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Everything posted by quaddy

  1. Hi fellow Raiders Went out trying to get squid on Tuesday night (not one). Whilst casting a couple of kayakers paddled past and one fell out. Asked if he needed a hand as the others had stopped some distance away. He told me he was right and after he got back on thanked me anyway then told me he was a little worried beccause he had seen a couple of bug bull sharks up south west arm on the weekend. Now I do not know if it was the same shark he seen twice or what but just though I would mention it here
  2. quaddy

    Grey Nurse

    I have not had an encounter with a grey nurse but plenty of great whites. anybody want a thrill go to stokton beach during salmon season. There kidding if they are endangered species.
  3. Hi A Dawg sounds like a good time though I must admit i am wondering where you are fishing. There are three things I am having trouble getting in the port and that is Jewies, Kingfish and especially squid. the last is the most frustrating as everybody seems to be getting them but me. Any tips would be appreciated (i dont want many just enough to get that Jewwy).
  4. Gday Emetic Drift the run in or out along the lilli pilli sand flats near the drop off of the ballast heap (east) along the marker bouys. grab a gulp minnow and throw it out as a set line. Then as the boat drifts flick the lure of your choice up towards the shallow and retrieve into the deep slow. Burraneeer bay drop off the same but dont wait until the tide is moving to fast. Hope this helps P.s If you are confidant enough, there is not much in the way of swell at the moment so a good chance is off the Cronuula beach any where.
  5. WOW Dogtooth they are serious fish. Well done. I have a couple of questions that probably will be answered if you reply to the others but one question someone may help me with. I have never been inspected on the water. What are they looking for or ask etc...
  6. They were leaping out of the water. they hit the lure hard and away you go. Great fun. didnt theat southerly blow. i thought it may of come later tonight. Would of been a fun trip back in for you.
  7. Just a quick note to fishos of the Port hacking. Just come back from a fish and landed some good elbow slapping taylor outside the entance of Yowie Bay. We were trolling with wonder wobblers. Southerly hit just as the fish came on (another hint from jewgaffer and his barometer). We got our fill and called it early. keep paddling Quaddy
  8. thank you so much people for sharing your knowledge. I am only new to fishraider and am hooked. Beats watching TV but the missus is starting to get concerned as to why i am spending so much time on the internet if you know what i mean ha ha. Please keep em coming.
  9. Thanks for the tips but king slayer I have tried the site but cannot find anything on Port Stephens. shat links do i use. i am hopeless on the computor
  10. going up to port stephans this weekend. Land based. Looking for some squid spots for bait and spots to use this bit. any tips anyone.
  11. just as good but watch fore swell size. stanwell is a swell magnet
  12. Mr Jewgaffer i am fairly new at this and have sent you a message. hope you get it Ta
  13. quaddy


    day josh. does it cme with a matching rod. I have a chance of a good deal with a combo Ta
  14. Mr Jewgaffer Thank you for sharing a little of your knowledge. It is rare to find a fisherman so generous to share what must be many years of experience. I am following Roberta's advice and trying to follow your previous posting. Please if you have time keep them coming. I am on a mission to catch one of these jews in the Port and am learning som much, not just about the jews but also by products. Thank you again sir.
  15. 10ft rod. Large head egg beater. 15lb line. tide chart. torch. jumper. spoon lead. long trace. weather report. towel. bucket. knife. cutting board. sun protection. beach worms and a lot of patience. Note: tell someone where you are going and do not throw out near the surfers. its alot of fun on some of the most beautiful coastal beaches on the planet.
  16. quaddy


    I am thinking of buying a low profile shimano baitcaster for something different when lure fishing. Do they work for that type of fishing and can anybody recommend a good un.
  17. gday phill On the southside try Garie Beach in the National Park. At low tide there is also a rock platform at the northern end. Just look for the other fisho's there is always someone there. At the moment salmon and tailor are about.
  18. well done RPL. Nice fish on light gear. Been doing the hacking a bit lately but have not had the luck/skill of a kingy on lures yet.
  19. Great fish Dusky Chaser Actually got one the same last night (photos/vid coming). Thought it was a Port Jackson shark. Did not put up a fight at all. Just wanted to use its weight. The photos dont really do them justice though do they. My one was so thick and heavy. Been catching flatties for a long time but never seen one that big in a shop let alone in a river. Well done and like you good to see it swim off....
  20. thanks nosliw I have oganised a buddy and we are going to use them tomorrow night. I have them currently in a plastic container, unclean, in my beer fridge. Will buy the bags tomorow if i catch any more. take care
  21. Hi All I have just been for a bit of a lure fish and surprised myself with getting a couple of squid. I have kept them to use as bait. What is the best way to keep these either overnight (if i can get away) or for a couple of weeks. i hope to use them to chase my first jewwie and am open to any advice. Ta
  22. Tap him on the head, wait a few seconds and go to tap him again. When he raises his tentacles over his head to proctect himself just quickly pull the hook out. On a serious note mate be wary if it is small with bluish spots cut the line quick. They are not good.
  23. I have never heard of anybody getting prawns out of the hacking. also the water is warm but not exactly that clean looking at the moment. i hope that is sme help.
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