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Great Day Outside Botany Bay


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Hi all,

Just a quick post to let you know that today was a picture perfect day on the water.

Put in a 8am out the heads and drifted north along the coast about 50-100 off shore.

Our little 4lb'ers went crazy all day until we went in at 1'ish.

Now strike the Rock Blackfish and add the word SWEEP (Thanks for the ID) i hope they are good eating just served them, got to go eat, I'll let you know. The largest was 34cm the rest at 31-32, tossed back 30cm and below. Also landed a nice 40cm Trevally (i have never heard my drag run like that before).


Edited by impulse
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Definately look like sweep to me most ppl condsider them a pest, and crap eating... i dont mind them as fish cocktails. My mates girlfriend however likes them better than snapper :wacko: Good on ya for getting out there they would have been good fun on light gear nonetheless.

P.S theres no size limit on them you can take 20 per person :1fishing1:

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