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Farewell Kingie Express


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G'day everyone. It is with a touch of sadness that I write this report as it is the last time I will fish out of my trailcraft. My Noble has taken over the reins as the seriola wagon and my old kingie express is going to be sold. To who I don't know but I have decided finally to relinquish the trailcraft.

To celebrate this event I went fishing with my old mate Rodger ( one last fish) . We have known eachother for 20 plus years and have caught a truck load of fish together since we were kids. Rodger is kind of new to kingies and he an apprentice of mine.

We went out in the morning and it was calm as . The water was glassy smooth. It was a pleasure to fish in such conditions. THe squid were fairly easy to get. We got enough for bait pretty quickly. Had a couple of silly squid which we caught which weren't even hooked. They were just clinging to the jig and wouldn't let go! Probably deserve the Darwin awards for squid. Egimax I love you!!!

With the squid we went searching for our favourite quarry.... That's right...kingies.

We decided to prospect around with the downrigger and then fish with strips when we found a concentration of fish. The action started within minutes of putting out our baits. Wham and the rod is doubled over and the drag on the Tyrnos is screaming. Since my torsa is in for repairs, the tyrnos was taking its place.

With the rod bucking and those slow headshakes, I knew we had a pretty good fish. The whistling sound of braid running through the runners is pure music to a fisho's ears and after several good runs we boat a good king. Went close to 90cm


We set out another bait but this time it was a smaller fish. We decided to release it. The next bait was Rodger's turn. Once again we had a good hit . The line was spewing off the reel at half drag ( 5kg ). Rodger got hold of the rod and was struggling at strike drag of 10kgs. It was a pretty good fish by the looks of it...then the line goes slack! Got bricked! My apprentice has a few things to learn. One of the things with kings is that if he isn't taking line, you must be gaining line!!! ALso Don't pump and wind...just wind.

This bust off shut the bite down so we moved on.

The next spot we concentrated on fishing strips as the kings were pretty thick. The fish were fantastic fun. Like clock work we would get a hookup and then another ..and another. This went on for a while.


We eventually exhausted all our bait so went to catch a few more squid. Got the required number of squid so went out with the downrigger. Again the action started almost immediately and we landed a few more kings in the 85cm class.


By now the day was getting on and I had run out of bananas. The total for the day was over 20 fish landed. We kept 8 and released the rest.post-2057-1174458457_thumb.jpg

Met Sal on the water...fishing 6lb line for kings. Man that is crazy but fun! :1prop:

Came home to be told that my Torsa will be ready for tomorrow :biggrin2:

This kingfish season has been the best I can remember. We have both the size and the numbers...the best of both worlds. Already this month alone, I have caught over 200 kings and that tally is growing!!! Another good day on the kings. Cheers Kelvin

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Squid that hang on to jigs! I've gotta get some Egimax too! :thumbup: Well done as usual, mate. Awesome kings! Did fishing out of the old girl today make you appreciate the Cougarcraft more? - I'd imagine that there's be plenty more space!


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200 kings in a month....... and im still a virgin!

there is a major balance problem here.... :biggrin2:

help......please........ :074:

The kings are everywhere. They can ben seen cruising around all the squidding areas. Their guts were full of squid and squid parts. If you have fresh squid then the kings won't be far away. Simple equation really. I am not kidding you but I have some RSI on my right wrist from cranking in all those kings. Also developed some tendonitis on my left elbow from holding the rod with a rampaging king on the other end. The bicep is also getting a good work out everytime I go out fishing.

Been getting out 3-4 times a week and bagging out most of the time. It is a really sh!tty day when you don't score more than 10. Cheers Kelvin

Squid that hang on to jigs! I've gotta get some Egimax too! :thumbup: Well done as usual, mate. Awesome kings! Did fishing out of the old girl today make you appreciate the Cougarcraft more? - I'd imagine that there's be plenty more space!


