel rides are. Have also hooked a fair few decent bream on fresh pipi's. There's some solid dart on off but they can be a pest when your targeting whiting. In the afternoon have also seen a few people hooking tailor/salmon about a 500m drive down the beach.

    Hope this helps.

  2. I saw it to!

    One out of 3's not bad hehehe

    30th seems fine to me

    Technically seeing as there's 11000+ members doesn't that mean 2 out of 11000 have witnessed it? The loc ness monster has had more sightings :P


  3. Was a top weekend out with Rick, it always seems I'm in with a fighting chance for the first hour or so, then I get to the point where I forget where I sat my rod and start trying to cast the net. But at least I can have a laugh when Rick tries to net my fish... such an amateur! Oh well he will learn how to handle it one day. Here's a photo of our catch from Saturday at Pyrmont, tougher day then Sunday but still ended up with a few in the bag. Rick if we get a chance on Friday I'll catch up with you as I should have some weed from my mate which you can test, I'm working all this weekend so no fishing for me :1badmood:


  4. Hey boys ,nice work.


    Next time Rick is watching his float,whip out the braid scissors and snip his line close to the reel and that way he will be out of action long enough for you to get a few fish ahead 074.gif

    Cheers Stewy

    Hey stewy,

    I think even if I snapped his rod and pushed him in the drink I would still struggle to catch him, he sure is a master of the blackies. Might have to do the croc dundee and bring some dynamite :P .

  5. Thanks Daniel, you're the one who called himself "Net Boy". Biggest thing to remember is bait presentation. Don't ever give the fish a reason NOT to bite, and as I said, we're not gonna run short on weed.

    Haha but you never disagreed! :P I'll keep working on the presentation and hopefully next time I will give you a run for your money.


  6. Had an awesome day out with Rick, can't thank him enough for taking me out for a fish. I have a new found love for harbour blackfishing, there is so much more finesse about it then off the rocks where 9 times out of ten its smash and grab. There is still a lot more for me to learn about harbour blackies except netting which I became an expert in within the first hour or so fishing, by then end I felt like I might have had to teach Rick how to handle it :P. A very enjoyable day out i'd reccomend anyone who gets the offer to join Rick takes him up on it. One word of warning he can get on your nerves when your float is next to his and he ends up with the fish! Lol that shows why he is the teacher. Next time we head out I'll get you a slab of boags premium for you troubles. (Just baiting him up for a reason to take me again ;) ).


  7. thanks for the replies everyone,

    Have decided to go for an abu garcia soron after reading slinkys post about his new toy. I own a fair few older abu's (old school 300's and 301's plus a 5600, all swedish made), love them to death. The only reason I got turned off is when they moved their production to asia the price never dropped. But they still represent value for money compared to the market leaders, plus will leave me a bit of coin in the kitty for my next splurge.

  8. Woodchop

    Maybe all is not lost.

    A new side plate and gears might be all that you need. Probably cheaper than buying a new reel.


    Talked to a few people regarding this, it seems due to the reel been released under the black magic label and not directly avet, there willingness to help it minimal. So chances of being able to compare dimensions /compatability of side plate and gears without purchasing one and running the gauntlet is slim.

  9. Hey guys thanks for the replies,

    It was nice meeting you chubba, good work on the flattie, did you get it on plastics or pilchards? You should have taken me up on the offer to use some worms, maybe it would be you posting the elbow slapper! Oh well I love your determination to stick to your guns, bet the wife was happy with the flattie. I didn't end up heading to the island, bout to head back to ramsgate now for a few more whiting, and then maybe the island. Hope I score another whopper, 2cm more and I'll be happy (got my eyes set on the record!)



