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I was thinking of making my own hard boy lures. Just to see if I could. I was planning to use wood as the

main material.

Has anyone got any tips for me or a web site to get some intructions?

I would also love to see any home made lure that other fishraiders have made.


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I remeber my first one (and only one!)

it was small dowl surface thing.made to look like the smak skywalker. after throwing it around for a few hours it finialy got smashed only to have my hole lure stolen and only be left with the ring i tied my knot too!

so use good glue lol

i should try again soon it was the best feeling when i got a hook up on my own lure.

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I remeber my first one (and only one!)

it was small dowl surface thing.made to look like the smak skywalker. after throwing it around for a few hours it finialy got smashed only to have my hole lure stolen and only be left with the ring i tied my knot too!

so use good glue lol

i should try again soon it was the best feeling when i got a hook up on my own lure


Thats exactly why I want to do it. I'm only planing to start with a design that is easy to hone my skills. I will probably end up getting a book of some sort to help me through. I would likr to do this style of thing as another hobbie. Could be a good way to pass some time. Fly tying will be on the list of to do's as well.



Thanks for the link I will check it out for sure.


Edited by brett0
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i was gonna offer my experience, but someone already linked me.... special.

have had no hookups with my lures as yet (have to say ive only tried them twice tho' and not ideal conditions) but have had plenty of fish follow it in on the retrieve...

still experimenting.

look forward to seeing any pics of yours bretto

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Mate good luck!

I have made one (and only one) wooden lure. Its a popper, made from dowel bout 10-12mm across. I hand carved it to taper it towards the back as I didn't have access to a leathe.

I used stainless screw in rings either end, no pilot hole just wound them in with a srewdriver, then finished the last couple of turns off with some maxi-bond on the thread.

I then painted it, glue on some glitter, don't know why I chose the colours I did but it seems to work on tailor and have also caught 1 small dog tuna (he must have been starving to hit this thing!)

To finish it I used a few coats of laquer and hey presto - first and only handmade lure!!!

It is pretty crappy, but I made it when I was about 12-13 and it still works today.

To test it I hung it from steel cable from a tree and on the other end I tied a 2.5kg weight disc (for a dumbell) and dropped it from the tree. It withstood that, so I hung more weights from it, up to 20kg, but didn't drop the heavy weights, just had them hang static and I gave them a tug to see if I could break it, which I couldn't.

Having said all this, I reckon you will need to have a through wire with a loop on either end, just to make sure it wont break.

I will put a pic of my lure up soon, hope you have some fun and success with making plugs.


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Guest madsmc

Very interesting thread guys. I might have to give it a crack myself.

Looking forward to seeing that pic Ant, and some good tips on construction there mate.

Has anyone attempted a bibbed minnow style lure yet?



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makes me wanna go home and try making some more... damn work. :thumbdown:

im going crazy sitting here...

havent tried any bibbed lures, as it seems like a lotta hard work.. besides im more into trying to get a proper surface lure workign at the moment, and poppers are the easiest shaped lure to make lol...

has nyone had any issues using eyelets for treble and split ring attatchment? i would have thought they might pull out?

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I have made a few poppers from dowel and a bibbed lure from the same. The poppers are fairly easy. Just cut the length you want, angle the front ( I do anyway) and if you dont have a lathe then an angle grinder in a vice with a sandpaper disk allows you to turn the wood down to a shape you desire and then use fine paper to smooth it all off. I use wire for the rings and just use a drill with a small hook made from a bent nail. Double a piece of suitable type wire and hold the open end with pliers and twist the other with a drill nice and tight. Drill the holes in the lure just big enough to slip the wire into and secure with 24hr arildite (must be 24hr) and let dry. I have painted my poppers with chrome paint and dipped one of the heads in fluro orange. They seem to work fine, swim and bloop well and cast a mile. Never had a problem with the wire pulling either. I made the bibbed lure the same and copied a YARRUM cod lure (not that it ended up looking loke the Yarrum :wacko: . It swims ok but as yet has not pulled a fish. I used metal sheet for the bib but the line is connected to the lure. I also make up my own blackfish pencil floats and have found that while cedar is the most common timber to use by using other types of hardwood you dont need as much lead and can cast them further. I must admit though I can get a bit anal when I make these as I put fancy thread top and bottom with a cross pattern to make them look all nice which causes some irritation when you loose one to a fish :mad3:

Definately a good thing to do on a rainy day. Just take it slow, both for the sanding down and the painting and if using the angle grinder try and do it outside as dust gets everywhere.

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As promised - my popper.

Like I said its rough and ready but does the trick.

As you can see my attention to detail is far from good but the design is ok.

Its casts well and makes a bit of splash and bubble on retrieve. Might have a go at making some more, maybe a lure to resemble a small octopus.

Anyway, if you guys have a go please post pics and any more hints, tips etc.


Can't get mt pics to upload.

Says "The total filespace required to upload all the attached files is greater than your per post or global limit. Please reduce the number of attachments or the size of the attachments."


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Guest madsmc

G'day Ant

There's a couple of guides, here and here , with details on how to resize and post images on the forum. Hope that helps. :biggrin2:



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upload them to a host site (like sony's imagestation - imagestation.com) and then right click the image once uploaded... click properties, then copythe URL inot a post on here... just click the image button and enter the url there... easy.

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Thanks for all the replies guys. Seems like there are a few fellas that would like to try and product their own lure. Hopefully that if and when a few of us finally get the job done we could post some PIC's in this thread.

I plain to make a popper and a diving bidded lure. My old man has a scoll saw so I will be cuuting some blanks out of pine using that. I thought I would try my prototype lures with anything i could find at work or at home, just to get the feel for it. I'm undecided what material to try for a bib though. The shet meatal sound ok but I thought the plastic from old CD covers might do. Depends if its thick enough. Pehaps even an old CD, who know the extra flash may work OK :thumbup:

Keep ya posted.

Brett0 (bre770) :yahoo:

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obviously it would be cheap and nice to make them at home, but i have noticed in my local tackle shop that they sell spare bibs fro stumpjumpers... perhaps another option. (only about $4 a pack of 3)

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Click on the link and go to thier homepage.

Looks real enough but from the pics you can see there is a plasic moulding around the cap, and the website says they fill the cavity with ball bearings also.

I might have a go at making some (minus the plastic moulding) and will post pics here.


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