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Preserving Weed


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I drove all of 40 minutes to get to my weed stash when i found that it had already been harvested. :mad3: I did however manage to bump into someone who put me onto a great little spot, she was actually doing a PhD in seaweed and had taken samples early in the week. I asked her what the best method of preserving the weed was and she said;

Fill a bag with salt water and put a tiny handful of weed inside it and keep it in the fridge. She said it will remain live for roughly a week. She stressed the fact that only little weed can be placed inside as to ensure their is enough oxygen for it to survive.

She also mentioed draining it between newspaper however she spoke more highly about the above method.

So i came home with 4 bags of weed for the upcoming week and will hopefully head out once or twice.


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Good luck Dan - hope you get into some! Glad to hear you found a new spot after the previous one had been stripped!

Storing it between a couple of damp bits of hessian is another good method. I prefer to squeeze out any excess water as I believe this encourages it to go slimey!



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Good luck Dan - hope you get into some! Glad to hear you found a new spot after the previous one had been stripped!

Storing it between a couple of damp bits of hessian is another good method. I prefer to squeeze out any excess water as I believe this encourages it to go slimey!



I have opened one bag and stored it the way you described. I'll use them both on the same day and compare them and let you know how i go.

Hi DAN, dont let the cops catch with 4 bags of weed in your fridge,

or you will be doin your fishin on the inside :busted_cop::banned2:


Haha! :Funny-Post:


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interesting mate i usually put in news paper and leave outside for up to 4 or 5 days did you mean in the fridge? cos id have to say ive made that mistake before and i was in the doghouse for weeks it stunk out the fridge house and unit block man it reecks if left too long

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there a million and one recipies for keeping weed the big thing is where you get it and the air temp and humidity will depend on its keep time.

A few interesting facts for all the weed you get off the ocean rocks that is silky and greasy will go off in a matter of hours if not treated right, the same applies to weed gathered out of a storm water canal that is tidally influenced it is generally greasy and leafy, weed gathered from lakes and sandy creeks where it grows on the ribbon weed will last a long while it usually is a lot finer and lighter in colour. Weed gathered offthe mud flats can be put into the same catergorie as storm water drain varities.

The best method for keeping weed i found is this get one eof those large red crates they deliver bread in turn it sit it up side down, lay news print about 4 layers, wash all the mud/sand and crap out of your weed in salt water preferbly (i found tap water is okay if you can't do this) this will help its longevity, gently squeeze the excess water out spread the weed out in even layers making sure it is not in big clumps this is how it sweats and goes off you'll know as it will go to slime and stink!, keep repeating this process until you have done all your bait weed. the last thing is to get an old bath towel or hessian bag and lay it on top. Check it in 12 hours if the paper is wet change it but don't let the weed dry right out i use a small spray bottle on the mist setting to keep it just moist. Every couple of days wash the weed in tap water if you can't get to the ocean/ estuary and repaet the process above.

As for burley i get a large bucket chop it up and layer it between sheets of paper in the bucket so it can breathe i still wash it out before i chop it up but i am not so careful about it as i am the bait weed.

A quick tip is to harvest it so theres plenty for others is to keep the older bait weed for burley and get enough fresh stuff to make do for bait, i also avoid picking the nice good stuff for burley i usually target the crappy stuff for the bucket.

Lastly i found in summer most weed is off in 72hours in winter i've had weed (the stuff Peter has) keep for 10days and still catch fish using the above method, just remeber when it gets on the nose toss it on the garden great for the vegies!

If you want to try keeping it in the fridge scale up get a second hand bar fridge strip the guts out and put a 10 or 15litre bucket in there full of salt water put a good handful in and set itto about 4 degrees celcius this will do the trick especially in summer! I've also frozen it between sheets of paper towel in zip lock bags and 4 months later rthe stuff has been used to catch fish! It works but not as well as fresh weed which it was tested against.

Enjoy the read all! :beersmile:


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