Fishing out of the old trailcraft is tremendous fun. My larger Noble feels a little detached from the water compared to my trailcraft. Both boats are fantastic but the noble is devastingly effective in catching fish. The electronics alone is a huge difference. Also with the larger boat I have been going offshore a lot more and going out further. Just adds another dimension to fishing. Cheers kelvin

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The kings are everywhere. They can ben seen cruising around all the squidding areas. Their guts were full of squid and squid parts. If you have fresh squid then the kings won't be far away. Simple equation really. I am not kidding you but I have some RSI on my right wrist from cranking in all those kings. Also developed some tendonitis on my left elbow from holding the rod with a rampaging king on the other end. The bicep os also getting a good work out everytime I go out fishing. Cheers Kelvin

I have no doubt they are there, are there any LB guys picking up on the kings?

or is the luck solely to those in a boat?

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I haven't fished LB for king in a long time. THe last time I was doing it was when I was living in Swansea. THe LB guys always seem to land the biggest fish. They may not have the numbers but sure make up for it in quality.

THose of us in boats have a huge advantage in access but there are lots of spots where the LB guys will score. When I used to do a lot of rock hopping, scoring a large king was always on the cards. Fish over 20kg are always caught by those fishing the rocks. It seems like the biggest kings caught in sydney are from rock hoppers.

These fish love the deep water ledges which abound here in sydney. Northerne beaches area seems to hold the largest numbers. Each year a rock hopper pulls in a MONSTER!Cheers KElvin

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Hey Kelvin,

congrats on the fish!

im so jealous coz i had to work today!!

i sneaked out and got a dozen squid jigs and put a T-curve on order to pick up friday... I think the guy was trying to sell me the other rod coz he didnt have the 10-15kg in stock!!

i got some new gloves that i can hang to dry up as well as the other ones i purchased stink!!

whats trace did you land the big fish on??

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I saw your boat a mile away! Fantastic machine.

The fishing has been pretty hot. Saw you guys fishing 6lb line. How is that for thrill seeking? I thought I fished light today by going down to 14lb braid on my saltiga dorado/certate combo. Great fun on those kings.

Better make hay while the sun is still out. Cheers Kelvin

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Hey Kelvin,

congrats on the fish!

im so jealous coz i had to work today!!

i sneaked out and got a dozen squid jigs and put a T-curve on order to pick up friday... I think the guy was trying to sell me the other rod coz he didnt have the 10-15kg in stock!!

i got some new gloves that i can hang to dry up as well as the other ones i purchased stink!!

whats trace did you land the big fish on??

It was good today as we landed most of the fish we hooked up apart from the one my "apprentice"lost. Nice to get a phone call from you ..felt so sorry for you Tony as we were fishing and you were working!!! :tease:

We got a few fish approaching 90cm and some more around 80cm. Caught heaps and heaps of fishin the 60-65cm range. We really lost count on how many of these little fish we got today but they were fun. My saltiga and stella are coveredi n squid slime!

Good to see that you bought all the squid jigs from that store!

The leader we got the larger kings was our standard leader of 50-60lbs. DOn't want to go too light as it will be all over bfore you can blink. CHeers Kelvin

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Well done Kelvin...some nice kings there....good job

Shame to see the trailcraft go...they are nice boats and from what i have seen you hgad her rigged for sydney king fishing....im sure she will go to a good home....How much are you looking to get for it???

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Well done Kelvin...some nice kings there....good job

Shame to see the trailcraft go...they are nice boats and from what i have seen you hgad her rigged for sydney king fishing....im sure she will go to a good home....How much are you looking to get for it???

The trailcraft is an exccellent boat for the harbour. ALmost built for it. If you pick your days you can fish far offshore as well. I have had genuine offers of $23-27K. Not too interested in getting the highest bid but want the least amount of hassles. Cheers Kelvin

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Well good luck with it......im sure it will go very fast....i will be out tomorrow morning chasing some kings so hopefully i can nail these bastards that are busting us off

I hope you get some...will be calling you as I will be out in the afternoon. Hopfully to land some more.

Just itching to get my chance again. Will be fishing in the Noble with all the artillery. Got my torsa back as well so will have the full complement.

Been getting some large squid lately so will downrigg one of these muthas and see what happens. Cheers kelvin

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