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Home Invasion


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Woke up this morning to find the cat on my bed "weird" I thought I locked the cat in the laundry

so I get up to put him back in the laundry

I noticed the laundry window open and the flyscreen off WTF??????

wake up the :wife: and do a thourough search through the house and discover no one here

but our new car keys gone mobile phones gone video camera gone wallets gone various fishing tackel rods/reels from garage gone wifes jewlery Gone

cops told me to lock back door go out the door and find a mattock at the door they were obviously prepared to use

if trouble arised :hitsfan:

:: :1badmood: look out the front new car Gone GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR :1badmood::1badmood:

called cops and waiting for them to turn up to finger print the place as I speak

thank god we didnt wake up when they were in the house who knows what would have happened

really pissed off at the moment and they even took all my ciggies ARGGGGHHHHHHHHHHH

bloody scum bags should be turned into pencils

Edited by coollamon
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Thats some serious bad luck there. :05:

get urself an interior alarm,cost about $20 at Bunni--s,

they are batt powered and have inbuilt motion detector,

Will definately wake the dead if someone tries that trick

on u again.


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I've been there, I feel for you bro. The stomach turning feeling of some butt pirate violating your space is the worst. Maybe get your cat a canine companion. Thieves are the vilest waste of flesh that God ever shovelled guts into. Hope they didn't get any irreplaceable items ie heirlooms or antique jewellery.

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These people are the scum of the earth and don't deserve to breathe

the same air as us.

I hope you can recover from this trauma and put it behind you.

Let the cops do their thing and hopefully they will nail these oxygen wasters.

Agree...get an alarm system first thing..my place is like Fort Knox now and I sleep a whole lot better.

If Raiders can help out..just ask mate



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i feel your pain mate.

a few years ago i had my house broken into and the home thearter system, tv, laptop and even microwave was stolen. was only a young fella (19) and didnt have insurance, took me a long time to get over it.

i think the worst part is the fact that you KNOW someone was in your space, and did whatever they wanted for as long as they were there.

ide be thanking my lucky stars u didnt wake up while they were there, could have been much worse for you and your family.

best piece of advice i can offer is get yourself a pooch. i have a husky and a blue healer. while the husky would more then likely lick someone to death on his own, the blue healer is the best guard dog. gets annoying at times as he barks non stop when he knows someone he doesnt know is near (drunk kids walking past at 3am) but that said if someone was in his space when they shouldnt be, ide hate to see the outcome.

hope everything is a cinch to get back via insurance, and the putrid oxygen thieves find karma has a bigger bite then they first thought.



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arseholes I tells you!!!! Oxygen thieves, reading crap like this really makes me angry!

Some druggy probably went down to the pawn shop and sold all your stuff so he could get a hit. Really annoys me reading this and then you hear of the Green Party trying to make some drugs legal like all that would do is create more problems, more violence and more zonked out morons!

Sorry to hear this happen to you mate!

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On thing, always make sure you mark your goods with a licence number or something. Even if someone decided to pinch soomething, they are stopped straight away from selling it. Sound like from the things that are gone, they are you people and opportunist theives. Most of them are. Looking for quick things. Major items, like tv, dvd player, computer, always good to engrave a licence number into them:)



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Mate I know it doesn't help you much but know you're not alone. I have had several incidents like this, the three worse ones were

1/ Stolen Harley - 2 days before I was going to lend it to my mate for his wedding.

2/ Turned upside down - Perth, share house with 3 others turned upside down, & I mean upside down they even emptied the fridge, cupboards and all the contents of every container in the house onto the floor, sugar, flour, videos etc. Strange thing was they only took video recorder, some cheap jewllery & a doona cover! Cops told us later the previous occupants of the house were known drug dealers & offenders may have been looking for drugs. We got some of the stuff back.

3/ My sister was broken into in Queanbeyan & they actually climbed over her whilst asleep in bed (On her own) and then couldn't get out the front door so carried TV back out the same bloody window. (Yeah shes a heavy sleeper) She was VERY grateful she didn't wake up during it.

Interesting note on the Perth incident. We later discovered that one of the offenders (Woman) had canvased the entire neighbourhood posing as a "Dog Wash" service. She knocked on doors & scoped the place whilst she talked to you. Obviously checking for people who had dogs.

I hope you had insurance. But I totally understand the worst thing by far is the fact they violated your place.

Something that may be of benifit in the future, I make a point of introducing myself to the neighbours whenever I move in somewhere new. Granted some may be a bit of a pain but if you know your neighbours well it just be the difference in the cops being called in time to catch anyone sneaking about. I don't know if this would have helped you here but I find the old neighbourhood watch to be one more deterent to the unsavoury characters.

Anyway mate, I'm glad you & collagirl are safe, thats a huge concilation.

Edited by Boofhead
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Those rotten little so & so's !!! :ranting2: I feel for ya mate.

To have your personal space violated and pillaged, especially while you are in it is a very disturbing feeling, prob more so than having your personals stolen as personal items are often replaceable however the urky feeling of some bas***d roaming your house and doing as he likes is an emotional scar that will prob stick around for a while.

