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Posts posted by woodch0p

  1. Hey guys,

    Bit of a late post, but better late then never! Went out Friday chasing some blackies at 7am, pretty slow start to the day but around 12pm they came on the bite, was having downs every 30seconds or so, ended up with 4 blackies to 35cm and a drummer to 45cm. Had to pack it in while they were still on the bite due to running out of floats :ranting2: . There were a few that absolutely smoked me (reason for lost floats), I didn't even look like having a chance getting them in... a big drummer or surgeon my guess.

    Anyway after this success I decided to take my mate out Sunday for his first attempt at chasing blackies, went to the same spot hoping for a repeat of Friday's effort. Started off looking great, his first cast produced a nice specimen to 35cm. About 15mins later I was onto one a tad smaller then his. We recieved heaps of downs for the next 30mins or so without hookups, then for the next 2hrs we were constantly hooking up on rock cale, they were fair size all averaging 45cm. Ended up landing 7 rock cale, all released. They dont fight as hard as blackies but they were fighting hard enough to keep us interested. Went quiet so we packed it in, my mate thoroughly enjoyed the day even with only 1 blackie each, i think I have converted someone :thumbup:

  2. Nice haul!

    Quick question, a few people have told me that there's decent fishing around "The Drums" at Botany Bay - I've got no idea where that is - is it somewhere that's only accessible by boat, or is it somewhere I can fish by driving/walking? I understand if you don't want to give away exact fishing spots but a general idea would be nice, I don't have a boat and would like to go find somewhere with a little land-based action around Botany.

    By boat only mate,

    Where the container ships moor to the west of the caltex oil wharf, there are actually large drums in the water which they tie off to (so not just a fancy name).

  3. Thanks for the replies everyone. I wash off all my gear in soapy water when finished, but just seems to be two new SX40's which have rusted up after first use, like in previous post I have a few of them and these are the first two to do this. Bream Mad might be onto something, maybe they have changed split rings? I have replaced them already, hopefully this lot will last.


  4. Hey guys,

    Dont know if anyone else has come across this problem, but two of my ecogear SX40's hooks have rusted after one use. Some I own have been used a dozen time with little rusting, but for some reason two of them have not lasted the distance...

    Any good recommendations on alternative hooks to use?


  5. Hey guys,

    going up terrigal this weekend, anyone know of any decent spots? Wouldnt mind chasing some blackies up there if there are any good spots. Tried fishing off the rocks at the southern end last time I was there any only scored a 40cm Happy moment. Will be landbased.


  6. Went Fishing today at Botany Bay off the rocks, caught my first Drummer at 30cm (legal size, you beauty!). Also caught one undersized drummer 28cm and a rock cod 20cm, plus some tiddlers, not worth mentioning. The drummer at first appearance looked like a black drummer (colour), but had more of a body shape of a silver drummer(round), local fish store guru told me on occasions they can crossbreed.

    The Drummer caught on Bread mixed with Nori (dried seeweed) and tuna oil. The other stuff caught on just bread and tuna oil. Got the idea of using nori as I use to feed this to my tangs in my aquarium.

    Caught on Browning BJ Hunter 10'6" Blackfish rod with Browning TF1030 reel, put up a good fight, rod handled beautifully (first catch on rod+reel combo also).

    After about an hour the tourists moved in on my spot after seeing my catch, casting lines left right and centre, one even started fishing right next to me, close enough he may aswell sat on my lap :ranting2: ... I got out of there before it turned ugly.

    Overall a good little fish.

  7. Clifton Gardens is ok during the weekdays but weekends its packed. Due to the popularity i think it has been overfished, so lots of throwbacks without many decent fish, but there is always big fantail jackets and luderick under the wharf. Good place for catching live bait. Have caught a couple of flounder on plastics there but they were all in the same day and never since.

  8. Howdy everyone,

    Decided to get up at the crack of dawn and go for a fish off the rocks at kurnell. Been trying the past couple of months to land my first legit blackfish on cabbage/weed (caught a 20cm version on peeled prawn in june) and thought today would be my lucky day. I couldn't make it to the usual spot to collect some cabbage as the tide was in to high so used some weed for a couple of hours with no luck. Finally at the turn of the tide I was able to make it out to my cabbage collecting spot favourite spot. About 5mins after my first cast there was a rude jerk on my rod and it was on....for about 30seconds til my line went slack and watched my float drift off into the distance... my leader line was snapped off on the rocks... it felt like a thumper and peeled a bit of line off my reel which surprised the hell out of me as the drag is set to around the 3kg mark (Browning Tf1035, 20lb Braid, Strudwick 2-4kg 7ft 1pc, 12lb leader(primarily a flick stick for flatties)) which I didnt think would give a blackie an inch...maybe I was wrong. After 5hrs on fishing with nothing on the bite besides that dissapointment I called it quits, nice day out even though it was overcast, heading out tomorrow to hopefully catch a potential winner.


  9. Hit the water about 9am to test out a mates new boat. We decided to also have a fish as the weather was so good. Hit our usual drift spot and started throwing around some soft plastics. Ended up with 3 nice flathead between 40-50cm. Hooked a couple of undersized whiting also. Some other friends of ours doing the same drift scored a few more then us, with the biggest going 70cm and dropping one estimated 80cm. Not a bad catch for the day, first fish on plastics for me so I was stoked. Cooked a few on the BBQ in the arvo and sunk a few beers.

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