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Everything posted by framedtrash

  1. the small ones make great live bait for kings there little ink machines a kingie cant resist hitting it when it puffs a big cloud of ink it its face be carefull when handling them ive had a few grab my fingers and bite me but i would of bitten me too if i knew what was going to happen to me
  2. sure was thanks for reminding me i have now got a seriola hat trick
  3. heres one of mine from the weekend do u think ill get in the record books for this one haha
  4. thanks guys checked the DPI website and there is no size restriction on these fish and can keep a total of 5 he didn't put up much of a fight didn't even have enough power to snap the elastic band on the downrigger he stood no chance agaist the Saragossa with 50lb braid poor little guy ha
  5. yeh tasty things too cant wait till thur when i plan to get out there again and have another go at a big one
  6. i believe the SA one is referring to aquaculture where they farm the fish the NSW is referring to wild fish
  7. not to worry i found out “the estimated size at which 50% of females and males are sexually mature is around 83cm and 43 cm FL respectively. For males this size at maturity occurs at an age less then 1 year old Growth is rapid being nearly linear between 1 and 11 years old with fish reaching the 65cm minimum legal lenth at around 2-3 years of age” LINK TO SOURCE HERE
  8. does any one have any idea how long it takes a kingie to grow from a little rat into those big guns we love to catch
  9. taken on a live yakka while downrigging for kings was released to catch another day are they any good on the tooth
  10. nice work Ray how did the new reel go ? i too got stuck into the kings on the weekend a big school of rats with some monsters mixed in catching them on live yakkas and metal slices tried sluggos but couldnt get them to hit it they would just follow forget to try out a big poppa might have to take a RDO and get out there again and try the popper
  11. what are you guys casting at people in boats ??
  12. ill be outside tomorrow hitting up the wrecks and reefs in chase of those big kings weather permitting ofcourse first stop will west head to fill up on livies then off to the reefs just got back from the tackle shop stocking up on new supplies so hopefully all goes well im keen for a fish pretty much any day of the week i have alot of RDO's to use up so just shoot me a pm when you want to catch up for a fish im always keen
  13. fishing the reefs tomorrow like boutins trawleys and newport and try some of the outside wrecks i must get my king
  14. why not just modify this one ive seen a post on here of some one doing just that its just a matter of extending the pole and the wiring would look just as good as a original one
  15. took the day off work and hit the pitty witth a mate for some kings went off first to catch some squid just as we start squidding a big school of tailor starts smashing the surface a few meters ahead quickly change to small metals and proceed to catch a few once they went deep we went back to squidding squidding was slow only got a few which we planned on turning into kings sadly it wasnt too be kings just wernt on the chew could see them on the sounder but they didnt want to take the bait so not the best days fishing but a hell of alot better then being at work water temp was at 21 inside pitty so things should really start to fire up soon no pics im sure you already no what tailor look like
  16. yeh i use nuclear chicken and pumkin seed
  17. stick a pilly on a unweighted hook every one loves pillys
  18. nah im more of a electronic person but i sure can drink that case of beer
  19. have not got one but have read alot about them very strong well made reels look in some American jigging/poping forums for lots of info on them they actually come in 4,5,6 PE5 Gear Ratio : 1 :4.0 Gross Weight : 590g Capacity : PE5-470m Spool dia.:64mm Spool width:31mm Efflcient drag : 35lbs. Max : 60lbs Color:Silver/Gold=S/G ▪ Gold/Silver=G/S ▪ Gray/Silver=GR/S ▪ Black/Gold=B/G
  20. SERIOUSLY STAINLESS Cnr Wiblin and Vore St, Silverwater NSW 2128 seriouslystain@optusnet.com.au Rocket launchers, custom made live bait tanks, tuna tubes and anything else stainless steel you need Gary Bricknell * PH 0438264377 * FAX 99480541 Graham Cribb * PH 97481037 * Fax 96484976
  21. the large downrigger weight holds your baits at the desired depth which is set via the crank handle on the downrigger you bait is connect to the downrigger weight via a release clip the release grip is designed to hold onto your baited line until a fish takes the bait then the line pops out of the release clip and you fight the fish price depends on brand you should be able to set one up on a inflatable but you wouldn't be able to use one of the big ones prob only one of the lake versions (like the Cannon Lake) which retail for around $180 they work will all baits live or dead and work with lures too downriggers aint a sure way to catch kings but when they kings are down deep they are a proven method to get to them they also work on many other fish inc snapper flattys jews heres a nice little pic that might help with how they work
  22. very nice reel it was my #2 pick cant wait to see how it handles the kings
  23. i have caught them in close to palm beach headland good fun on light tackle until you find out its only a sargent there minus points in my boat
  24. yeh sadly i no what that fish is ha i hear they make good snapper bait
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