  10. Hey everyone,

    After reading the posts everyone has been posting on whiting, I decided to give it a crack. Havent targeted whiting for some years now (last time i can remember was in 2004 at Port Maquarie) and thought it would be a nice change from the usual blackies I target. Arived at Brighton at 6am, fished the baths til 8ish for zilch, decided to move around to Ramsgate, after about 10mins had my first hit, hooked it solid and a nice 32cm whiting is landed... I was cheering at this stage as after the first to hours I thought my luck was out. Rebaited and threw out again. Bumped into a fellow raider ~insert name~ (sorry buddy I'm crap with names! hope you read this and remember!) and had a bit of a yarn, found out he to was down there after reading the recent posts. Started to wind in my line to check my bait, and felt a bit of weight on the end. Damn I've caught some weeds... wait a minute... its moving! I thought at first it was a flathead with the weight of it, but as it got closer realised it was a thumper whiting. Ended up 47cm's (1cm short of the bait record :ranting2: ) Ended up going very quite after that, was going to try under captain cook bridge but a bit to windy, so decided to head home and try again tomorrow. Mum will be stoked as it is her favorite table fish.

    Here's the fish, all caught on bloodworms.


  11. I have removed a few before, I used a bench grinder on the first one to get down to the glue, but have to be very carefull and stop it in time before you damage the blank. Small sections at a time. I now have a dremel and use that to remove the seat, I cut lengthways down the seat on both sides, and work a stanley knife under the inscisions to remove the seat. I then run the blade down the blank to remove excess glue. As ceph said arildite is is brittle and not to hard to remove.

  12. Hey everyone,

    During the easter break had a mate break my 7ft 2-4kg rod (decided to use it as a handle when the seas got choppy...) so I ended up getting myself an easter present. Was going to get a nitro, but after seeing it and the Lox side by side the only difference is the label, binding highlight and price. The handle is identical, guides and guide spacing the same, both blanks are IM8, I even loaded them up side by side for an identical curve at same pressure. Lox also offers $50 lifetime warranty on breaks, compared to nitro's $60. Very impressed!

    Now after putting my browning tf1020 on the rod it felt unbalanced, so I am going to treat myself to a new reel. The okuma v-system 15 has hit the top of my list on bang for your buck and also the added lifetime warranty, but does anyone else have any reccomendations on a small reel. I am pretty flexible on the price, willing to spend $500 but am wanting to justify the extra dollars spent on reel quality and performance, not labels and fancy finishes.

    Thanks in advance


  13. Hey jim,

    I own an avet black magic bmx. In my opinion they are a fanastic reel, very simple reel to strip down and maintain, no fancy plastic trimmings to break and with plenty of guts. I'm planning to by the jx raptor next from the states. Only concern about the new reels is that the drag is glued down to prevent saltwater intrusion so am not sure how I will go if I need to change it. But I'm sure there will be a way around it.

    Hope this helps!


  14. The sticks are about 80m give or take west of the drums where the oil tankers pull up. There are 6 red marker poles there (four in a square formation and 2 offset), which is where it gets its name. Can't miss them. Position yourself about half way between the drums and the sticks on a run in tide and you should get some pretty decent results.



  15. For my heavier setups I use a plaited double with a ballbearing snap swivel joined with a cats paw...snagged up under the rip bridge and thought stuff it and used it as an anchor, didn't fault. Not reccomended for the gear but was funny at the time. This setup however obviously can't be used if you want a wind on leader.


  16. Thanks slinky and evets for the replys.

    I might have a tinker with it over the next couple of weeks and test out some combinations.

    Evets - the bmx is an older model avet, 4.5ratio and no magicast system. The bmx supposedly has a few upgrades compared to the standard avets, but I can't really tell besides the black magic insignia on the side.

  17. Thanks slinky for the speedy response. I thought it might be the case but in the strip down instruction manual it says do not apply grease to the drag washer at all. It is a carbon fibre drag washer but was unsure if there was different grades, ie greased and non greased applications. I will post a full strip down report soon with pics, don't know if it will be useful to anyone as I don't know how many people use them on the forum.

    Do you have any information about swapping from sealed to open bearings?

    Thanks again


  18. Hey everyone,

    After reading alantani's post on wet vs dry drag washers, there was one question left in my mind. Can you change a dry drag into a wet drag, simply by purchasing a new drag washer (carbonex) or is there other upgrades need like the stainless steel drag washer brake disc etc.

    I want to find out before I jump the gun and by a carbonex drag for nothing.

    Also after reading his other post on open bearings, (great posts aren't they!) would there be any issue converting from sealed bearings to open bearings?

    Thanks guys


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