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Yucky Day Today - Big Wind & Constant Rain


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Hi guys

What a yucky couple of days we've had!! It rained all day yesterday (light & steady with not much wind, which is good for the garden) but that changed today & it is very windy with lots of rain! Really cold, too. And the bad/good news (depending on where it falls!) is that it looks like it is heading Sydney way!! I guess it is raining there already, but it will probably get worse soon!

Had a look at the Bom map west of the Great DIvide & looks like they are not getting much, if any! :1badmood:

Good day to check out your favourite website!!! & discover a few more!



Edited by Roberta
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Hi Roberta

Well i think there are lots of us in the same lil boat.Im a carpenter in the middle of building a roof.next time i have a roof to do I`ll post it here as rain at that time will be a certainty.been thinkin` bout head`n west to build a few roofs and break the drought out there!Oh well cant change the weather so may as well sharpen the PC skills!

Cheers Brad :1badmood::05:

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Up to my ankles in water at work.

Someone is turning the bank next door into a pub, and they

removed the roof last week, and now the place is like a swimming pool,


I have had a mop in my hands all day instead of a fishing rod :mad3:

Wait till I get my hands on those builders :bash:

:ranting2::ranting2::ranting2: PENGUIN

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This weather sucks, outlook doesnt look to much better. We have had planned a 3 night surfing trip from tomoz up at treachory, so we are still going. 2 new boards so hoepfully get some waves somewhere up there have to come back fri and work that night then sat. Should be a fun trip prob get blown away. Cheers Tyrone

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Hi guys

Sounds like you are getting it almost as bad as us!!! Just checked the Sydney Bom map & it almost looks clear!!!

Up here, it has swung round again & we are copping it full on right now. We've had water coming in under our front door & had to roll up towells to stem the flow.

The rain is actually running UP THE STREET (the wind is so strong) and we live on a hill!!!

Here is the Bom map of Crowdy Head to Nelson Bay & we are dead centre!!! :(

That dark green/yellow bit indicates moderately heavy rain!

The seas are up .... I guess, when it stops raining, I could go down & give the blackies a go on cunje! :1prop: Ya gotta look on the bright side, sometimes! :wacko:

Hope your antenna went up & stayed up, Stewy!!

Hey Tyrone - I reckon there should be plenty of surf!! Just take care!!

Hi Brad - like you, I am 'surfing the net' instead of netting the surf!!

Hope you get out next week, Sammy!



Edited by Roberta
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[hi roberta :1fishing1:

im thinking the same thing sneaking down the rocks and having a flick with cabbage in the corners at spot xox wind is the only problem :ranting2:

should be some 45 - 50cms ones around :1yikes: with all the rough water

hope to fish the high tide tomorrow spot xox or the lake hope some come into the lake for shelter :thumbup: peter :1fishing1:

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Good luck Pete - let us know how you go!! If it isn't too wet, I will probably give it a go tomorrow, too!!! But, the rain will be hanging around, tho, methinks!

Trying to break my 45cm record??? A few have come close ...... I'd better start getting serious about defending it!!



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Know what you mean about the rain Roberta. Yesterday I was looking at Central Coast radar which appears similar to the one you posted.

I have a new water tank, I finally got installed, but hav'nt managed to plumb the downpipe yet. Spewing as we had about 140mm + rain in the last 24hrs, which would have filled it, though if I had the downpipe off it would have flooded the backyard.

To make it worse, todays weather meant the day off did'nt get the downpipe done or get to go for a fish. Maybe next weekend, once the downpipes in.

Have you tried bread baits for the blackfish, seems to be popular here lately, with good catches of blackfish and drummer.

Cheers Steve

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Hi STeve

Shame you didn't have the downpipe attached!! Mind you, I think we will have it for another day or so yet! Sneak out in between downpours!

RE the bread - I reckon I'll take some the next time I try to do blackies from the yak & burley them up a bit more that way. That way I can have a go at the mullet too, of which there are thousands in each lease! I have enough fun catching blackies just now - only ever managed to pull in 2/3 drummer so far! Usually I am fishing too light for their brute strength!



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RE the bread - I reckon I'll take some the next time I try to do blackies from the yak & burley them up a bit more that way.

Just read your berley post, the locals just tread the bread onto the rocks and use the wave action to disperse it from the rocks. Seems to work well, though I am normally livebaiting for kings, so I do it for yakkas.

The drummer need a good strong hook and expect plenty of bust offs.

Let me know how you go.



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