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Middle Harbour 16th September 2007


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Gidday Raiders,

We were fired up!!!!! :biggrin2:

The weather looked superb, the boat was juiced up, the esky was full and we had a bucket of weed for our planned Luderick/Surgeon session. The promise of a few hoodlumns frequenting the holes and wrecks had us keen to grab some squid and fish for a King on the high tide. Everything was in place and the fish didn't stand a chance!!!!! :thumbup:

We launched the boat at Tunks and as I went to turn the wheel to check the steering, the plastic housing exploded and the wheel was spinning freely but the motor was not!!! Bugger. :mad3:

I paddled it back to the ramp and home we went. Possibly the shortest fishing trip in the history of short fishing trips.

After we had licked our wounds and kicked the boat a few times, we decided that a land based session in Middle Harbour was the go. We could not waste such an awesome day feeling sorry for ourselves.

We had the Squidgy and Berkley Gulp market covered. I had a new custom stick I built for my Brother in Law (I was testing it before handing it over - as you do) and off we went for a walk in the bush. :biggrin2:

The water was perfect and we started flicking shads and fish around the place. Things were a little slow when all of a sudden my lure gets thumped and I am on. The drag on the 2500 Stella is singing and I am wondering if one coat of epoxy finish on the guides was enough!!! :wacko:

Nick grabs the camera and the action shots commence. The fish is staying deep and veering side to side and I apply reasonable pressure to keep him out of whatever snags may have been down there. The head shakes were awesome and I can feel every move through the 10lb Crystal Fireline.

Then, we get a glimpse.. Woo hooo Jewie :1yikes:

A beautiful fish comes out of the depths and I gently ease him up onto the rocky shore. The fish was an amazing colour and I now know about the smell that all Jewie anglers talk about. The #5 Squidgy Black and Gold Fish is neatly pinned in the corner of his jaw. A quick sniff and photo, and he was released. This is my first Jewie on plastic and a personal best. I am very pleased with myself. :biggrin2:

We went on to fish for more but some heavy boat traffic disturbed the water and that was the end of the Jewies.

We hooked 8 Flathead and landed three to 48cm. Nick dropped a big fish right at his feet. :mad3: I think we will take a net next time.

Anyway, a great day from a shitty start. Boat is at the repairers as we speak.

No rods were lost this week

Edited by Ceph
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Well done mate,

Great to have the action shots in there! Did you pick it to be a jew when it hit? Everytime we go Fishing the old lady asks us to bring her home a jew fish and I'm yet too so hopefully soon enough.

Top catch,


I thought it was a big Flattie at first until it went for a run. The head shakes started straight away too which was the give away. :biggrin2:

Whole lotta fun those little Jewies..

Edited by Ceph
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Nice "soapie" there Ceph. Disappointing to hear Old Yella let you down at the ramp. Most unlike her...

Old Yella is gettin tired..

She is 26 years old. She will be back in the game next weekend though.

Good to see the "Elk" on the board.. :thumbup:

Reckon your :wife: will let you out for a fish soon??

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nice fish well done...i love this time of year

shame about the boat though but a jew on plastic in the daytime landbased makes up for that in my book...i have seen quite a few surgeon fish while diving in autumn btw and have noticed that they travel in schools at a really fast pace, but never seem to hang around for more than a few minutes....they pull like a freight trains too...

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nice fish well done...i love this time of year

shame about the boat though but a jew on plastic in the daytime landbased makes up for that in my book...i have seen quite a few surgeon fish while diving in autumn btw and have noticed that they travel in schools at a really fast pace, but never seem to hang around for more than a few minutes....they pull like a freight trains too...

I am so keen to catch a Surgeon.. between their fighting qualities and delicousness, they appear to be worth targeting!!!

I knew they schooled but didn't know they moved around so much..

What do you reckon the biggest one you saw would go length wise?

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I got to the part when you said you were testing the rod for the Brother in Law, and I thought to myself, how has he lost the rod this time !!!

Ceph, you are improving mate. You are keeping more rods than you are losing these days :1prop:

Nice result on the jew and flatties which makes the day better after the poor start.

I had a similar experience on Fathers Day.

Took ages to get the engine started, and then when it did the steering had ceased due to lack of use !!!

After 10 minutes had the engine going, but it took another 30 minutes to get the steering working properly.

Looks like I need to do some more maintenance before the next trip



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