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Posts posted by framedtrash

  1. OH! WAY too much fun kingies on the troll and jigging.

    BUT- I still reckon we shoulda gone the Flattie Grounds, one guy running another charter bagged 60 in under 3 hours then went home, lol

    But hey, got to blood the TLD for the first time, got a stonker Morwong (42cm) and had a ball doing so.

    We should book pretty soon if you wanna go either mid-week, but am organising another charter for the first weekend in Feb for my B'Day out off Shoalhaven Heads.

    Chat soon mate- thx for the replies lads, much appreciated :beersmile:

    about time you blood in that reel anth ha

    give me a bell when u r gonna book up a charter

    ive got a few good ones i want to look into

  2. my metals dont come out of the bag unless there is a school of fish on the surface

    im sure they would probally work if you just blind case them at some fishy looking spots

    but i have never tried nor would i bother there's better lures for doing that

  3. yeh i run dual downriggers and mine is setup diffrent to the above photo

    i have my downriggers on swivel mounts at the back of the boat with my stainless steel rod holders about 50cm in front of the riggers

    i choose to mount them at the very back of the boat as this gives them less chance of getting wrapped around my prop

    never had any problems ill post some photos tonight

  4. went and bought a tachyon Helmet Camera

    uses SDMC memory cards so i can stick a 32gb card in there and record 8hrs of good quality footage or 16 hrs of average footage with around 11hrs of battery life

    the camera is fully waterproof to around 10mtrs so can be used for diving too

    comes with a remote control and all that jazz

    im going to mount the camera at the front of my boat so when we head out fising we can record the days activity's

    i did this last weekend when downrigging for kings using my little digital camera and the results where great

    i now have the footage on my phone and its great when sitting around doing nothing i can whip out my phone and watch footage of me battling kings

    for only $250 its a good little add-on to my boat

    ill post some videos once i get it out on the water

    two thumbs up



  5. i must say i love my Shimano Jigwrex

    they have a model in PE5,PE6,PE8

    i have the s605 which is 6'0" rated to 300gm jiggs and PE5 i run 50lb on it

    as Big-Banana said running 80lb on a PE8 rod if you connect to some thing big enough its going to pull you in

    im not a small guy im 6"4 and i think i would even struggle holding onto the rod when fully loaded up

    and in all reality i dont think your ever going to need all that power

  6. to get a fish arch like they show you on the box the fish needs to be sitting directly under your transducer and not moving

    if the fish is swimming under your boat its only going to be under your transducer for a short peroid of time and you wont get the fish arch shape but only 1/4 arches or 1/2 arches

    you might want to go pickup a book on how sounders work it will help you work out how to get the most out of your sounder

  7. you sure do put the time in mate

    im sure your big jew is just around the corner

    i just got back from a fish

    couldnt get any livies only ended up with 4 yakkers 1 was a monster

    off to our spot setup the downriggers

    ended up turning the 3 small yakkers into 3 kings and the big yakka didnt get touched was prob too big

    good way to spend the afternoon

  8. Great stuff mate. If you don't mind me asking do you mean closer to barrenjoey headland? How much water were you jigging in? Actually never jigged before but your post just got me keen to buy a few

    in the general area around trawleys water is around 30mtrs

    going to explore new grounds this weekend

    need to repair my broken seat first tho

  9. yeah was great fun

    this was yesturday and yeh was closer to the headland

    below is a snapshot of some of the footage of my first jigged kingie caught on my new setup

    using shimano saragosa 18000 and shimano jigwrex s605 rod great setup these little kings are no match at all for it but i rather fish big incase the big ones jump on

    mate is also hooked onto a nice little king on my spinfisher combo using a white shimano lucanus jig

    im going to setup my camera better so tomorrow ill try get some more footage

    all fish are around the 60cm mark


  10. had a RDO so me and a mate hitup a few reefs outside pittwater yesturday

    was surposed to be a early start but some how i have lost one of my bungs so we had to wait till the shop opened to go and get a new bung (i now carry spares)

    after stocking up on bait at west head we headed off in search of kings

    couldn't find any big ones but there were alot of rats out there

    was catching them on live yakkas on the downriggers,Lucanus jiggs, and 250gm jiggs

    no fish for the table but a lot of fun with around 20fish caught between us all around the size in the photo below

    also got some video action of the day which ill will post a little later on

    was a great day on the water

    after looking over my videos ive worked out i swear way too much ha so most of the videos come with a R18 rating so i wont bother posting them and too lazy to remove the audio


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