Few years back someone broke into my mums house in plain daylight & trashed the place but only stole 24 rolls of toilet paper, a box of weet-bix and 12 or so packets of noodles - not to mention fixed himself a feed while he was there - bizarre to say the least as laptops, computers, DVD's etc were all left behind (i imagine some whacked out kid or possibly a homeless person looking for a feed)

Also having my car broken into and stereo, speakers and stupidly some jewellery i had left in there purchased the nite before for a soon approaching wedding were all stolen (to get the stereo out, they didn't bother with tools or anything but ripped the whole damn dash out - hope it ruined the stereo for 'em!)

[Good Idea to know your neighbours Boof ;) living at our current place for only 6 months at the time, we saved our elderly neighbours house from buring down in the middle of the night (electrical fault in one of the living areas) otherwise they prob would have slept right through it. Oldies, you know. Getting off track now . . . ]

Anyway Coollamon, point is these items are replaceable and lucky both you and the missus + the kitty cat are ok as lives are not. Give your wife a kiss and thank your lucky starts you DIDNT disturb them - sounds like they meant business!

I hope karma catches up with em REAL SOON, and beats the living s#*! out of em when it does!! :chair::bash:

All the best mate.


Edited by lil'whiting
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G`day Fellas ,

Take It from me , these arseholes have a Licence to do what ever they want to.

Immagine being woken at 3Am , by the sound of something falling in the Laundry.

Immagine the Shock of seeing a Large figure dressed all in Black , actually in Your Laundry , clutching a Large torch and " wait for It " a 10 inch carving knife........!!!!!

You don`t think twice , you just react , you have 3 young Children Asleep in their beds , and your wife has also grabbed a high heel shoe for protection.

Within seconds , you have Flattened " An Armed Intruder " , now laying unconcious in the Hallway of your Home , then as you disarm him and stand over him , your wife calls the cops.

They arrive , take charge of the Situation , and you think you are going to get a pat on the back don`t you .

Guess again , I won`t go into the long drawn out details of this saga , but it took 3 years and a lot of angst to settle the matter , and although I eventually won , I lost Financially .

The legal System in this state sucks.


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Guest IFishSick.

I feel for you man, as long as no one is hurt is the main thing.

What goes around comes around, just remember that.

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Having been there twice in a 12 month period a while back I sympathise with you. I sold up and moved, changed jobs to do it and lost money in a fast Real Estate deal as well. But the sinking feeling of seeing the results of these scumbags is too much. Lifelong possesions gone to some illegal pawnbroker of fence to fund the next intraveinous hit or snort of AJAX cut filth is enough to make you want to go and punch Morris Iemma in the head and insert frozen pilchards where they were never meant to go.

As for a dog!! I had to crawl under the house to retrieve my German Shepherd after the second hit as the lowlifes decided to go her with my own F$%^&* axe. Luckily she wasn't badly hurt and lived a good life in a new location.

I wasn't home on either occasion but you must be feeling very insecure today. I would be.

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I used to live in Redfern ,and late one night a mate and I caught 2 blokes in my

neighbours terrace,one had the longest screwdriver I have ever seen.

He threatened us with it,then :chair: all hell broke loose,they ended up

tied up on the foot path till the :busted_cop: arrived, then they wanted us charged for

assault.The cops took one look at the screwdriver and said to them,we saw u

both fall over while trying to run away :074: .

Everybody in the street woke up and came out bcoz of all the yelling.One neighbour

noticed glass on the road,then so did another and another.

Turned out they had just broken into 13 cars in our street and didnt find anything

worthwhile so they thought they would try doin over a house.

Redferns dumbest criminals.

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G`day Fellas ,

Take It from me , these arseholes have a Licence to do what ever they want to.

Immagine being woken at 3Am , by the sound of something falling in the Laundry.

Immagine the Shock of seeing a Large figure dressed all in Black , actually in Your Laundry , clutching a Large torch and " wait for It " a 10 inch carving knife........!!!!!

You don`t think twice , you just react , you have 3 young Children Asleep in their beds , and your wife has also grabbed a high heel shoe for protection.

Within seconds , you have Flattened " An Armed Intruder " , now laying unconcious in the Hallway of your Home , then as you disarm him and stand over him , your wife calls the cops.

They arrive , take charge of the Situation , and you think you are going to get a pat on the back don`t you .

Guess again , I won`t go into the long drawn out details of this saga , but it took 3 years and a lot of angst to settle the matter , and although I eventually won , I lost Financially .

The legal System in this state sucks.


mick i can sympathise with you on this one, unfortunately i was not as luckly as you in the court system and it cost me dearly.

now i've spent more money on keeping them out in the 1st place.

sad but no choice in our bullshit law system


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It is good to know that no one was hurt Coollamon.

The main thing is the safety of your family.

I deal with these unsavoury characters everyday and they don't care about anything other then their next hit. :1badmood:

Lets hope that justice catches up with whoever was responsible for this.

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Those rotten little so & so's !!! :ranting2: I feel for ya mate.

