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Quintrex Warranty Repair Performance

Ken A

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I am making this post as I am totally pissed off with the time I have been waiting for a warranty job to be carried out by Quintrex. :-mad2 :-mad2

The casting deck & the anchor hatch in my Hornet was starting to warp a bit. I wanted it replaced under warranty so I took it to Caloundra City Powerboats & they contacted Quintrex & it was approved as a warranty job.

The casting deck & anchor hatch was removed & I took the boat home after being told it that Quintrex would make new deck using the old one as a template etc etc & I would have my deck back in 2 weeks maybe 3 at the outside.

That wasn't a problem it was during a slack fishing period anyhow.

I am bloody pissed off now as it is 7 weeks today since that occurred.

To say I am unhappy is an understatement. :-mad2

I was phoned yesterday after making several visits to CCPB trying to get a response from them that they had managed to contact Quintrex who said they would "try" to get my deck done by this coming Friday.

SEVEN WEEKS they have kept me waiting & now they are going to TRY .

Absolutely pathetic it is !!

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I work on the other side of the fence. People come to ME for warranty assistance.

Iain, word for word your dead right.

How the manufacturer handles warranty claims is a good indication of their commitment to the product.

Write a firmly worded letter for sure, its not too late, its never too late. Point out your feelings which is your total dissatisfaction with the backup service. Go directly to Quintrex and cc the Dealer.Its not going to get this job fixed any quicker but they will jump to attention next time round. Hopefully you'll get a response and they will try to get you back on board with them.Its nice to be 'cuddled' .I would mention what you do as well, they really dont want someone in your position saying bad things surely.

It makes you feel better too buy getting off your chest. :P


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Can u let me know what contacts u make from this and keep me updated if the warranty goes through please Ken. The corners of my front deck and anchor hatch are badly warped and my boat is always kept in its enclosed garage. I have been 2 lazy to take it back and didn't think it would be covered but if u r successful I will also get them to change it. Reading the new quinnie website I noticed they have introduced some sort of non warping boards now.

Edited by Rick T
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Just got off the phone to hunts and looks like I will be going through the same process. Will have to make the decision if I can go without my boat for that long, 1 month is ok but any longer will be tough especially coming into summer.

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Why did they need your old deck/anchor hatch for a template. Surely these are standard items which they could ship to you the next day, once approved under warranty.

I thought exactly the same thing Mick but apparently there are too many variations in the exact shape & dimensions. That doesn't say a lot to me about the tolerances they manufacture to.

I'll let you know any info I can Rick.

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:angry: It really is poor buisness sense,as they will have to do the job eventually,

Did they keep in touch with you on a regular basis, to keep you imformed,of the reasons for the delays,or did they just wait for you to contact them repeatedly.If its the latter they want a kick up the bum. :beer: Ben.

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Feel for you Ken.

A customer of mine had bought the 610 Coast Runner, big boat for a quinny, anyway on the first few runs she noticed it leaned. At first she thought it was imbalance so she moved stuff around, nope nothing worked so then she approached the dealer. The dealer stated that it was a known problem with the bigger hulls that a few have warped or twisted in production and was an easy fix.

She whined for a new boat, after spending 40k she would want to have.

How did they fix it, well 'allegedly' they chain the front and the back corners to posts and with a power winch and a few tonnes of force, pull the hull straight. Needless to say she wasnt impressed with their warranty service.

Good boats apparently! sad to see they dont back it up with after sales service, only need to get bitten once to be shy the next time around

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Did they keep in touch with you on a regular basis, to keep you imformed,of the reasons for the delays,or did they just wait for you to contact them repeatedly


There was NO explanations given at all & no contact whatsoever. If I had not gone around & hassled CCPB about it many times I would have got no response at all.

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Cut the middle man out and go straight to Quintrex.

I got completely jerked around by CCM. I had some bad welds on my Hornet that I posted, I was offered by Peter Flynn at CCM to speak to Quintrex on my behalf because he had some contacts there, 11 months later I decided to check up on his progress. Turns out he never spoke to anyone at Quintrex and had been out of the country for some time.

With the raging sh%ts :-mad2 , I rang Telwater (quintrex) and surprise , surprise :thumbsup: within a week and a few emails my boat was off to Vikings for repairs with a big apology from Telwater.

Dealers suck, go staight to Quintrex and you'll be surprised.


