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Interesting Underwater Footage

Guest madsmc

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Guest madsmc

Are they Black Bass or Large Mouth Bass?

Buggered if I know Grant, I can't speak or read French. :biggrin2:

I have asked for some advise from a PNG guru I know, so I will let you know what I find out.


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I have got a few in the U.S but not as big. That one was caught in Zimbabwe. It weighed about 4 kgs & was taken on a long yellow plastic with a kiddie rod with stainless guides & really crappy 8lb line. It was amazing I ever landed it on the crap borrowed gear I was using. My :wife: got one 2kgs as well. Best thing was I got the whole thing on video.

They put up a great fight. The one in the pic jumped 6 times & never gave up.

Pity we don't have them over here as they are a fantastic fish to catch.



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Guest fishrunner

great vid there, thanks for the link :biggrin2:

Very impressed with just how fast and effectively a fish will eject a lure it doesn'y believe is real :wacko:

Strike fast I say :thumbup:


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