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Posts posted by woodch0p

  1. Sorry but havent used one yet but the Avet I have and they feel like an old egg beater, grindy and noisey. Heard of a 300lb marlin being battled on one of the Saltist 50's for 3 hrs and I recon it felt as smooth as a new one when I felt it when they got home!


    I have an avet bmx(black magic), top reel. Does not have mag casting control like the new avets but stil able to cast a great distance. The only know issue with avets is poor drainage which could have lead to rusting which could possibily be the reason for gregs to run like an old eggbeater. By drilling a pinsize hole under the gearbox for drainage solves this along with general tlc. I too was looking for a saltist ld but went the avet due to their solid build and personally haven't had the greatest customer service from daiwa in the past. They are a tough reel.

  2. im repairing my rod and just wondering what are the thread sizes available?? i went and bought some today and its C grade?? would this be thinner or thicker than A grade?


    Thicker. I used d grade on my last rod due to not doing underbinding. The thicker stuff is also easier to work with in my experience when starting off.

  3. I use a Sportex rod and Avon reel for my luderick fishing. Also have an Alvey, which I have never used. Was looking at the Snyder blank last week, but will most likely try a Pacific Composites blackfish rod as a second outfit for the Alvey reel. You can cast far enough in virtually all rock fishing scenarios, with the centrepin reel. You still have to be careful on the Alvey blackfish reel in sidecast option, as the leader and float can foul on a cast. If you can persevere with the centrepin, then I would suggest you go with one. I am currently using 10lb Raptor braid and a 6lb vanish flourocarbon leader of the rocks. Works for me.

    A few months ago I built a rod specifically for fishing for blackies, used an excel composites black which turned out to be a pacific composites blank, I am extremely happy with the rod, very light and also very thin blank but a lot of power, has landed me drummer up to 48cm. It is teamed up with an alvey 475b blackie reel, I struggled to get use to the reel at first but a bit of time and now I would not hit the stones without it. Search my post to find out more details.

    Ps. Sorry to anyone following that post, have been very slack as of late and still have not uploaded the photo's.. will revive the post in a couple of weeks with pic's!

    Juzza: if you require anymore feedback pm me I'm happy to help with either rod or reel.

  4. love the slingshot concept thanks raiders! , do you reckon it could cast a 20 cm mullet and a star sinker 50m ? It would have to be quite powerful i guess! Has anyone had success with any of these ?

    With a baseball we were capable of gettng it 40 odd metres high and about the same in distance about 3/4 loaded so shooting it at a lesser angle should create decent results. Depending on weight and aerodinamics of the object. A fair amount of force is exerted from the slingshot onto the load so you will have to make sure hooks are sercured even an elastic band around the lot so you don't loose the bait.



  5. no worries i removed the link to the orange cannon

    dont want the little ones on here getting any bad ideas


    heres a good link for you

    nice and safe too

    a water bomb slingshot HERE

    Not to mention the fines if you are caught with one...illegal weapon last time I checked..

    You can get a heavier slingshot through sporting stalls as I use to use them for baseball training and they can throw whatever you place in it a mile.


    Daniel wood

  6. Hey guys,

    Wanted to get my hands on some PVA bags for a project Im working on and for burley, does anyone know where to source them?

    Have tried a few local tackle shops with no success.

    Thanks in Advance!

    Daniel Wood

  7. Hey mate,

    I was thinking about taking the same path as I have seen a few use them and I love the look of fly reels, but my worry was the casting ability compared to an alvey. I also do a lot of my blackfishing off the rocks where as stated before it could be a worry with the salt water affecting the reel. I went for the 475b and am more then impressed with the quality and its a reel that your not afraid to get wet and banged around as its tough as nails. I have had my alvey soaked constantly over a days worth of fishing off the rocks, and with a wipe over at the end of the day still runs like brand new.

    Also I'm not sure about you but if I had some of my grandfathers gear I wouldn't take the risk of it getting destroyed and loosing something of sentimental value.

    Hope this bit of information helps.

  8. me and my mate were heading out of the cooks river into botany early morning at the start of this year saw what appeared to be a log floating in the water, did a u-turn when we saw it move, ended up being a seal floating on the surface lapping up some rays of sunshine, have a few photo's will upload tomorrow.

  9. Hello everyone,

    In 3 weeks I'll be heading up to broadwater for a week and was wondering what's the local fishing like, and also species to target. I unfortunately cannot take all my gear due to the girlfriend being in the car (even though my tackle box would look great riding up front) so have to limit. I have a rod for every occasion, so am wondering what the typical target species are of that area so I take the right gear. I'm looking to catch some species that are not common down here in sydney, as I think it will make the trip more forefilling coming home with some new pb's and bragging rights amongst the boys. I am also interested in booking a charter for a day, a friend has reccommended bkcharters as they led him to score his first blue marlin, but my eyes are set on my first cobia so does anyone know of a good charter that will lead me in the right direction?

    Thanks in advance!


