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24 Hours Of Hard Work - With Some Result


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Hi All,

(Its Jim not Al) Been a while since I put a post on. Been reading all the great posts

for the past 2 months whilst not being able to go for a proper fish at all cause of work.

Decided to go out for a fish on Friday night and Saturday day with my son Ay. My boat

is out of action so it had to be landbased.

First stop on Friday night was the Lane Cove river. One hour of waiting then the rod

screamed - Ay got that excited that he called Al who was at work and was screaming.

Had a bit of a fight - and then a nice chrome plated jew came to the surface. He weighed

3.5 kg. Hi fives between Ay and me and all was great. We sat there for 1 more hour without

a bite then went home.


The next day I said to Ay will go for a spin for soft plastics for jew in the upper Parramatta

river. He kept on thinkning that we were going for a squid session as we have been doing a

lot of that over winter. Anyway packed the soft plastics, got to destination and we started

spinning. No luck from me at all. We were taking turns on a $600.00 outfit. Must be the luckiest

5 year old I know. I gave Ay the rod and I went for a short walk to look at where the eddy was

moving. All of a sudden I hear "DAD DAD - got one" I looked over the bush and I saw Ay

holding the rod with the braid peeling of the line. Was a great site.

I said to him "Stop the bus - get him Ay - take your time" He was arched back and fought well.

I then saw the rod bouncing.

Thought it was head shakes from a jew. After a good fight we saw colour. Out came this fantastic

trevally. I was a very proud dad. We took pics then let it go. After that nothing at all. He caught

it on a 3 inch watermelon.


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Well done, Jiom & Ay!!

Great report & good to see you out on the water again!

What a fantastic looking jewie & that trevally would have really gone off!!! Terrific that Ay was able to play him out & get him in!



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Good stuff mate! whereabouts is the spot or is that a secret?

Hi Morgo - the spot at Lane Cove is not a secret - I used to fish every warf in Lane Cove River - the secret is where you cast.. took me a while to figure it out - and bait / line weight is very important. Every warf in Sydney Harbour always has jew swimming past at night. BUT they swim straight past your feet looking for food. Good luck stopping some of them though - even XOS sized bream 40 cm and up.

The second spot is not mine and is a secret sorry.

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