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35cm Niggers From Pittwater


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hi guys,

went up to my local luderick spot this morning for the first 2 hrs of light with the high just before sunrise was expecting a good morning..... boy was i wrong..... the old local guy was finding it very hard through week to get downs and nothing changed this morning :thumbdown: .. i got no downs for first 90 min then got a good down,much better than last weeks fussy downs and hooked up ... quickly netted him and was 35cm.. 10 min later i got another good down and made short work of him, also going 35cm...went very quiet again so left about 20 min later happy to convert 2 downs to 2 fish... i must be getting spoilt by the 40+cm bruisers that i normally get here but 35cm is still a nice fish..... i might try somewhere else tomorrow morning.....heres the pic...cheers...steve


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hi royce,

yeh i know the schools have broken up and they have moved upstream but my local spot is not 5 min from home so is good quick luderick bash on first light.... the seasons and migration patterns have definitely changed alot since the good ol days... then again its not only blackfish that are affected these days...... strange thing was one was fat but no food in belly and milking and the other was skinny and full of mud and sh%t... difference between 2 was 640gm and 490gm... go figure.... anyway was happy to get a feed and the menu for sunday night is baked blackfish,potatoes and vegies. :thumbup: .....

bad luck peter at balmoral,that was a similar thing for me last week..2 sort of downs and i lost real nice one just before the net as he was lip hooked..... at least sails got one that morning......

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hi capt hook,

i have heard you can get them on worms at night but have not done this myself.... i have got them just before sunrise years ago down luna park wharf but generally need the sun to pop its head up to start them off.... this is what i have found anyway...... cheers....steve....

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Capt hook you will get them at night on worms, pippies, nippers, cunje or prawns fishing in the corner of the beaches were they meet the rocks whilst breaming or potholing, they are quite prevelant on the flesh in places like the shoalhaven and lake illawarra and will drive you insane whilst bream fishing, by day they are more commonly taken on the float and weed rig.


habits have changed all right but i don't think the schools have broken up those big fish you were getting i think may have come in and gone up the system as this happened in the harbour early septembrwhen i got a lot aroundRose and Watsons Bay now they are gone and are at places such as Clarkes Point and as far up as Rhodes! I was out the rocks and they were far and fewbetween the yseem to be very late this year look at the Georges for instance! Might i suggest Bobbin Head or berowa Waters up around Britannia Rock and the ferry! Water is clear enough now hence why i think they have moved up so far over the mud etc>



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hi royce,

they certainly are late this year.. i remember as a kid when the big numbers started to drop around luna park ,kirrabilly etc we used to move up river to lane cove/valentia st wharf greenwich etc and get back into em in numbers again... wish i had the time these days but family commitments (i have 3 little boys)mean a quick go down the road early morn is what i need to get that luderick fever looked after.... then again maybe what i need prescribed is a full day session up river... oooh i can feel the sickness coming on..... better stock up on brownie points for :wife: .... ah maybe family picnic up mouth lane cove river at that park.mmmm.the mind ticks over.... cheers,..... steve.....

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Hi Steve

Good on you for getting the 2! Well done! A feed! I just got from 2 nights at Yamba for a big fat ZERO!!! My 'Spot X' didn't produce at all ..... perhaps it is an 'April' spot, not an 'october' spot.

Pete - I have only fished for blackies at Balmoral 2 - my first effort, like your last one was a big fat Zero - not even a down! THen, the day I fished with you :1prop: We had plenty of downs after a little while.

Can't wait to get back into it again up here, now I am home again!



PS Seems to have been a very short season up here ..... some great fish whilst they were on - will find out soon, whether they are still hanging around the usual spots.

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