To have your personal space violated and pillaged, especially while you are in it is a very disturbing feeling, prob more so than having your personals stolen as personal items are often replaceable however the urky feeling of some bas***d roaming your house and doing as he likes is an emotional scar that will prob stick around for a while.

Few years back someone broke into my mums house in plain daylight & trashed the place but only stole 24 rolls of toilet paper, a box of weet-bix and 12 or so packets of noodles - not to mention fixed himself a feed while he was there - bizarre to say the least as laptops, computers, DVD's etc were all left behind (i imagine some whacked out kid or possibly a homeless person looking for a feed)

Also having my car broken into and stereo, speakers and stupidly some jewellery i had left in there purchased the nite before for a soon approaching wedding were all stolen (to get the stereo out, they didn't bother with tools or anything but ripped the whole damn dash out - hope it ruined the stereo for 'em!)

[Good Idea to know your neighbours Boof ;) living at our current place for only 6 months at the time, we saved our elderly neighbours house from buring down in the middle of the night (electrical fault in one of the living areas) otherwise they prob would have slept right through it. Oldies, you know. Getting off track now . . . ]

Anyway Coollamon, point is these items are replaceable and lucky both you and the missus + the kitty cat are ok as lives are not. Give your wife a kiss and thank your lucky starts you DIDNT disturb them - sounds like they meant business!

I hope karma catches up with em REAL SOON, and beats the living s#*! out of em when it does!! :chair::bash:

All the best mate.


What state are you in mate? Because in NSW in the last 2 years or so John Tingle of The Shooters Party introduced and got passed the Self Defence bill which protected you from prosecution when protecting your own house. This makes it that you cannot be charged for defending yourself or your family and that if they say that you used excessive force the prosecution has to prove that you used excessive force rather then you prove that you didn't! This is the sort of thing that should Win votes IMO!

If the shooters party wasn't called the shooters party I think they would be a lot more powerful which would mean good things for common sense and all outdoor activities inc fishing 4wding and hunting etc!

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Thanks for all your kind words and thoughts Raiders

this really has been a roller coaster ride of a weekend

got a call from the :busted_cop: "we have your car" great I think

get it towed so that forensics can goo over it and hopefully find some prints

I whent down to have a look at it and although the body doesnt look to bad

we start it up and boy does she sound rough what was once a smooth sounding v8

now sounds rough and the tyres that were near new are nearly racing slicks

ohh well insurance will cover it I thought to myself

Go Home to update insurnce comp of visable probs with car to find excess is

well over normal WTF?? upon enquirey My contract says "garaged at" not kept at

so they are sating technicaly they dont have to pay so my solicator has been bought

in and we shall see what happens

Then I lodge my contents claim wich comes to about $5000-$6000 of stuff

find I excess is now $1000 :1yikes:

Mobile phone company said the insurance I paid at the start of my contract is more like extra

warranty and doesnt cover the phone being stolen

Still at the end of the day I thank the stars that My Littlle family is ok & that I have a great group of friends

here at fishraider that are fast becoming like extended family

Once again guys thanks for all your kind words


John,Heather & Lillian

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Go Home to update insurnce comp of visable probs with car to find excess is

well over normal WTF?? upon enquirey My contract says "garaged at" not kept at

so they are sating technicaly they dont have to pay so my solicator has been bought

in and we shall see what happens

Whats this "garaged at"and "kept at" BS ur insurance co. is spinning u?

Are they saying that if u took ur car to the shops and some low life was to steal it,

they would not pay up bcoz it wasnt stolen from inside ur garage? :thumbdown:

If so then they are bigger crooks than the ones that took ur car in the 1st place.

U should name and shame them if this is the case b4 some other law abiding citizen

gets duped.


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sorry to hear about all that bad luck, hope it inproves for u

i found that the best insurance we have ever had was a german shepard and 6 ft high brick walls. we had someone break into our place not knowing about the dog until it burst through one of the two roller dors we had............ obviously they didnt do their research

anyways our dog passed away not that long ago and we got broken into again, they took all the mobiles in the house, about 20,000 in jewlery and other odds and ends.............

we wish we had our dog back........ :(

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I feel for you, had similar happen a few years ago

They broke in through a side window and proceeded to trash

the place, every draw was pulled out and emptied in every room

They took jewellery (what there was of it) belonging to my wife & mum

all the alcahol they could fit in my back packs, all my CD's & walkman

then they take not only my bike (GPZ900) but 2 of my helmets (one of

them autographed by Mick Doohan) :1badmood:

Got the bike back after they had thrown it down the road and dumped it

( :wife: had forgot to renew the insurance for it :1badmood: not happy)

They jemmied the rear sliding door open and used bolt cutters on the

side gate lock to get out

Half an hour later my mum comes home to find things and I get the

phone that makes your bum hit the ground and yes it does feel like

WtF .......... leaves with that hollow feeling

Turns out one of the guy's used to live behind us, was wanted on warrants

and had skipped the country and gone back to NZ no ID on the other

Your right, the insurance companies can be worse than the crims sometimes

make sure you go over your policies and know where you stand

Hope it all works out for you


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