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Everything posted by framedtrash

  1. purchase a Boat Loading System they sell for around $150 "With these boat loading systems it's a one person operation to safely guide your craft on and off the trailer. Fully proven by thousands of boat owners in rough water, fast tidal currents and strong cross winds. Comprises two separate, spring loaded 15" arms which bolt to the rear cross member either side of the existing keel roller." its bacislly 2 big spring loaded arms that bolt onto trailer so all you do is stick the nose of the boat into the arms then winch the boat up the springs will push the boat onto the rollers and will keep it on track they sell them at most big marine shops
  2. whats up with there eyes looks like there zombies
  3. shimano all my gear is made up of shimano reels i find them great never had a reason to change from a good thing but hey if any one wants to give me a saltiga ill switch to Team Daiwa
  4. i just tie onto any mooring i see unless of course its one of the water police ones that tell you not to tie onto it if a big boat comes and asks you to move coz you are on the mooring i move
  5. yeah if you see me out there stay away i dont want you stealing all my fish haha
  6. since im in the giving mood today here is the mark for the Coolooi wreck s33° 43' 11" e151° 20' 53" its in 48 metres of water fishing in any shallow reef is dangerous just keep your distance from the shallow water heres a map of the area g im nice today you owe me some kingys
  7. i ended up getting my 18000 spooled with 50lb powerpro braid ended up with around 500mtrs on there thats not inc the mono backing going to blood it in this weekend on some kings thanks again for you help Captn
  8. yeh Ray will handle them no problem i recently purchased one and trust me when i say i did some research into them read alot of US jigging/popping forums where they use them on fin and other massive fish 18000 come with 20kg of drag what more can you ask for im in the process of upgrading the handle to a Jigging Master T-bar handle would should help out when jigging for extended peroids of time great reel DogTooth uses them and has no problems turning the heads on those big hoodies he always seems to get into heres a pic of the handle upgrade
  9. what about sandy point thats a great ramp haha
  10. they look sweet do they have the plastic inserts to protect the rod ??
  11. ill be out Saturday in pittwater and out sunday at long reef there's massive tailor schools around still sambos around but not as many and ofcourse the kings are around but they are too well fed inside pittwater have much better luck outside chasing them
  12. if your fishing for kings nothing less then stainless steel will do if its plastic sooner or later a king is going to snap it and you will loose your fish and your gear
  13. i import quite abit of stuff from the states recently got a new rod and saved over $300 by importing it ofcourse there are downsides to this like warranty but with the money i saved if any thing goes wrong i can pay to get it repaired and still come up ahead but for all other tackle i like to shop at my local to keep the money in OZ i dont mind paying a little extra for tackle to keep the money local but for saving over $300 i have no issues with importing
  14. you no it bad days fishing better then a good day at work
  15. little 3inch white sluggo typed plastics on 1/2 oz jigheads
  16. went for a fish off longey caught 4 rats and a samson fish gotta love kingies even at small sizes there tons of fun esp on light bream gear ofcourse all fish released all caught on sp's apart from samson that took the only live squid wasnt the best weather with some big swell cant wait for a better day
  17. Yeh Bayview boat ramp is my home ground 2 very good ramps lots of car parking but bring change as its pay to park
  18. well done mate hopefully the kings are on the chew this weekend ill bring the camera this time
  19. not sure about tomorrow chasing kings and bonnies on sunday
  20. thanks for the info the saragosa comes with 44lb of drag so if i plan on not snapping the rod i should never go too hard on the drag
  21. thats alot of line not sure if i really need to go with the 18000 if thats the case cheers
  22. thanks for that yeh i think im going to stick 50lb powerpro braid on there any idea on how much would fit onto a 14000 and 18000 saragosa cheers
  23. not sure what line i should be putting onto my new setup last thing i want to do is end up with a snapped rod the line weight for the rod is rated at MAX PE5 which i think is 50lb ?? i had planned on putting 80lb but after watching one of Nectics old videos of a rod being snapped on a tuna i want to make sure i have the correct line on setup is going to be used for jigging and livebaiting any help would be great cheers
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