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Posts posted by Brooker435

  1. I hope that I can do the same with my daughter in the coming years, quality time with the family is so important cause if you don't do it you will end up driving each other mad no one knows whats around the corner.

    Dont worry about making a fool out of yourself on the boat too we have all done it, I remember at Kissing point boat ramp a river-cat went past and the wake made me fall over, luckily I fell into the boat my mate had a good chuckle at my expense and he reminds me about it every time I see him lol.

    Maybe its time for me to get the cobwebs off my boat and go for a run!!!





  2. Fabian, that's tragic, I am sorry to hear about your story it just goes to show how life can change so quickly,

    we need to make the most out of every day we have and the people we share it with!!



  3. Thanks Fab great read.

    Also worth mentioning the importance of the safety chain in the event of de-coupling. I was only recently told (during trailer rego check) that all trailers must have load rated D shackles connecting the safety chain to the tow bar. They are recognised by the bright yellow pins and have the load rating stamped on the side of the shackle. Make sure the load rating high covers the boat AND trailer. I have a 2 tonne for my 580 breeze and dual axle trailer.

    Yep, I saw this the other day also, Keep about 2 on the trailer and 2 spare in the tow vehicle also, also worth mentioning the tow ball and the coupling also need to have load ratings clearly stamped on them I believe, mine are very old and I will look at replacing to be sure I am compliant.



  4. Thanks For Sharing Fabian, definitely worth checking that's for sure I cop a lot of criticism when I take my boat out cause I check everything 3 times but I don't care how long it takes, as long as its safety first, I am glad for your brother in laws sake no one got killed.



  5. Sounds like a good day out you managed to see dolphins a shark and got a feed!!!! nicely done

    I took my daughter out in the afternoon around Gymea bay in my tinny for a couple of small snapper lol she had a great time so it was worthwhile!!!



  6. Not a expert either but I think they are both yellowfin, you can still just see the yellow on the fins, maybe it has been in a more muddier area then the other one, would be interested to know what species it ends up being at the end though.



  7. Hi Luke,

    Thanks for Replying.

    I probably should have included my gear lol.

    Will be bringing Light takle up to about 12 lb, more interested in fishing for whiting / flatties if they are around.

    Want to fish baits too have heaps of chicken and squid leftover from my last trip out.

    as far as time goes possibly 3-4 hours depending how were felling.



  8. Hey Raiders,

    I will be on a weekend away this weekend and staying in fountaindale central coast.

    we are hoping to get out for a fish if possible and since i dont know the area, was hoping that someone that does could perhaps put me onto some good landbased options.

    I would prefer fishing estaury, I am thiking the entrance but as I said i dont know the area all that well.

    Ourimbah Creek is nice and close to where we are staying, is that worth fishing?

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated.



  9. that number 9549399 is the serial number it could be a 1989,

    you may need to check with a dealer to be certain as that number is within a range of numbers.

    Please let me know how you go as its bugging me big time, I will keep hunting around online till I get tired LOL



  10. Ok, thats probably enough photos, the compliance plate must have been broken off at some stage.

    if your certain its a 50Hp its going to be a 86 - 90 year model,

    the reason I am certain of that is that its a 3 cylinder engine and going off the mercury / marina serial numbers they are the only years where they were a 3 cylinder, however if its a 60HP then its a whole different ball game, with any luck you may be able to get a book on the outboard that covers this and you should be in business

    I have attached them below this maybe you might be lucky enough to find one of these numbers stamped somewhere on your motor.

    Good Luck with it..




  11. Id say the plate with the serial number would be on the part where the outboard mounts to your transom.

    on your photo there is a sticker on the bottom left that is usually where the plate is generally located.

    if you dont mind, please take photos of both sides of the outboard and possibly one with the cover off.

    generally the compliance plate is where that sticker is but could be on either side.



  12. Good on you for having a go!!! I have been umming and arrring for the past couple of weeks if I should get out for a fish but before I know it I am back in the office waiting for the next weekend to come around!! next time your out there don't forget the pillies!!



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