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Everything posted by framedtrash

  1. cheers for the great info guys whats the best way to fish them for flattys on the flats? just let him free swim or put a sinker on ?? im also keen to try them as live bait for kings when at anchor will they handle deep water ok like can you take them offshore and use them for the offshore flattys cheers
  2. do you only use yellow tail have you tried getting live squid or atleast go and catch some squid and cut it up as bait i dont think the jews care if you on a budget but they do care whats on the end of the hook and where abouts are you fishing location is a big key to success
  3. i agree go the live fiber
  4. work as usual Steve you sure do no how to find them try to leave a few for me will ya haha if your ever short handed on the boat again give me a bell would love to learn some of your tricks well done again
  5. make sure you sound out the area your going to be downrigging dont just expect the ground to be at the same depth you will loose bombs if im looking for kings i like to keep my bombs at mid water as the kings can always rise up and get your baits if you bombs too low and the kings are above it there going to miss it and this keeps your bombs away from snags but if you have kings on the sounder and you are working a school set the bomb at the same depth or a little above
  6. ahhh good thinking yeh i like to leave the guts in as i find it easyier to cut fillets with the guts in might give the flathead a go as bait next time maybe even put a little legal one down as live bait was using live and dead tailor last weekend off flint but got no hits thanks again for the tips
  7. top info as usual mate why do keep the fish away from the ice slurry ? and why do u keep the guts in is it so you can use it as burley when u get home ?
  8. yeh i agree might be a tad large might be good for trapping larger fish like whiting but not sure if thats legal havnt trapped poddys since i was a kid but i always just used a 2ltr coke bottle using the same method you have above
  9. great work steve gotta love a great feed of kings whats the deal with the snags why didnt you cut up a nice kingy fillet ya gotta stop palming the downrigger spool ha i just manually lower mine and never had any probs i really gotta give the harbour a fish soon seems to be a shit load of kings there
  10. i bleed all my fish strait away them they go strait into ice for better quality meat its best to dispatch them strait away and to cause them minimal stress i no some ppl like to keep them alive till the end of the day i prefer just to put them out of there misery make sure they go on ice tho dont just leave them sitting in a bucket nothing worse then killing a fish then letting it spoil sitting in the hot sun
  11. looks like a great spot to do some fishing what happened to Budgie doesnt he like the mo
  12. i got a mate who has lots of stellas they way he sees it is they come with 10yrs warranty so thats a little over $100 a yr for a top reel and worry free for 10yrs ends up being pretty good value if you look at it that way theres kings out there that will still be stoppable even with a stella worse comes to worse use the reel in fiji then come back and sell it to me
  13. im lazy catching yakkas i burley up then just use a bait jigg they only cost $2 and they come prerigged just tie it onto your main line and your set as for rigging them up for use at anchor i just stick it threw the nose of just behind the fin like shown in the 3rd drawing on the left kings take the yakkas from the head so i dont like to add extra hooks that are just going to kill the yakka faster works well for me
  14. i call shotgun damm nice boat
  15. you gotta be carefull around that area waves come out of no where and it quite common for them to come from a few different directions at once espically when comming into pittwater around west head atleast your insured
  16. framedtrash

    My New Boat

    they look similar to walker ones take a photo of them should be able to work out what they are
  17. framedtrash

    My New Boat

    very nice boat looks like its got tons of room are they dual downrigger mounts already on the back ?
  18. you always no where to find the big ones mate well done send a few of those big boys my way
  19. looks like u really like your seafood fresh 2nd photo looks like you already took a bite out of the tail
  20. nice work great lookin fish great looking boat also looks like a great fishing platform
  21. how big do gt's around here get ??
  22. looks like one of those plastic vibes from berkley
  23. since braid is alot thinner then mono you can fit more braid on it or if you wanted you can fit a much stronger braid onto the same size reel as its alot thinner then mono hope that makes sence but as said above you have to be carefull that the reel and rod can handle the line when using the line spec from the reel if you fully lock the drag on the reel chances are the line is going to snap soon after but if you put alot stronger line on the line isnt going to snap like before either your rod or reel will
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