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fatman has trhe answer go direct iam sure no company wants to have bad publicity what is the warranty on quintrex now 12 months?

i also see a lot of boats with warped hatches i think a cpl of clips on either end would stop a lot of that maybe noiwdays they r using a much better ply & totally dry any way i still love my quintrx just hope i dont have any warranty issues

good luck guys

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I dont know about you guys but the old Quinees cant be beat :thumbsup: . Im not sure of my facts here but I think in the mid 80's there was a big change to hull construction and most hulls were rivited not welded and from here the problems began.

The welded hulls of the late 70's and early 80's were brilliant. The rivited jobs had some cracking dramas. First Lazeabouts i think?

As I said im not sure about the details its just what I remember from my old boat mechanic days when there were still heaps of the old hulls around. I have owned a couple of old style quintrex boats and they were great ( Fishabouts ). The new stuff seems a bit sus from what you guys are reporting. Bit of a pity for a boat with such a great name in the past.

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Not sure if I follow you Grantm - are you saying that newer quiniies are pop rivited?

I have a 1998 quinnie and I am 99% sure the hull is welded together :(

PS No problems with my hull, that I know of anyway

Edited by mark_s
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Sorry Mark ,

Im only refering to boats built in the late to mid 80's. Then the construction went back to full weld. I believe it was only a short period, when Quintrex went through ownership changes .

Im just saying since that period of change the have never been the same. I just love the oldies :P

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You know Ken you ought to tell them that you are the Moderator of a 369 member (and growing) fishing club and your mates want to know when you can go fishing with them again. :ohyeh: :ohyeh:

Wombat (another quinney owner)

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Guest bluecod


Wombat's idea is a good one - numbers = pressure

Hail to the old quinnies, mine's a 4.3 FishRunner CC and one of the ones that had to have all the rib rubbers replaced under warranty [although I've only owned it for about 17 yrs]

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Guys I have thought about that & will be acting on it AFTER I eventually get my deck back.

Its Friday morning & surprise , surprise no phone call yesterday saying it is ready. :-mad2 :-mad2

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Aaaah warranty.

Warranty is a true reflection of customer commitment and where manufacturers and resellers are often exposed.

Warranty is used as a marketing tool and forms a key part of the consumers decison making process. To me a warranty is a guide to quality as well a statement by the manufacturer that a product will meet the stated expectations. Talk is cheap and sales speels alluring but warranting a product is a real and legally binding commitment.

As a result it s**ts me to tears when it's not honoured. To me it's the ultimate broken promise and amounts to taking your money on the premise of a lie.

I understand that no supplier likes warranty claims. The reseller makes no money out of them and for the manufacturer they are costly and a pain in the arse. Still that is no excuse for warranty claims to be left at the end of the priority queue.

A sternly worded letter is required Ken!

Well said iain,

Mate couldnt have said it better myself.

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To my abso bloody lute amazement I got a call yesterday saying my casting deck has arrived back & will be fitted today.

Jee that makes 8 weeks all up :thumbdown::thumbdown:

It had better be right as well !

Guess what else - no response to either faxes or e mails sent to Quintrex :badmood:


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At least you can now see the light at the end of the tunnel!!! :P

Now all you need is to catch some crabs :yikes: :lol: :happy: fill the live well with cold VB & ice and motor all of 20m to the edge of the channel and reel in one elbow slapper after the other from the comfort of your boat!!! :-rod :ohyeh:

Fingers crossed,


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I have just returned from looking at the "warranty repair" :-mad2

One hatch was carpeted upside down & the rest of the deck has been incorrectly cut & there are 10 mm gaps around the hatches. It is the most piss poor effort I have seen!

A 5 year old with a jig saw could have done a better job :-mad2 :-mad2

Needless to say there was no way I was accepting it but my problems are over :D because Quintrex have promised to have replacements by Thursday so I can have my boat back Friday.

What a crock of shit. They had 2 months to get it right & stuffed it so how are they going to get it right in 2 days rushing it :-mad2 :-mad2

This is without a doubt the most piss weak effort I have seen !!

PS : Hey Bashir :D don't even think about it :nana: :nana: Not in the mood :badmood:

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Well the saga continues :angry: I was so surprised today I almost fell over when the phone rang & I was informed that the deck / hatches had arrived back from Quintrex it really sounded good.

How foolish of me to think positive. :1crybaby::1crybaby:

The deck itself isn't bad but the hatches themselves still have huge gaps around them. Looks like this time they got the deck right & the hatches wrong. :1onono::1onono:

Its beyond a bloody joke ! Maybe they will get it right one day after all its only been 2 months now!

Piss poor effort Quintrex :badmood::badmood:

PS Still no response from them as to why the delay & now why the mistakes.

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