  10. hey mate

    The way I do it is wipe down all gear with pine o cleen wipes i find them quite effective in removing salt and also bits of bait of eva grips and removes smell of the bait also. With my eggbeaters I remove the spool and wipe down the inside of it and also the underside of the drag knob. After cleaning I spray with reel magic or inox, depending on which one I've got on hand. After 10mins or so I wipe off the excess with a clean cloth. Once a month I lubricate reels that get alot of use and all other reels i lube after 10 or so uses. Once a year I take them to my local fishing shop, he charges 30 a reel or free if its one I got from him.

    I also use the pine o cleen wipes on my tackle box and tools, all tools get sprayed with inox and left out overnight to dry, knives sharpened every month or so. Any other gear that has the possibility of rusting like rock cleats, screws on landing net etc also get sprayed with inox.

    As you can probably tell im quite high maintanence when it comes to my gear!



  11. I catch bucket loads off the stones, they are annoying when I'm fishing for blackies as they are quite agressive and if they are around they beat the blackies to the cabbage, but they produce a bit of fun when the blackies aren't on the bite, my pb is 45cm and they fight pretty well to when they get to that size. no.6 tru-turns work a treat on getting them lip hooked, but their lip is pretty leathery and you can bend a hook or two trying to get it out. Have never tried one but I have heard the same as everyone else(taste like crap).


    Daniel Wood

  12. I hardly fish the rivers for blackfish but I do spend alot of my fishing time off the stones. My first blackfish specific setup was similar to Cephalopod's.

    Browning BJ Hunter 10'6 2-5kg rating

    Browning Syntec TF1035

    20lb Braid main line

    Anywhere from 6lb to 15lb trace depending on whats on the bite and water clarity/weather.

    I think this is a pretty good setup for someone just getting into blackies and wont bruise the pocket.

    Hasn't landed me any surgeons though many suspected bust off's while running light leader, but the rod definitely has the potential to tame one. Has seen me successfully land numerous blackies and my fair share of decent drummer.

    For rigs try this post from Roberta, led me in the right direction to my first ever blackie and an ongoing obsession with these critters.


    Hope this helps!


    Daniel Wood

  13. Hey hey,

    Have finished the rod :yahoo: , awaiting cables to upload photo's of camera and will create a post, overall very pleased with result, I'm happy with the blank, will be running an alvey blackfish reel with 20lb braid on it due the the same reasons as swordfisherman using braid (Alvey + braid = going against traditionalist's view but but the pro's outweight the con's in my books :1prop: ). I had a test of a mates wilson custom rod which had a slower taper but to me felt sloppy (I know some favour this but not my style).

    I still haven't given it a test run yet but I don't think it's going to disappoint!

    Let me know if you prefer me to create a new post (DIY section) or to continue on with this post.

    I'm happy with whatever is easy for you guys.


    Daniel Wood

  14. Hey guys,

    Been a bit since I have updated this topic, been pretty flat out.

    The rod is 3/4 of the way there, when i finish it off I will create a post in the DIY forum of if it more convienent I will just tag it on the end of this one.

    I settled for the excel composites blank, which actually turns out to be a pacific composite blank. Really nice blank and I am quite happy with it.

    Keep an eye out for photo's and a proper rundown on the building process and chosen parts, plus hopefully a pic or two of the final result in action. :biggrin2:



  15. Thanks for the input shane, have narrowed my choices down to the Excel Composites PowerGraph Blackfish GP 3145G and the Kilwell 1742C/2 just waiting on gathering the specs for the Kilwell (weight, butt/tip diameter) to be sent to me to make my final choice. I never noticed that one on the website I was looking at but definately looks like the better option!

    Once I build the rod I will create a post to show everyone the final product, or tap it onto the end of this one.

  16. cape banks i think

    did that guy fall in on purpose just for rescue training. waves didn't look big to wash anything in

    Close, few clicks south Kurnell, through the national park if you drive to the point you can see the work platform.

    Starting photo's of everyone walking is tamarama to bondi walk where sculptures by the sea is done.

  17. Hey guys,

    currently working on building my own blackfish rod, wanting to make it as light as possible, stuck at which blank get.

    My current choices are:

    1/ Excel Composites PowerGraph Blackfish GP 3145G

    Graphite butt, Fiberglass tip

    2PCE MEDIUM action, Length 3.67m, Tip 2.6mm, Butt 23.2mm, 2-6kg, Weight 230gms.

    2/ Wilson/Kilwell Live Fibre ZMT4144/2

    Carbon Fibre/Fibreglass Weave

    12', 2PCE, to 6kg

    3/ Snyder Glas MT144 4W

    Graphite Composite

    12', 1PCE, 3-5kg (If this is the way to go I will need to cut it as I am after 2 pce)

    Or if there are any other suggestions on blanks to choose?

    Specs needed:




    Thin Butt

    Thanks in advance guys!

    Daniel Wood

  18. I havent chased bream for some years now, but when I use to fish the hawkesbury with my dad and his mate could never go past the good old yabbie. Burley up with wheat seed that has been left to soak overnight so its soft, use a running ball sinker with 1.5m-2m 6lb trace. In my opinion dynamite, we use to get on the water at 6am and by 11am we were on the way back bagged out. But over the years I have noticed the hawkesbury just doesn't fish the same these days.

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