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Hawkesbury Jew, Salmon Outside Heads And What Is This Fish?


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I have found the one and only Jew that lives in that desolate wasteland of a river. I was begining to think that there were no Jew left in the river as all of the eels and catfish had taken over and made it their own.

Had a good day out a little while ago. Sun was shining, fish were biting, beer was cold, footy on the radio - No women around to harrass me. Great day!!!

If people know the system then they will know where I picked this up. Its normally my never fail spot during the summer. Many Jew picked up there last summer but have not got a lot of anything (except the pests) lately anywhere in the river.

Also went out last weekend around to Bluefish point. Weather was a bit ordinary but we braved it for a while even after I had a small chunder early on. ha ha. Havent been sick in years and I get sick on my own boat.

We sat for a while burleying up in the hope of some nice snapper or kings to come up off the reef, but no success.

We then started to head back around towards north head when we saw the huge boil on the surface from a huge school of salmon. We couldnt resist as they are a lot of fun. (although can get bored after a while as they are a bit too easy to hook up) Caught about 20 or so between a mate and myself on the metal lures. All between about 55cm and 70cm. Nice fight on small gear. Lots of fun. Sorry - only got pics on the phone which I have not uploaded onto the PC yet.

Anyway here is a pic of the Jew and can someone please tell me what the hell this other fish is. I have caught 2 now - one at Yamba and one at Port Stevens. Filthy slimy bastards they are!!!


Mr A



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