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Sow And Pigs 3 Sharks And A Few Trevs


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post-3509-1190986886_thumb.jpghi all went out and hit the harbour on tuesday decided i was going to chase some salmon around north head, it didnt work out as as soon as i got out to the heads i was confronted by 2m swells so like a little pussycat i did a u-turn and came back in and fished @ sow and pigs, sstarted a burley trail in hope of some nice bream..... unusually not a single bream (1st time for me as i usually do ok for bream there) caught a few trevally around 30-35 cm nice fun on light tackle was kicking back when my boat rod with a full squid screams away i jump on it and i know it isnt a king(which is what i hoped for) as it had some heavy head shakes a min or 2 later i pull up a nice port jackson about 75cm the same happens about 45min later when i pull out another 1 about 1.2m long...... real long and real fat one... i caught another smaller one about 65cm......if it was a bit smaller i would have put it in my fishtank anyways did not do 2 good fishing exept for a few whiting and a couple of just legal reds later... all in all a enjoyable day as long as your out on the water


are the shark edible as all were released upon capture, also are they protected? if not what are the size limits? i could not find anything on the fisheries sticker



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