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Posts posted by framedtrash

  1. installing a finder is very easy

    just read threw the manual and it will show you how to install it and the correct location to mount the transducer

    any marine battery will work even a car battery will but best to stick to a marine deep cycle

    all you need to do is connect the positive to the positive and the negative to the negative

    the finder should come with a inline fuse already so no need to wire one up

    since its in a tinny best to keep the battery in a battery box to keep the salt water off the connections

    very simple to setup just read the manual and you will be fine

    and dont forget red is positve black is ground or in some cases brown is positive black is ground

    forgot one thing since its a tinny instead of mounting the transducer directly onto the boat you might want to mount it on a transducer bracket this allows you to move the transducer up and down and even remove it from the back of the boat if the need arrises they cost around $40


  2. Thanks Captain

    Yes it is the pealess type.

    As long as I avoid a fine I'm happy.

    That Maritime website leaves a lot to be desired.

    You'd think it would give a desciption of something that is manditory.

    And while I'm having a winge , the pdf charts on the website are locked in a way that you can't print them.

    They force us to have them and we pay our taxes and fees , so why can't we print and laminate them ourselves if we want.

    I'm just sick of throwing money at my boat and on things that I won't use and will just clutter it up.


    I've just noticed they are only $6 each off the website.

    But still its the principle of it.

    just open the map on your computer and press print screen on your keyboard then just paste it into something like word or paint

    then you will be able to print it out

    if ya want PM me the link to the map you want and I'll convert it for ya

  3. ive had a look around the net and i think i have all the correct gear

    is there any thing else im missing i want to make sure im as safe as possbile and no chance of getting fined

    type 1 life jackets for each person

    2ltr water for each person



    marine radio








    first aid kit

    is there any thing else im missing ?

  4. ive got one of those R2S live squids at home and i dont think there are made to be trolled

    from memory its got a big lead weight in it and i think they are just made for jigging up and down

    not trolled

    ive still yet to try mine out might take it out this weekend

  5. I would have kept going but as i was letting my bomb down i got hit by a bit of chop and accidently knocked the break on and my cable snapped! Along with my nice new pancake bomb GOONE! :1badmood: So that was that - although i was pretty happy with the session.

    what downrigger are you using

    are you using wire or braid for the cable

    little scary having the cable snap on you

    i always slowly lower my bombs i see some ppl just open the break fully up and just drop the bomb down

    im always worried its going to rip off the downrigger so i always go slow

    nice work on the kings hopefully i run into some more this weekend

  6. Good lookin Sambo mate :)

    Sorry I missed ya was already settled on the sand, I got a little Blue Spot Flattie on mullet gut and nothin else after that.

    Current was ripping across and I had to use snapper leads to hold bottom and I was down the far end of Palmy next to Barrenjoey.

    Found a good gutter but the waves were breaking so far our I had to wait for the lull between sets to cast out and half of the beach seemed to have washed away with the storms earlier in the week.

    (in case I used to be a wax head when I was younger so I know the lingo).... hahahahahaha!!!!!!!!

    There were heaps of surfers out and some were right on Barrenjoey headland and getting into some good barrels, but where I was lots of close-outs, lol

    Wished I had my Mal with me I coulda paddled the bait out as opposed to fishin 3/4 way out to the sand bar where it was churning whitewater all arvo

    Anyways, the rain get the better of me @ 2pm and I decided call it quits, my mate arrived as I was leavin so not the ideal day all round- seems I just couldnt coordinate anything yesterday which was a shame.

    There's always next time so let me know when you are heading out next- this time I'll bring along all my slices and we can have a good ol chuck, hope they hang around for a bit.

    Did you see any noahs crusin behind the school??? usually you will see hammers and bronzies just in behind the school after the bust-up and they just hang back and eat the left overs.

    Friggin missed out BIG TIME didnt I... oh well, my loss :(

    yeh it was quite the day

    on the way over the box head there was a whale and calf doing some jumps just out of the front on palmy headland

    and just outfront of lion island we had dolpins swim by

    didnt see any noahs but im sure they where there

    every time i connected to a sambo it felt like i was onto a kingie

    forgot how fun fishing can be when using really light gear

    i need to go and get some new slices this week going to replace all the trebles on them with some new owner trebles it was heart breaking to be fighting a good size fish only to have the lure come out of its mouth

    and there was another first for the day i got bitten on the finger by a little cuttle fish

    i had him on the DR and at the end of the day i was releasing him and he grabbed my finger with his tentacles and gave me a little nip

    ha great day on the water

  7. i was surprised how long they stuck around for

    we got there at like 8am and left at around 11 to check out box head

    on the return they were still there i had to drive past and not look at them otherwise i would of gone back

    i ended up dropping my bro off and went and chased kings for the rest of the arvo

    was a great day out

  8. plan for the day was to take my bro and his mate to box head for a surf then catch up with Jewiehaven for some kings

    halfway across the heads run into a massive school of sambos

    i took it upon myself to call off there surf and try to catch some sambos

    i had rods in the boat but no lures for sambos

    i had 1 metal slice so we took turns throwing it out

    i connected to some monsters but the hook wasnt setting

    got 1 solid one aboard

    sadly my brother ended up loosing the only slice i had in the boat as seen in the "snapp" video

    at first i thought it must of been a big sambo that did it untill i watched the video of him and i see him doing the drag up 3 times on 8lb line no wonder it snapped

    also caught a heap of chompers around the salmon was good fun

    heres some videos

    Boil Ups



  9. i have just finished up mods on the boat to make it legal to start heading offshore

    i have some great offshore flattty marks and the plan is to go and give them a working

    whats the best time to go and fish for them

    whats the best rigs to use? should i just be using a paternoster with a sinker to keep the rig on the bottom with 2-3 droppers?

    any tips,advice would be great

    cheers in advance


  10. mate i got the garmin 420s

    its a chartplotter/fish finder

    when i have it just on fish finder i think its quite similar to the 400c

    a youtube video clip i made for another raider a while back showing off some of its features

    i think there a great little unit hasn't let me down yet

    im sure the 400c would do the same for u

  11. Greg you need to harden up son !!!!

    Next you will have a home cinema on board and butlers :074:

    Cheers Stewy

    Greg if you ever need a butler on your boat when you go fishing

    let me be the first to put my hand up

    i pour a great beer :beersmile:

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