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Everything posted by framedtrash

  1. actually sounds pretty good next time i go out ill have to keep a few for myself and give this a try
  2. ive imported lots of downriggers from the states 0 problems no hidden taxes just cheap downriggers best to buy the bombs in oz as they weigh alot and add to postage
  3. thats a nice trev wish my dad let my skip skool to fish i just had to skip skool without there permission ha
  4. framedtrash


    i have the same reel with 8lb suffix braid its amazing what the little reel can pull in its handled some good size salmon with no worries
  5. skating on thin ice its about 2.3km out
  6. whats the best way to attach the main line to a wind on leader do you have to tie a bimini twist or can you simply tie a uniknot cheers
  7. Make sure u bring some metal slices there will be salmon surface feeding and sun cream it's gonna be a warm day
  8. "Fully sealed, saltwater and sand simply can’t get into the fully machined aluminum body, the 7+1 stainless steel bearings and the patented Versa-drag. "
  9. are these the fully waterproof ones i think Ray posted about these a while back
  10. thanks for the advice i ended up goin with a Saragossa 18000 spooled with 80lb powerpro braid cheers
  11. i run green suffix 30lb on a few of rods never had a problem ties well and very strong
  12. thanks Greg the 100mtr line off terrigal is easy enough to work out where it is but where abouts is the 12 mile
  13. haha gotta love using deep sea jigs in 10mtrs of water ha yeh ill have a go out at boultins and reegies atleast the water is a little deeper there around the 50mtr mark
  14. nice work i love catching them on the light gear what size did ya get ive still yet to actually eat one i bring a few home and every one else eats them
  15. its at the top of the page "KNOTS" heres the LINK
  16. i have just upgraded to a new combo which enables me to have a crack at some jigging are there any good areas to jig around the broken bay area or am i kidding myself what about at long reef ive seen reports of people jigging there would love to have a crack at it any tips would be great
  17. you can get flattys off the whalf at the boat ramp prob a better idea to walk up around the dog park and fish off the sand flats there or walk to the point of the dog park closest to the arms and fish the drop offs soapies can be caught off the point
  18. make sure u take lots of money to buy tackle over there its soo cheap
  19. I prefer to keep it light nothing over 8lb takes longer to get the fish in but it's a hell of alot more fun
  20. nice work on the trevs best way to see what there feeding on is too look in there stomachs
  21. what about the Daiwa Saltist 6500 Saltist® Features: * Rugged, all-metal construction * Fast 6.2 to 1 gear ratio retrieves up to 53 inches of line with every crank! * Five CRBB corrosion resistant ball bearings * Digigear™ digitally designed and machined gearing, ultra-strong and ultra smooth * Tubular stainless Air Bail * Sealed, waterproof drag * Rotor brake keeps bail in convenient position when opened * Dual, full-time anti-reverse * Reliable manual bail trip * Machined aluminum handle * Twist Buster® * 30kg of drag PE. 6/400m, 8/300m
  22. just spoken to shimano regarding warranty on imported goods "Warranty for Shimano Aust are only valid for goods imported by us into Australia. Other countries may use different components as we design and build for our particular market"
  23. almost the exact same thing happened to me fishing a school of salmon got busted off and lost my only slice called it a day on the drive back to the ramp i picked up my beer and in the drink holder was another slice heart breaking
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