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Sydney 30/09 Battle With King


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With what looked to be a decent day we hit the harbour 7 am after building up my misses confidence about reversing boat into water and assisting Caige with releasing, well all went well first time at kissing point ramp, not bad, slow cruise around for a look and then pulled up near snapper island just north of the Iron Cove bridge as i was setting anchor Caige said he saw a school of fish busting surface just behind boat, i turned to see what i thought was tailor, anyhow threw out the lines and burley, some time past before i got a run on one of the 2kg Viva sticks with a browning 20 with a 1/0 and mullet strip, i kicked it off bait runner and hooked solid, called it a good bream as it gave some good head thumps, gaining line quickly until it gets to 5m from boat then off she went as i saw a flash of stripped yellow shoot under boat, Kingie couldnt believe it :1yikes: , i had to increase drag slowly to try and stop it , now with the 5lb braid singing and tip of 6ft rod buckled into water, at one stage we were at a stale mate , i thoughy she had grabbed the anchor rope, but a bit of patience and another few good runs it lost its fight, after Caiges two failed attempts to net (The whole time trying to show mum how its done) a 63cm King hits the deck. Quick pic and back in she went while Chloe looked at me in amazment :1yikes: , her favourite eating fish. Pic is poor quality since i left camera at home once again. That was the first and last fish for the day no other takers, spend some time cruising and grabbing a seafood platter at markets before heading home as wind picked up. Cheers Dave


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Hi Offtap1,

Nice catch. They certainly go on light gear.

If the kingy limit hadn't moved up to 65 cm at 3 September, would have been a keeper.



I would of taken her for a feed if she was 2cm bigger , since my Misses and Daughter like them thrown on the BBQ , i was spewing later after realising i had returned her into drink without Tagging the baby. I now have all the Tags , Poles and applicators for Pelagics, Shark and Billfish but keep on forgeting to use them. :05: Cheers Dave

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