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Carp Fishing Session


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Went fishing today for Carp in my local area at Rouse Hill. Today was a great day. Saw schools of them not far from the bank. As they were feeding on the surface, threw out some bread for burley. They went crazy! I chucked an unweighted hook with bread on it, and I was into the action.

First fish took me 10 minutes to get in. I was using a 2-4 kg light rod, and the drag was screaming. These fish fight well.

In total I caught 6 fish, and was busted off by a monster. 5 of the fish took me atleast 10 minutes to get in as i was only using light leader.

Best fish of the day weighed 3 kgs, and measured 61cm.

This was my 3rd outing for carp, and these are my first carp!






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Went fishing today for Carp in my local area at Rouse Hill. Today was a great day. Saw schools of them not far from the bank. As they were feeding on the surface, threw out some bread for burley. They went crazy! I chucked an unweighted hook with bread on it, and I was into the action.

First fish took me 10 minutes to get in. I was using a 2-4 kg light rod, and the drag was screaming. These fish fight well.

In total I caught 6 fish, and was busted off by a monster. 5 of the fish took me atleast 10 minutes to get in as i was only using light leader.

Best fish of the day weighed 3 kgs, and measured 61cm.

This was my 3rd outing for carp, and these are my first carp!


hey dude can i ask though, what do you do with carp??? are they edible??? any good as bait or burley?? be nice if they were edible man thats some fatness right there.... but the water pollution and images of 3 eyed frogs in the water scare me....

good stuff man!!

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hey dude can i ask though, what do you do with carp??? are they edible??? any good as bait or burley?? be nice if they were edible man thats some fatness right there.... but the water pollution and images of 3 eyed frogs in the water scare me....

good stuff man!!

Hi dani!o

I don't eat carp. Heard alot of asian and european people do. Not sure if they would be good for bait or burley. I just bring them home, and either use them as a good compost for the garden or give them to the cats. My cats will eat anything.


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No its not.

But it is desirable




Only keep koi in places (garden ponds and other outdoor containers) where they cannot escape into natural waterways.

Remember that it is illegal to stock carp into streams, rivers or lakes in NSW and fines of up to $11,000 apply.

Do not use live carp as bait. The use of live carp as bait in freshwater is illegal and carries a high probability of infesting new areas with carp.

Ensure your boat and trailer are free of weed before re-launching to avoid the possibility of spreading carp eggs and juveniles.

Assist efforts to restore our rivers (which can help native fauna to out-compete carp) by taking part in a Rivercare, Landcare or Waterwatch project.

Manage your land in a way that reduces damage to natural waterways, for example by restricting stock access to stream banks and conserving or restoring riparian vegetation.

Take part in native fish restocking programs with your local angling group, and support recreational fishing for carp in your area.

Support the commercial harvesting of carp by purchasing products such as carp-based fertilisers or pet food.

Report any sightings of carp outside their known distribution to your local NSW Fisheries Office or the Threatened Species and Biodiversity Unit (contact details below).


I think your answer lies in how you interpret the sentence in bold. If the DPI considers your catch and release 'restocking', then yes, it is illegal.

Also I think it only applies to (NSW) 'waterways' not closed water systems, so what you catch from a "pond" you can do what you like with it.

And another thing, not only asians and europeans eat carp - people of all nationalities eat 'em.

Though it is not the "Parramatta River variety" they eat - they eat farmed carp.

Edited by stylo
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NOnononono !

Just informing the general population that farmed carp and not parra river carp is eaten by everyone (but just not anyone in Australia for some reason ??)

Plz don't take it the wrong way mate.

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Probably because people see them as a giant goldfish and they don't look that appealing. Alot of the places you catch them you wouldn't think any species of fish could survive, that makes them less appealing. I guess alot of us have grown up in the belief that carp are a pest.They are good fun to catch.

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i was fishing in the harbour once and met a couple of Polish guys.

they asked me "do you cath carp here?"

I laughed and said I BLOODY HOPE NOT!

anyway, they were telling me how they loved it and when i told them of the sizes the boys were getting they nearly fell over!

they rekon they marinate them in milk overnight to get rid of the taste ....by that theory, next time i go bush and get mud and crap on my tyres, i should wash them in milk!!!

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Hi fishy fingers

Sounds good. Might do that to my car tyres next time. Milk might make the tyres more tender. Might even marinate the tyres in some spices :1prop:


i was fishing in the harbour once and met a couple of Polish guys.

they asked me "do you cath carp here?"

I laughed and said I BLOODY HOPE NOT!

anyway, they were telling me how they loved it and when i told them of the sizes the boys were getting they nearly fell over!

they rekon they marinate them in milk overnight to get rid of the taste ....by that theory, next time i go bush and get mud and crap on my tyres, i should wash them in milk!!!

Hi Ceph,

Sounds like a good recipe. Which colour brick would you recommend? I hear the red bricks are tastier :1prop:


Boil them up in a pot with a brick, when the brick goes soft, throw away the Carp and eat the brick! :1prop:

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