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Northern Beaches Kings


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Took out the boat really early this morning and managed to pick up some big squid of barrenjoey head.

We headed outside to try our luck with some kings, the reef of palmy all we jigged up was a ton of trevally.

We went down to Newport reef and the bommies of the rocks there where we trawled squid strips and heads, straight away all the rods got smashed and we only managed to land one little kingy nearly legal, we could actully see the kings sitting of the bottom and every bait we put down got smashed. We ended up landing 5 little fellas and we dropped anything worthy of a good meal but it was heaps of fun. At one point we had the kingys smashed the baits before we could put he line in the clip and drop the weight down.

Hope the weather is good next weekend!


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mate thats very much the same as me today... hookups galore but lots of last year legals.... i bet yous had a ball though as i know i did... even though i lost a couple good ones and tottaly smashed by a big hood..... gotta love kingy season :biggrin2: ...


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